
Saturday, April 30, 2016

52 Pins in 52 Weeks - April Edition

I love Pinterest.  I love pinning recipes from my favorite food blogs or scrolling down the Everything section to see what everyone else has been pinning.  I love the idea of all the crafts and recipes and everything else right there at my fingertips.
Right now I have around 9,600 pins in 60 boards.  I do use Pinterest a pretty good bit but tend to stick to the boards regarding Dinner and let other delicious looking recipes or fun crafts languish unused and ignored.  This year I'm trying to get more use out of Pinterest so at the beginning of the year I created my 52 Pins in 52 Weeks Board as well as a Results Board to keep track of it.  I'll be posting my results the last Saturday of each month.

This month is low on pictures but it was definitely productive!  I had 2 pins that didn't work out but 3 that really did so I'm considering that a win!  Since I hate to have a picture-free post here's a picture of some of my tulips this year.  They didn't last very long but they were pretty!

Week 14

The PinChocolate Cherry Cookies from Shugary Sweets

Reason Picked:  I love cherries and chocolate together
The Basic Idea: A chocolate chip cookie with dried cherries mixed in
The Results:  These were so good! The texture of the cookie was nice and soft and I loved getting the explosion of cherry flavor when I bit into a dried cherry.  I used milk chocolate chips to follow the recipe but next time I'll use semi-sweet because I like the flavor better.

Week 15:

The PinPork Tenderloin from More Than Easy Mac

Reason Picked: I love pork tenderloin and am always looking for more recipes that use the crock pot
The Basic Idea: Dump a pork tenderloin in the crock pot and cover it with wine, onion soup mix and some other stuff.
The Results: It was okay.  I thought the wine over powered the rest of the ingredients and the flavor just wasn't anything remarkable.  I didn't keep this recipe.

Week 16:

The Pin: Extra Cheesy Tortellini Bake from Averie Cooks

Reason Picked: I love baked pasta dishes
The Basic Idea:  Tortellini tosed with a tomato sauce and covered in cheese
The Results: This was really tasty and quick to throw together.  I did toss the tortellini in marscapone as the recipe calls for next time I probably won't to see if you can taste the difference.  I'll definitely be making this one again.

Week 17:

The PinSpring Onion and Cheddar Scones with Bacon Butter from Sugar Dish Me

Reason Picked:  I love cheese scones and was intrigued by the bacon butter
The Basic Idea: A butter cheese scone with green onions topped with a mix of bacon and butter
The Results; So ridiculously good.  The scones themselves were so good that I'm not sure the bacon butter was necessary.  I used red pepper that she listed as optional and I think next time I won't.  I like spicy food usually but I think these would have been better without the red pepper kick.

Week 18:

The Pin: Cross Bun from a site that no longer exists

Reason Picked:  This looked simple enough and I thought it might dress my usual ponytail up a bit.
The Basic Idea:  Not 100% sure because there were no instructions.
The Results:  Not so much.  For starters I'm terrible at hair stuff so even if there had been detailed instructions making this work was questionable.  Then there's the fact that my hair is very thick and has a lot of layers so that made this a bit trickier.  Having absolutely no instructions was kind of the death blow and I couldn't quite get it to work where it looked like anything.

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. I will have to add the cookies and the tortellini - they sounds good!! I am awful at hair stuff too no matter how simple it looks!

  2. I'm not on Pinterest but you always have some great ideas to share from it. Any of the meals you prepare from there look great but I better stay away from cookies! The scones are calling to me!

  3. Pretty tulips! Sounds like you had a a productive month for sure. Those chocolate cherry cookies sound especially delicious! ;-)

  4. Fun reading about your pins. Those cherry cookies and cheddar scones sound good. :)

  5. It's great to have successes from Pinterest. I've encountered a few also that didn't work out for me.

  6. The tulips are beautiful. I've never gotten into Pinterest, but it sounds like you're getting some useful recipes and ideas.

  7. Those tulips are stunning. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  8. Oohh... the Cheddar Scones with Bacon butter sounds delicious!

  9. I pinned the scones and the tortellini bake! Yum! I also followed a bunch of your boards. I adore this feature. :)

  10. The scones really caught my eye. Bummer on the hair, but I'm no good at that kind of thing either, so I'd need more details too.

  11. Mmmmm... the cherry cookies. I want. The tortellini and onion biscuits too. Now I'm hungry for some yummy food. Mmmm...

  12. Um the pasta sounds delish! Bummer on the site not being there for the hair instructions. That's always so annoying to me.

  13. Ermagawd - those biscuits sound delicious!
