
Sunday, March 27, 2016

This Week in Reading - March 27

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan - I've only read one book by Colgan but I really enjoyed it and I'm really looking forward to this one.  (Paperbackswap)

Dark Chocolate Demise by Jenn McKinlay - Because the only thing better than a cozy murder mystery is to have cupcakes along with them (Paperbackswap)

Death Under Glass by Jennifer McAndrews - This is a new to me series but I'm curious about the glass element.  (Paperbackswap)

Death Al Dente by Leslie Ann Budewitz - I love food books and cozy mysteries and I'm really excited about mysteries that combine the two!  (Paperbackswap)

This week I managed to avoid the NetGalley temptation but Paperbackswap made up for that a little with a whole host of cozy mysteries showing up!  


Reading: Nobody But You by Jill Shalvis and An Unhappy Medium by Dawn Eastman

Listening: My Library loan of Cinder expired so I have to wait 2 weeks to get it again.  I had thought about just finishing it in book form but decided to wait and finish it on audio since I"m really enjoying that format.  I'm catching up on Podcasts while I wait.

Watching:  I've been really enjoying Elementary lately and just started watching Supernatural on Netflix.  The older kids have been at me to watch it forever and I must say I'm enjoying it.  The special effects and acting aren't superb at this point but I really like the stories so far.

Off the Blog:

Saturday night J and I went and watched the play version of And Then There Were None and really enjoyed it.  The play ending always drives me a bit nuts but the performances were great.  We went ot the Easter event at the Tornado's school and he stocked up on all kinds of candy.  I figuring which ones I can steal.

No disasters occurred this week so it was mostly trying to catch up on everything from the last few weeks. I wouldn't say I'm fully there but I'm close.  I'm hoping to catch up on blog visiting and blog posts on Monday.

Spring seems to be showing up and my tulips have bloomed.  The daffodils had a sad year but I'm hoping that that's a fluke and not a sign that the bulbs are dying.  It's about time to start getting tomatoes and squash and other fun stuff in the ground.  I'm not prepared at all so I have a feeling I know what I'll be doing next week!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday - Either Iris and Ruby Blog Tour Review or Teasers from Current book
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Latest 5 Star Reads
Wednesday: Once a Rancher - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Nobody But You - Contemporary Romance Blog Tour Review
Friday: Either Iris and Ruby Blog Tour Review or Teasers from Current book (it's a long story)
Saturday: Cravings - Cookbook Review (this time it's really going to happen!)

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I think And Then there Were None would be fun to see as a play. I never thought about the play ending being different, but I suppose if everyone does in the book they change that for the play?

    Your new reads look good. I've seen good reviews of the Little Beach Street Bakery, and Jenn McKinlay's cozies have always looked fun too. I read Butter Off Dead by Leslie Ann Budewitz and it was pretty good, so hopefully your Budewitz is good as well.

    1. I'm so excited about the Budewitz book. She has a spice house series I'm really looking forward to trying. I so enjoyed the play. I love the different interpretations of the book.

  2. Great haul of cozies this week! One for the car, one for the purse, one for the bedroom, one for the living

    Glad you didn't have dangerous weather by you. On our news they showed your state having bad storms and I wondered how you fared.

    I read the first in the Spice Shop Mysteries by L. Budewitz and it was really good, so I'll put that one you have on my list also. Jenn McKinlay is someone I keep meaning to try. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. We had all kinds of warning but ended up having nothing but some rain which was okay. I really want to read the Spice House series! It sounds fun.

  3. I love Supernatural! I have watched it since season 1 and love the interplay between the brothers. I have not read any Jenny Colgan but have heard great things, so I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week!

    1. I'm loving Supernatural! I'm really liking the relationship between the brothers and the urban legends and stuff. It's so interesting!

  4. I have Cinder on my Kindle to read but seems like it has made a great audio. I want to read the Jenny Colgan Bakery book too, had such a good experience with the one book of hers I have read.

    1. The audio is fantastic for Cinder. The narrator is awesome. I've read one Colgan and loved it and I really want to read the chocolate one you read.

  5. So many lovely mysteries to read - they sound like fun!
    Elementary is pretty good - have you seen the BBC version - Sherlock?
    I look forward to your Tuesday post! Always looking for recommendations, so seeing your latest 5-stars should be good!

    1. I love Sherlock! It's such a different interpretation and I love seeing how they keep it true to story. I need to go back to rewatch it.

  6. Love the foodie theme in your books...and Supernatural - hope you enjoy!

    1. I love a good foodie book! And Supernatural is such fun!

  7. Spring seems to have come here too! We have all kinds of flowers popping up outside! Happy Easter! Have a great week and happy reading!

    Laura @

  8. Isn't the audio for Cinder great?? I love that series on audio. Yay for spring and tulips. Love this time of year so much. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  9. Man, I wish I had a kid. I am all about the stealing of candy!! The day after Halloween I can usually snag some from my students, but its not the same.
    Enjoy the spring and the new books!!

