
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: My Latest 5 Star Reads

This Week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is My Latest 5 Star Reads.  I don't give 5 Stars out very often.  The book has to be amazing or really teach me something.  I expanded it a little to be books that were more 4.5 stars which means I really enjoyed them but there was a flaw or 2.  Even with that I ended up going back about a year to get 10.

1.  The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn - I just finished this the other day and I loved it!  The review and a recipe from the book will be up in a couple of weeks so I don't want to say too much but if you love food and have ever even wondered what it would be like to go to culinary school this isn't to be missed.

2.  In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware - I loved this mystery and if you're an audio fan at all this is a must listen.  Imogen Church is one of my new favorite narrators.  This is one I found myself standing completely still in the middle of the room because I just had to find out what happens next.

3.  The Rain Sparrow by Linda Goodnight - This one was more of a 4.5 stars but I really enjoyed it.  It has dual time lines and normally when that happens I'm absolutely in love with one timeline and the other is just filler but with this book I was completely captivated by both.  I loved how it tackled really serious issues without getting overwrought.  This was one I requested on a whim because it involved an Inn and a main character who was a writer and I'm so glad I did!

4.  Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts - This is another 4.5 but I was so excited to be pulled into a Nora Roberts trilogy.  I always enjoy her books but her last few trilogies just haven't quite grabbed me in the way I expect from one of her books.  I was really pleased with how much I enjoyed this one.

5.  The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie - It's no secret that I'm a big Christie fan and I love this one!  The basic murder concept and the twist are pure Christie and I love seeing Poirot and Hastings back together.

6.  The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen - Sarah Addison Allen is an author I'd been wanting to read for ages and last summer I was loving all things peach so when I stumbled on this book that was not only by Sarah Addison Allen AND had peaches in the title I couldn't resist.

7.  Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie - This is probably one of Christie's best known books and for good reason.  It's absolutely brilliant.  Every time I read it I pick up on new details.

8.  The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig - Family secrets and a 1920s setting were more than I could resist and I so enjoyed this book.  The writing drew me in immediately and the wardrobe was just mouthwatering.  I wanted the main character's clothes.

9.  Recipes for a Beautiful Life: A Memoir in Stories by Rebecca Barry - Last summer I was in a bit of a reading slump.  It wasn't that I wasn't reading it was more that nothing was sticking.  I'd read a few pages of a book and then not want to read anymore and that went on and on until I picked up this delightful book from Rebecca Barry and was hooked.  I loved her non-pretentious, relatable stories about

10. The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House by Kate Andersen Brower - This was one of my favorite books from 2015.  I loved this inside look at the residents of the White House and what it is like to live there.  I read this book a year ago and still talk about it!

So what was your most recent 5 star read?


  1. I really enjoyed In A Dark, Dark Wood and The Rain Sparrow too. I still need to read The Other Daughter and something by Nora Roberts. Great list!

    1. I loved The Othef Daughter! It was such an interesting story and the clothes were just amazing!

  2. I've only read the 2 Christie books and Ruth Ware's book from your list. However, I have at least 4 more around here somewhere. I think I'll do a re-read of Ware's book on audio and it's been years and years since I read The ABC Murders. Time to read it again. I think I'm going to wait a bit for the Nora Roberts book. Sometimes, I like to wait until closer to the next book's publish date. Nice list!

    1. I loved the audio for In a Dark Dark Dark Wood! It'd been awhile since I read The ABC Murdes and I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it!

  3. I'm reading and listening to The Residence right now and can already see why it made your list! Didn't know this was today's topic... may post later this afternoon :)

    1. I'm so glad you're enjoying The Residence! I loved it!

  4. Wow, nice titles and some I'm adding to my list. I haven't read any of these, but want to read: In a Dark, Dark Wood, The Rain Sparrow, and the Residence. Thanks for a good post!

    1. All 3 of those are fantastic and I think you'd really enjoy In A Dark Dark Wood especially.

  5. You have really peeked my interest in the Sharper the Knife book. Looking forward to your review. Sounds like one I would love. The Lauren Willig novel has been on my short list for too long!

    1. I really loved The Sharper Your Knife! Really both of Flinn's books have been amazing! I can't wait to read the next one.

  6. I love the sound of Recipes! Thanks for sharing it!

  7. I haven't read ANY of these, but I do want to look into Star of Fortune. I do find NR to be hit or miss. Not that I ever hate her books, but sometime I don't find them particularly interesting. But then there are some that I just adore.

    1. Roberts has definitely been hit or miss for me lately but this one really clicked for me!

  8. I love Sarah Addison Allen - so glad you loved The Peach Keeper! I also love Linda Goodnight so I for sure need to check out The Rain Sparrow :) My TTT

    1. Yes you must read The Rain Sparrow! I really want to read more of her books. I loved The Peach Keeper! It was such a great read!

  9. You know what will make your list, Cinder. Just sayin'. :)
    Okay, I promise to read The Peach Keeper this summer. Or at least a book by her. I must.

    1. I can see Cinder on my list next year. I can't wait to finish the book! Try Allen! I'll be curious to see what you think.

  10. I haven't read any of these! Well, except the Agatha Christie's, but that was so long ago, I need a re-read of those. They all sound fantastic, but I'm expecially interested in "In a Dark, Dark Wood." I'm always on the lookout for a great audio book. Thanks! Here's My TTT for this week.

    1. The audio for In a Dark Dark Wood! It was awesome! I really loved rereading the Agatha Christie's!

  11. I liked The Peach Keeper and Garden Secrets. I wasn't a fan of The Sugar Queen, but I'd read more of her books. I have book number three's series on my TBR.

    1. The Peach Keeper was the only one I've read so far but I will skip The Sugar Queen for the next book. My library has it on audio so I was thinking about it but I think I'll stick with Garden Spells.

  12. That Lauren Willig looks really good. And, I have Sarah Addison Allen!!

    1. It was so good! I loved it and I can't wait to read more of her and Allen.

  13. I loved one of Kathleen Flinn's other books so I'd look for the one you mentioned!

    1. I was surprised with how much enjoyed it! It was such an interesting and entertaining read.

  14. I loved Star of Fortune although my review doesn't post till May..LOL Don't laugh I have started scheduling for June already. The Other is on my wishlist!

    1. I'm too envious to laugh! I have dreams of being that far ahead but it has yet to happen.

  15. This all look like such fantastic books. I love Nora Roberts but I haven't been keeping up with her lately. I also really enjoy Agatha Christie. :)

    1. I haven't been in love with Roberts for a few years but the last two have really clicked with me!

  16. Oh The Other Daughter. That's on my list to try. It looks so good! I'm always a bit jealous of the clothes in historicals.

  17. Two Christies? excellent ones that I think I actually remember the plot points.
    Can't go wrong with Sarah Addison Allen.

    The ones I haven't read that look good are The Other Daughter and all 3 of your non-fiction, and NF doesn't usually interest me!

  18. Totally agree with the inclusion of both those AC books. And now you've made me add In a Dark Dark Wood to my audible wishlist. I always love recommendations for a good audiobook and the narrator sounds fab! I need The Other Daughter too, even if just for the setting :)

  19. I have only read a couple of these. I loved In a Dark, Dark Wood and agree that the audio is the way to go with that one. I also liked The Peak Keeper quite a bit. I have several of the other books that you mentioned on my current TBR. I bought the Nora Roberts book recently so hopefully I can get to that one soon.

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  20. If you loved, The Sharper The Knife, I highly recommend Flinn's Kitchen Counter Cooking School!

  21. The Sharper the Knife sounds great! I would love to read about the inside scoop on culinary school. I will be looking for your review. :)
