
Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Whispering Statue

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you read and review books mainly for publishers or authors?

My Answer:
Probably more for publishers than authors.  NetGalley and Publicist requests make up the bulk of my ARCs and I've only read a handful of author requests.

This week's book is The Whispering Statue by Carolyn Keene.  Growing up Nancy Drew books were my absolute favorite.  I read every book my library had at least once and most of them twice.  I read the "updated" stories that were written in the 80s and 90s as well but the original yellow bound books were always my favorite.  This is the 2nd or 3rd I've reread as an adult and I will admit that the books definitely have flaws but I guess because I loved them so much as a child that I kind of like the flaws.  For one thing Nancy is basically a human version of Google.  There is nothing that girl doesn't know and can discuss at a moments notice and sound like an expert.  She also has a gift for getting hit over the head and passing out without having a concussion.  I don't remember this book at all though I know I read it as a kid but when I saw one of my favorite podcasts was discussing this book I couldn't resist picking it up when I saw it at the library.

The Beginning:
"Nancy, you're kidding.  No statue can whisper"
My Thoughts:
This is one of Nancy's friends, George - which is short for Georgiana - and right away we have the title of the book brought in.  Nancy Drew books always work the title in somehow.  It's kind of fun to see how they do it.

The 56:
Nancy was fearful that he might ask for s social security number or other type of identification but he said nothing about it and she bubbled eagerly, "How soon may I start?"

My Thoughts:
I love how dated this statement is!  We had to overnight my daughter's Social Security card to her before she could start her new job after she left for college.  She couldn't work without them having a copy on file and they had to see the original.  I can't imagine anyone getting a job and not having to prove who they are now!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Were you a Nancy Drew fan as a kid?


  1. I haven't read Nancy Drew since I was a teenager. It must be interesting to see if they hold up. Today I am featuring Traitor Angels by Anne Blankman from my review stack. Happy reading!

  2. I loved your comparison to Google and Nancy Drew -- it is perfect, Nan really does know it all!

  3. Cool cover and yes, I would continue.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  4. I loved my Nancy Drew fact, I bought the first three a few years ago, with the original yellow binding...and they are sitting atop the shelf next to me. I keep planning to read one again...but I'm afraid I will be disappointed.

    But maybe I need to forget about that possibility and just enjoy. Thanks for sharing...and I don't remember this particular book. Could I have missed one along the way? LOL

    Here is mine: “THREE-MARTINI LUNCH”

  5. I don't know about re-reading Nancy Drew. I loved it so much the first time, I'm scared to ruin the feeling.

    I'm reading Fortune's Rocks this weekend. Enjoy.

  6. I've read a whole lot of books in my life, but never opened a Nancy Drew mystery! I'm not sure why. Seems like I've missed out.
    My Friday post features FELICITY’S POWER.

  7. I don't think I read any Nancy Drew books when I was a kid, but this sounds like a really fun novel.

  8. I like that cover, some of the Nancy Drew's (and Hardy Boys) had such distinctive covers. Lol about your Google comment, so true! Her and the Hardys knew everything, could do everything- the boys actually had a crime lab above their garage, if I remember. And I think they and Nancy got knocked out in just about every book?

    I would definitely keep reading but then I'm a sucker for the nostalgia of these. :)

  9. Nancy Drew gave me my love of mysteries! I feel so nostalgic.

  10. I bought most of Nancy Drew from Costco and probably filled in the blanks via Amazon. I need to read some again. My baby's school library has some Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. There is even a younger Nancy Drew series out for middle grade I think.

  11. I have never read Nancy Drew or Hardy boys though I have seen movies/tv shows based on them before. I really do need to try one. :)


  12. I have never read Nancy Drew or Hardy boys though I have seen movies/tv shows based on them before. I really do need to try one. :)


  13. Thank you, Katherine, for the well wishes. I just need a mental break and want to go on auto pilot.

  14. I enjoy revisiting books I loved when I was young, flaws and all. This was a wonderful series for young girls, and young at heart ones, like us:)

    My Friday 56 from Titans

  15. Are you kidding me? Nancy Drew? I LOVE Nancy Drew! I'm working on getting the whole collection again. I was one of those dumb kids that sold my originals. I'd love for you to check out mine...

  16. Omg love Nancy Drew, at least my eleven year old self did! All I could think Katherine was, "Don't Blink"

  17. I was a huge Nancy Drew fan as a kid and I also read The Hardy Boys and The Cherry Ames series - they were great books and I remember them fondly. Keep reading it if you still enjoy's my Friday meme

  18. I mostly review for publishers now. I used to do equally with both authors and publishers.

    Thanks for sharing your method.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  19. Of all the series popular for kids back in the day Nancy Drew books were my favorite.
    I review mostly for publishers but also a couple of authors and publicists.

  20. I sort of remember this one... been a looooooong time since I read any Nancy Drew though. :-) Happy weekend!

  21. Can you believe that I haven't read a Nancy Drew book? I should be ashamed. I get most of my books for review from publishers as well. I don't take many at all directly from the author. I am amazed by the number of requests that I do get.

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  22. I usually read most for publishers, though I would be open to reading books for authors if I love them, haha.
    Oh Nancy Drew, it's been ages. I do forget how dated some of that stuff is though, haha. I lost my SIN card for a while, but thankfully found in after 2 years haha.

  23. I LOVED the Nancy Drew books too.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane.


    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  24. Great answer I also review more for authors than publishers as well. Thank you for stopping by my blog. :) New Follower.

  25. I haven't read a Nancy Drew book in forever! Loved these as kids!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  26. I do most of my book reviewing through book tours, although not that often. I mostly do spotlight and interview posts for the tours. From time to time, authors have contacted me for reviews, but I just don't have the time....not with all those TERRIFIC unread books on my shelves! Lol.

    I LOVE your book selection this week!! No, I never read Nancy Drew as a kid....I went with the Hardy Boys instead. I used to think, "Heck, she's JUST a girl!" How HORRIBLE of me!!! (hangs head in shame) Now I'm going to make it a POINT to go and read this book -- "The Whispering Statue". I need to redeem myself!! Now I would say, "Heck, girls can be just at good at sleuthing as boys! Perhaps even BETTER!!"

    Thanks for raising my consciousness! :)

    Thanks as well for hopping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! Hope you have a GREAT week!! <3 :)

  27. Most of my books I get from publishers or publicists, but occasionally I get a review request from an author directly, especially an indie author. Those can be fun, and I love helping indie authors when I can.
