
Monday, March 28, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - An Unhappy Medium

Today I'm participating for the very first time (and a day early) in First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea.  I always love reading everyone's first paragraphs so I'm excited to be participating.  The reason it's a day early is because today was supposed to be a review for Iris and Ruby by Rosie Thomas but there were some hiccups so I moved it to Friday.  Come back for that review as the book is amazing!

For today I'm going in a lighter direction with a paranormal cozy mystery!  After an emotional read I like to bring in a bit lighter and a little sillier (though frequently with a murder or two). An Unhappy Medium is the 4th in Dawn Eastman's Family Fortune Mystery series.  I read the 3rd last year and really enjoyed it so I'm so pleased to be back on the blog tour for book 4!  In An Unhappy Medium we have murder during a zombie fun run, family secrets, stolen diamonds and a newly returned sister unexpectedly disappearing. Oh and the main character, a former police detective named Clyde is also struggling a bit with the fact she seems to have become psychic.  I'm not very far in but so far I'm really enjoying it!

The Intro:

My chest burned, my legs ached, and I felt a cramp in the vicinity of my liver.  The raspy breaths behind me spurred me forward.  My own breathing came in harsh gasps, but I knew I couldn't stop.  I wouldn't let him catch me.
"Clyde, stop."
I continued running, but felt my pace slip.  I couldn't keep this up, but I refused to let him win.  He was right behind me.
"You're going to hurt yourself," he said.

So would you keep reading?  Are you a cozy mystery fan or do you like your murders with a little more grit?  And seriously - why do most cozy mystery sleuths have oddball names like Clyde?  But I do love a cozy cover!


  1. This series has been on my "to read" for a long time. It sounds wonderful.

    1. I haven't gotten very far in this one but I loved the last one. I think you'd enjoy it.

  2. This looks fun. A little lighter is good sometimes- and the intro does make you want to know more. I'd keep reading... :)

    1. I do try to mix in some light with the darker reads though frequently I'm the other way around! I just love the idea of murder and mayhem during a zombie run.

  3. I think this sounds like a lot of fun - 'Clyde', zombie runs, psychics - it's all good. And I think I've got the first book in this cozy series on my Kindle. I'll look and see. I'm enjoying inserting some new cozy books in my reading these days. Hope to read more of them - maybe in between the psychological thrillers and serial killers. ;-)

    And welcome to the Tuesday event - a day early! LOL

    1. I love a good cozy though I have been reaching for darker reads lately. I haven't read the first one but I loved the 3rd book!

  4. I like that this has paranormal elements Katherine. it speaks to me everytime!

    1. Me too! I love some paranormal and I love the whole psychic family thing.

  5. Sounds like a fun series! I love paranormal cozies they are a lot of fun.

    1. I'm really enjoying this one so far. I think you'd enjoy it!

  6. This one sounds great! A zombie fun run sounds like my kind of event. I usually read more serious mysteries but cozies are fun once in a while as well.

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    1. I'm so in love with the idea of the zombie fun run! I really enjoyed the last one in this series so I'm really excited about this one!

  7. That dog could totally be a Clyde.
    I'm not into zombies, but themed runs are fun. I loved doing the colour run.

    1. Clyde is a fantastic name for a dog! This is definitely a themed run and not actual zombies. I'm not fond of zombies either but the paranormal aspects are pretty light so no supernatural creatures.

  8. Paranormal cozy genre sounds good!

  9. I do love mysteries and zombies along with the paranormal and so I would definitely read on.
    Here is my review

  10. I do love cozies, as well as the grittier thrillers. This one sounds delightful...and I hope to try this author soon. Yes, the name Clyde stopped me in my tracks for a minute. LOL. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  11. I don't tend to chose cosies as I prefer a little more grit but they are great for a bit of light relief from time to time. I hope you enjoy this one and welcome to your first post here!

  12. I don't tend to read cosy mysteries but I do like the intro so it would be something I'd consider - I agree it's good to have some light relief sometimes!

  13. It definitely is attention grabbing. This seems like a fun meme; I may want to participate in it sometimes, especially when I haven't finished a book for What are you reading?; is it only a Monday one?

  14. A paranormal cozy? New to me. The opening actually sounded pretty good. (A surprise for me!)

  15. I really need to get into cozy mysteries. I've never read one yet. Well, I might very well start with this one, since I do like the paranormal angle! And that cover is SO cute, too! I especially like the gazebo and the pooch in the foreground! I think I'll add this one to my TBR!

    Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for commenting on my own First Chapter, First Paragraph post!! :)

  16. I would definitely keep reading.

  17. I would keep reading! Although I need to read parts 1-3 first :-/ lol
    And I love this post idea! So fun!


  18. I would keep reading for the rest!
