
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - My Favorite Non-Bookish Websites

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is my Top Ten Favorite Non-Bookish sites.  This was ridiculously hard! Pretty much every site I go to regularly has something to do with books!  But after a few minutes I came up with 10 and while they're not technically bookish a lot of them now have books out!

1. Pinterest - My love of Pinterest isn't exactly a secret.  I have my 52 Pins in 52 Weeks feature I do the last Saturday of every month and about half of what I say starts with "I saw this on Pinterest..." I don't remember how I figured anything out without it!

2.  IMDb - We've started trying to broaden our horizons with movies and TV and it never fails that there's at least one actor that I know I've seen somewhere but neither me nor my husband can remember where.  I think I check IMDb at least once or twice a week to figure out where I know someone from!

3.  Ancestry - I LOVE genealogy.  I love to try and figure out the story of a family or a person and I could spend hours researching.  I only renew my membership for a month once or twice a year but it's a very happy month!

4.  The Bloggess - So technically Jenny Lawson has published 2 books which makes it questionable if this in fact a bookish website BUT it was a blog way before it was a book and it's hilarious and insightful all at the same time.

5.  Knock Off Decor - I like to pretend I'm crafty and am going to make stuff for around the house and this website is awesome.  It basically showcases the best projects from other blogs and provides the links.  I've gotten so many great ideas off this site.  I haven't actually done them yet but I'm thinking about it!

6.  The Small Things Blog - Kate is amazing.  She talks products and gives the best makeup and hair tutorials.

7.  Southern Plate - Another blog that has produced some books but those books are cookbooks so I don't think it counts.  Not only is Christy Jordan local but her recipes are consistently yummy and relatively simple.

8.  The Recipe Critic - This is another super consistent food blog.  The recipes tend to be a little more complex but are still great for making on a Wednesday and the results are always delicious.

9.  Plain Chicken - Another food blog and another favorite.  This one is super simple but I don't think I've ever made a recipe that's not fantastic.

10. Subscription Box Ramblings  - This site is dangerous because she gets pretty much every subscription box in existence and reviews them which usually makes me want them ALL.  I love subscription boxes and I love that I can go here and check out her last 6 boxes to see if one is worth it before I sign up.

So what are your favorite Non-Bookish sites?


  1. I love your list! I have a few in common with you such as The Bloggess and Ancestry. You need to be careful in Ancestry, but I know I don't have to tell you! A family member I shared with took my genealogy and posted, without asking if there were corrections. So there is incorrect info out one would think to ask.

    I am definitely checking out that subscription box ramblings and Plain Chicken!

  2. I have your first two on my list as well. I can get lost on Pinterest so easily! I am on IMDB all the time looking up so much random stuff it's crazy. I will have to check out Plain Chicken - Great list!!

  3. I love the Small Things Blog! I watch her videos a lot on Youtube. Also, her voice is just sooo calming.

  4. I've pinned so many book covers on Pinterest, I wasn't even thinking about it as a contender on a list like this!

    I think I'd have a hard time coming up with 10. One I visit every day is TVline so I can get the latest teasers about my TV shows.

  5. I need some tips on ancestry! My grandma is a super genealogy nut (she's traced many of her threads back to the 1500s and beyond) but I would love to do my husband's side of the family. Sadly his grandparents have all passed, though, and his mom has no interest so it feels like a giant brick wall.

  6. I think Ancestry would be really interesting, I've been interested in our family genealogy for a while. Some other family members have found some interesting things. It is fascinating. And I think the subscription box site would be fun too!

  7. Good thing I only do a Top Five Friday because, oof, this would be difficult for me. Besides Pinterest I think I go to a couple of science blogs on a regular basis, and that is about it. I keep waiting to use the free trial when I have a solid block of time to sit down with my family tree notebooks. I have done all I can do with their free information. You should suggest researching family trees to Karen as a Beyond the Books topic. It would be interesting to see what people have found out about their families. :)

  8. Ancestry is such an interesting site to have included - I've never really done the whole family tree thing, but I can imagine it being a happy time just as you say.

    Reading With Jade

  9. I love Plain Chicken! Going to check out several of the other sites on your list too! :) My TTT

  10. I don't have a favorite makeup blog, but I do like looking up new products, so I'll definitely be checking out The Small Things Blog. Thanks for the rec!

  11. I'm always checking IMDB too! It's very helpful when I'm trying to figure out where I saw an actor before.

  12. You mean I'm not the only one who checks IMDB to figure out where the heck I've seen someone before? I thought I was just weirdly obsessive about that. My family all laugh at me (lovingly; they think it's cute.) And oh, subscription boxes. They are so, so tempting and so far I am resisting but I really love some of the bookish ones.

  13. Definitely bookmarking this! I cannot live without Pinterest too. I think I spend too much time on that site rather than doing other things :p

    ~Sya @ Bookish Sya

    MY TTT

  14. I am always looking up information on IMDb too. :-) I am really interested in ancestry too. I am waiting for my test results to come back. I broke down and decided to give one of those DNA tests a try. We'll see what happens . . . And Jenny Lawson! I love her blog. And her tweets. :-) This is a great list, Katherine!

  15. Oh Pinterest is bad here. I have to be really careful or I can get lost on there for hours.

  16. I find myself checking IMDb quite a bit myself. When I see an actor and think they were on another show, I have to see if I am correct. Great list!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  17. I didn't know you could do that with Ancestry membership. I haven't had a membership in years but it's time to get things caught up again so I'm going to go check out re-upping for a couple of months!
