
Sunday, May 1, 2016

This Week in Reading - May 2

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

This was a pretty quiet week for NetGalley though I did pick up a few things from the library and paperbackswap.

The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths - I've been wanting to start this mystery series about archaeologist Ruth Galloway for ages and I'm so excited to finally be starting this one.  I've just started it but so far so good!  (Library)

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer - I put this one on hold as soon as I finished Cinder and am looking forward to seeing where the adventure goes.  I'm going to try reading this one instead of listening so we'll see which one I like better.  (Library)

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes - I've been obsessed with reading this book since I saw the preview for the movie.  I'm a little scared it will make me ugly cry but I think it'll be worth it.  (Library)

Pane and Suffering by Cheryl Hollon - This is a cozy mystery involving glass blowing.  (Paperbackswap)

Death Comes to the Village by Catherine Lloyd - I really just love the title!  It looks like an interesting read.  (Paperbackswap)

Crowned and Moldering by Kate Carlisle - I love Carlisle's Bibliophile series and I really want to read this new series by her about home repair. (Paperbackswap)


Reading: Starfish Moon by Donna Kauffman and The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths

Listening: Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris

Watching:  J and I have started watching The Blacklist which I am enjoying and he is a bit more meh about it.  I'm also still watching Supernatural.  I just started season 3 and so far am still enjoying it.

Off the Blog:

Everyone stayed healthy this week!  Which is good because our small appliances have become suicidal and it's taking some effort to deal with that.  Our dryer decided it was about done this week and then we thought J had gotten it fixed and it worked for a little bit and then changed it's mind and decided that it was really some ridiculously expensive electrical panel that was broken and so we ended up with a new dryer.  After all the annoyances we've had with the old one which I paid a ridiculous amount for I wanted the absolute simplest one I could find and it was installed today so hopefully all will be well.  We're talking about replacing the stove because that's the only thing left but I have faith in it so we're leaving it alone.

I've started walking with some friends after we drop the kids off at school and it's been great though I'm learning just how out of shape I really am.  We walked a few miles and I was limping for days and we're not going to even talk about the blisters! But we walked again Friday and it wasn't nearly as much of a shock to the system so I'm hoping I'm going in the right directions.  As Trish says "I'm going to keep on keepin' on!"

I bought plants!  I'm hoping to actually get them in the ground this week and I'll have tomatoes, peppers, squash, zucchini, and cucumbers soon.  I'll still be buying from farmer's markets some but I'll be getting some of my vegetables from my own garden too!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall - Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Childhood Characters I'd like to Revisit as Adults
Wednesday: What I'm Listening To - The Selection and Others
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups featuring Current Book
Saturday Country Cooking from a Redneck Kitchen - Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed The Crossing Places, and that reminds me that I want to read Book 2.

    I saw the preview for Me Before You today...awesome!

    Why do appliances all start dying, one by one, until you have to put out for so many at once? I went through that with my TVs and computer...and I am eyeing the washer and dryer and wondering how much longer they'll last.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. I think they conspire against us. Either that or it's some kind of appliance virus but it does always seem to happen in bunches.

      I love the preview for Me Before You and I'm really loving The Crossing Places so far. I'm curious to see how it all plays out.

  2. I've never used paperbackswap, will have to look into it. And The Crossing Place does look interesting.

    It's amazing how quickly the body adapts to exercise, even after just a few times. It's easy to get out of shape after a long winter...

    Have a good week. Looking forward to seeing reviews of the new Honeychurch- I still haven't read those. :(

    1. I love paperbackswap! It's a good way to get rid of books and also acquire them. I'm hoping to keep going with the exercising. I'm definitely feeling better exept for my feet but I'm hoping to keep going and that they'll get better.

  3. I have Scarlet but like you I put it on hold after I finished Cinder. I should really get round to that series again though! Good job with the fitness/walking - I've been slacking really badly since we moved :/ I feel for you with the appliances! I think they have a pact to all fail at the same time just for the fun of it hehe.

    1. They definitely conspire against us! Not cool. I'm enjoying the walking. It's so easy to get out of the habit but I'm always happier and feel better when I'm active.

  4. It's so annoying when appliances decide they don't want to work anymore!! I hope the new dryer will work well, and that the stove will continue doing its job :)
    Me Before You is a great story, and even if you may ugly cry, I think you'll also find yourself enjoying everything at the same time.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the stove but so far I'm loving the dryer. I'm looking forward to Me Before You though I may have to read it when I know I don't have to go anywhere to keep from having my eyes look too puffy in public!