  10. I really enjoyed The Little Beach Street Bakery and it's not really my normal type of read, I have Summer at the Little Beach Street Bakery to review on audio soon. Those cozies look great! I love Paperback Swap. :)

    I am so behind on shows, I have recorded about everything and I am so many episodes behind that I have to keep recording them...I think Elementary is one I am actually current with and when did they move it to Sundays? I finally finished the last season of PLL and got a lot more to go before I catch up...ugh.

    Happy Easter!

    Week in Review

  11. I really love plays and haven't seen one in a while. We have a little community group of players here who put on productions in one of our funkiest neighborhoods. I need to get out there!

    I like the look of The Little Beach Street Bakery....enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  12. The play sounds like a lot of fun! I've never read the book but have heard great things about it. You also accumulated a nice collection of books this week, I hope you enjoy them.

  13. If a book has themes of food or Paris or books themselves, I just can't give that story bad marks. The bakery story sounds quite promising.

  14. Oh! I think I picked up The Little Beach Street Bakery on e-book forever ago. Haven't read it. Of course. Mmmm...Cupcakes.
    Cinder! You're reading it! YAY! The audio is so good. I'm glad you went that route.
    I still haven't check out Supernatural. I feel like I'll like it but there's like a billion seasons. It's daunting. Lol!

  15. OH noooo same happened to me with Cinder TWICE! and now it's going to happen with Blood Red Road. Which is an AMAZING book like in 10 stars amazing. But I requested it from my husband account :) so maybe a week only wait. I think you made the right decision to finish it on audio because it is really good in audio!

    Nothing like stocking up on all kinds of candy. Happy to hear there were no disasters! enjoy your tulips, daffodils all those candies and Easter with Tornado :)

  16. Omg, I zeroed in on the fact you're watching Supernatural now! *squee* Like you, our kids were at us for years to watch it and we finally did when I think there were 7 seasons on Netflix. Which was perfect because by the time we got through season 8 (which went up not long afer we started) season 9 was up. And now 10 is there, but we're behind. We haven't seen 9 or 10. *stomps foot* We need to get caught up! Also, I agree the show starts off with that newbie feel, but just wait for it. Oh, just wait for it...*cackles in glee*

  17. YAY for no disasters! So you got sucked into Supernatural too? Hee hee. There goes all your waking time and some of your sleeping time.

    Happy Easter!

  18. I'd like to listen to Cinder on audiobook. I just remembered I have A Wrinkle in Time but have been addicted to knitting podcasts that I haven't even finished David Copperfield which I don't know if I can soldier through anymore. Glad you had a good week and your back seems to be better. Happy Easter.

  19. A lot of death reading going on over here! Good to hear things are on an even keel this week. Make sure to be super stealthily sneaky snatching Tornado's candies. Happy Easter!

  20. My garden is the same, my daffodils have all of a sudden went crazy. I am not one of natures natural gardeners but I went crazy yesterday at B & Q (think Home Depot) buying plants, seeds and most exciting plant food. I was even getting excited at all the cute little garden ornaments!

    Have a good week Katherine!

  21. I love Supernatural! I think the series gets better with each season. Dean...*swoons* Those books like great, and I hope you have fun planting! I am in a small apartment now, so I have to figure out to grow my tomatoes and peppers, and my herbs, in pots. I've gotten some good ideas from Better Homes & Garden Magazine. And of course, Pinterest! :D
    Have a great week!

  22. There are times where I am like "Too many books entered my house" and then I read your blog and feel WAY better. lol I hope you have a great week. :)

  23. Hope you like Little Beach Street Bakery as much as i did!

  24. What a cool Sunday post! I like this! May need to do something like this next week. You shared some reads that sound really interesting! May need to dive in. And I heard Supernatural is a good show also. Glad you're enjoying it.


  25. You should look up these tiny round carroits I found. They are called Parisian Ball Carrots and they can be grown in containers, too. They look to be the size and shape of a large radish and I guess they are about as quick to grow as a radish, too. I am super excited about your cookbook review and seeing your last five star books_next week. Have a wonderful week. :)

  26. The play sounds good -- I haven't seen that book as a play but have seen several other Christie plays (Black Coffee, Towards Zero, and I've directed The Mousetrap, which was a lot of fun.) Did you know they're doing a BBC adaptation of the book?

    I love your book haul full of cozies - you'll be having fun with those! And I hope you enjoy the spring flowers and getting your veggies put in!

  27. Sounds like a great week :) And yay for Nobody But You!!

  28. Isn't Paperback Swap wonderful? I just love it when a new book shows up in my mailbox. I always have to inspect all candy that comes into the house...and maybe do a bit of quality control testing while I am at it. I hope you have a great week and enjoy all of your new books!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  29. This seems like a fun summer pick. Hope your April Reading is going well.