  5. Yay for health! But sorry about the appliances :-/ Honestly, I think simpler is better with washers and dryers, so good call about that lol.

    That's great about the walking, but ouch, did you get shin splints? I've dealt with that. It's not fun. Neither are blisters.

    Homemade veggies are the BEST. Especially tomatoes! I don't garden myself, but I've had family who grew tomatoes sometimes. The cherry tomatoes especially you can just pick right off the bush and pop into your mouth because they're that good!

    1. Yes. I spent a fortune for the last washer and dryer and they had all these bells and whistles but it turned out I didn't use 90% of them and it was just more stuff to break. I don't think I get shin splints I think it's more just sore ligaments or whatever keeps your foot steady. I have bad ankles so I think they have to work extra hard.
      I can't wait for tomatoes! The cherry tomatoes rarely make it inside because most of the time I eat them while I"m picking other things!

  6. I've put Me Before You on my library list for summer vacation. I saw two free cozies on Laura's Sunday Post and I bought them, and while I was on Amazon I saw a set of six for 99 cents! Ha ha. So now I have nine cozies, altogether, and they are all witches and ghosts, so I think I might do some special cozy weekly post during October and read them all before Halloween. Yay for homegrown veggies! I still have to get my pots of basil and tomatoes started. I am glad everyone stayed healthy at your house, and keep up the walking. Have a wonderful week. :)

    1. I'm definitely going to keep up the walking! I have a feeling that has something to do with me feeling better this week - except for my feet of course. Yay for cozies! You're getting quite a bunch of them now. Looking forward to seeing what you think!

  7. I love homegrown veggies. I used to grow a few things myself but I am renting and the kids around here love to help themselves so I just gave up. Hope you have a wonderful reading week. I really enjoyed the lunar chronicles, but I listened to them all which I completely enjoyed.

    1. Homegrown veggies are the best but I probably wouldn't be growing them either! Hopefully you have a good farmers market near you!

  8. Can't wait to see what you think of Me Before You. I loved it and ugly cried something fierce. Yay for staying healthy!! We have appliance issue over here - dishwasher. The worst! I need to get walking more. I find I always feel better when I do. Have a great week!

    1. The dishwasher went a few weeks before the dryer. Definitely not fun! I'm scared of Me Before You but I can't wait!

  9. I hope you're enjoying The Crossing Places - I think it's a great read. I've also got Scarlet and need to settle down to read it, although I have a couple of NetGalley arcs to get out of the way, first... I love JoJo Moyes writing - she's sharp, funny and perceptive, though I haven't seen the film of Me Before You. Have a great reading week.

    1. So far I'm finding it interesting! It's definitely a good read and I'm intrigued by the series as a whole. It definitely looks like my kind of read!

  10. Scarlet was a good one! I hope you enjoy it! I haven't used pbswap before, but I think I am going to look into it! I love swapping novels :) Hope you have a fantastic week & happy reading!

    My Sunday Post
    Peyton @A Bookish Mess

    1. I love Pbswap! It definitely helps me clear out paperbacks and get new ones!

  11. Yay for healthy and yay for plants! We did some planting and transplanting Friday and I was so sore yesterday! Not as bad today, but yowzers! LOL It's supposed to rain all week so I doubt we'll be outside working. *fingers crossed* that our gardens produce a bonzana of nommy things to eat.

    My hubby and 16-yr-old love The Blacklist. I'm waiting until more seasons are on Netflix before I watch it. And everyone but my 15-yr-old watches Supernatural. I still don't know why we can't get him to watch it because he likes supernatural stuff and scary stuff and the humor is right up his alley. I think at this point he's just dug his heels in because we keep trying to get him to watch it. LOL

    1. I'm bad about digging in my heels on things for no reason! I'm loving Supernatural and The Blacklist! Both are entertaining. I can't wait for fresh tomatoes! They're my favorites.

  12. Yay for walking, Katherine. I need to do more of that! I really like the Catherine Lloyd books and also want to read The Crossing Places soon.

    Have fun planting!

    1. I'm excited about the Catherine Lloyd books! I've enjoyed your reviews of them.

  13. The Crossing Places looks good so it's going on my list. You are as bad for my TBR pile as I am for :) Some of those others look good too! I hope your planting goes well!

    Week in Review

    1. I'm really liking The Crossing Places. I think you'd enjoy it!

  14. You have two cozy mystery series on your list that I've been wanting to read - Kate Carlisle's series and the glass blowing series. They look so good. I love The Blacklist.

    Have a great week!

    1. I love Kate Carlisle! I'm really excited about this new series!

  15. I'm so torn about Me Before You. I know it will make me cry, and I'm not sure I can handle it yet. I want to read Catherine Lloyd's Regency mystery series, too, and the Elly Griffiths sounds good (if it isn't too dark. Hard to tell from that cover.) Of course you know I loved Scarlet---I hope you do, too! Have a great week and good luck getting your plants put in. I will have to keep using the farmer's market. I don't have a green thumb, and the only place that gets enough sun is the front lawn, which is also the septic drain field. (Can't grow food on that!)

    1. So far the Elly Griffiths isn't too dark but I'm only a third of the way through so we will see. I'm looking forward to when the farmers market starts here. The big one has the best kettle corn!

  16. hahaha never heard of suicidal appliances before! you made me smiled but sorry to hear about that! The stove will prevail! and it will teach the other appliances a lesson of endurance, loyalty and service to its family! :) Good to hear everyone was healthy this week and that you are walking with your friends :) good luck with your vegetable garden!

    1. I like it! My stove is pretty great and seems to be solid so I have hopes it will keep the others in check!

  17. I love the sound of your vegetable. Garden. I would love to grow my own - home grown always tastes better. Glad you are all feeling better! Have a good week.

    1. Tomatoes are my favorite! The flavor can't be beat! I'm looking forward to my own garden and when the farmers market opens here!

  18. ‘The Crossing Places’ looks really good. And I hope to receive ‘Me Before You’ this week too. I can’t wait to start reading that one. But I also expect I will be needing some Kleenex while reading. LOL!!
    Good job on the walking. The first day is always the worst ;)
    Have a great week and Happy Reading!

    1. I know! I'm going to have a box of tissues at the ready for when I start Me Before You!

  19. Scarlet! You're going to love meeting Scarlet and Wolf. And especially throne. Oh Throne.
    You will ugly cry more than once well reading Me Before You. BUT IT'S ALL WORTH IT!
    Stupid appliances. Why can't things just work like they're supposed forever and forever? Is the so much to ask....

    1. I much prefer for stuff to just keep working. It would make life so much better. I'm really looking forward to Me Before You and then next is Scarlet!

  20. Oh I cannot wait for your review of The Crossing Places by Elly many trigger words for one clicking!!! Happy gardening. I will begin my planting next weekend.

    1. So far I'm really enjoying it! I love the archeological aspects!

  21. For what it's worth, I loved Me Before You and thought it ugly cry worthy.

  22. Not sure if my previous comment worked... I haven't read Me Before You... too sad I think. Perhaps I'll just watch the movie!

    I love the cover of The Crossing Places!

    1. I've always put off reading Me Before You because of the crying but I love the preview so much I can't resist!

  23. I really need to read Me Before You. I finally read Moyes last year, but I haven't read anything else by her yet.

    1. I haven't read any Moyes yet but I definitely need to fix that!

  24. It looks like a good week other than those problematic appliances.
    I have heard wonderful things about I Loved Me Before You. Have a good week.

    1. It's definitely been a good week! And now that the appliances have quit dying things are great!

  25. I also think my dryer is on the blink, but my landlord has a different opinion. Of course, this from the man who let me move in during one of the coldest winters with no heat or hot water, and also made me go an entire month without a stove when it crapped out. Hopefully nothing else decides it needs an upgrade! Have a great week!

    1. Ugh I hope your landlord gets his act together. That has to be so annoying.

  26. I loved The Crossing Places so I can't wait to hear your thoughts on that one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Have a great week!

    1. I'm about 1/3 in withThe Crossing Places and am really enjoying it so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything works out.

  27. I love archaeology. I hope I was one in a past life. And yay on my library having a copy of it along with a copy of the glass blowing cozy. Nora Roberts had written a trilogy with a glass blower in it; it was so long ago since I've read it though.

    1. Oh and good for you on walking with your friends. Blisters even with sneakers or running shoes? There looks like there are some good blister covering first aid out there.

    2. That was the Born In series! I loved the first two but the third was not my favorite. My feet are wimpy so blisters are not a surprise though they are annoying!

  28. Crowned and Moldering sounds fun! Good luck on the plants! I need to get mine in the ground pronto too!
