
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Beyond the Books: Do People In Real Life Know You Blog

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - Do people in real life know you blog?

When I first started blogging I told absolutely no one because I wasn't sure what I was doing or if I was going to stick with it or anything.  It wasn't something I was even doing very regularly so it seemed kind of silly to mention it. As I became more regular in my posting I did tell a few people - mostly a friend who was already blogging and then my husband.

Now, the people I'm really close to know about the blog but it's not something I talk about all the time.  I like to keep somethings private and reading and blog stuff falls into that category for some reason.

How about you?  Do  you talk about blogging with people in real life?


  1. My friends and family know but I just don't talk about it really anymore. It's like my own little space I have for me. I like to keep it that way!

  2. I started as an electronic extension of paper journaling and my husband read it regularly, mostly because I wrote about fun things we were doing and meals, etc. He doesn't read my book blog though. Otherwise, every blue moon someone I work with wants the web address for a recipe. But I don't talk about it to anyone.
    I wish I had not used my name for the URL on blogspot but there it is and I'm stuck with it.

  3. I'm kind of the same- blogging is something I do for me and it's a creative outlet of sorts. Plus talking books is fun! But yeah I don't talk about it much with family or friends. Most of them know I blog but it doesn't come up all that much.

  4. Ha, my immediate family knows I blog but aren't interested enough to read my posts. And when I talk about books I found through other blogs, the eyes glaze over...
    It's fine to not share hobbies in common with friends and family. It's my own special time, so I treasure it.

  5. I tend to be an open book, so pretty much everyone already knows. However, I do work hard to not make it the thing I lead with when meeting something new, so it's not something I talk about right away, but if you spend any amount of time with me, you'll hear about it.

  6. I definitely like keeping things private too, and reading and blogging are definitely things I like to keep private. My mother and my best friend know I blog in real life. But that's about it. Oh wait, and my cousin. My cousin knows too.

    I feel more freedom to say what I want to say when I know which people in real life will be reading what I write. The people that I know, I trust and am not worried about them knowing whatever it is I write. Does that make sense?

  7. I could just copy and paste your answer ;-)

  8. I do talk about it a bit---and certain people read it and know about it, but most people (in my real life) don't 'get' it, so even if I talk about it, they have no idea what I'm talking about. I am pretty much an open book too, but like I said, when I mention the blog---that's not their world, so?

  9. I mention it but don't make a big thing of it. No one asks for the address so I don't just 'throw' it out there!

  10. I'm with you in that my family and a few friends know that I have a blog, but I don't talk about it with them much, and I never mention it to my co-workers. I kind of like having something that is just mine, you know?

  11. My husband and daughter know about it. My mystery group knows about it. I have some friends online (besides all of you) who know about it. That being said, I don't talk about much to 'regular' people - what I call my non-reading friends. I tend to get a little 'book-ish' when I talk about reading and books with those people and they often look like they are desperate to get away. Ha! I think they just don't understand. I guess my answer is mostly no.

  12. Only those that care know I blog.

  13. My husband and kids know, a couple of my sisters too. Not sure any of them read it though, haha.

  14. I didn't really tell anyone when I started and now only a few people know.

  15. Everyone knows I blog! Ha ha. My son's friends think I'm cool. Lol. I almost forgot about my BTB post. I am toddling off right now to write it. :)

  16. Yea, I doubt anyone in my life cares that I blog. It's the least surprising thing about me, lol.

  17. My family and friends know, but we don't really talk about it. My oldest son likes that I blog, as he does too. My youngest grandson thinks it's funny, and I tell him I love it like he enjoys video games.

  18. My friends and family first particularly family rolled their eyes. Except for my husband and kids..they have always supported me. My husband even pulls the site up at work to show his friends..gotta love um.

  19. I told my family and friends about my blog but I know they don't understand why I blog. It's ok since I enjoy it and I've met a lot of amazing bloggers.

  20. I blog under a pseudonym so that my corporate clients don't know about my extracurricular activities. I've told some family and friends about it, though, but they couldn't care less, not interested at all in my posts. The funny thing is that even writer and reader friends I know in real life seem to be uninterested in my blog - it's only the online regulars who have become friends.

  21. It's not the first thing out of my mouth but I've got no problem with people knowing I blog or with people I know in real life knowing about it and following me. It's a huge part of my weekly life and I'm proud of it so no reason not to share :D

  22. Hmm, most people don't now about my blog. The only people who know are my sisters and my best friend. I've just never felt the need to tell anyone!

  23. I was the same when I started, Katherine. I only told my husband and daughter, and I kept it pretty quiet for a while. I only started telling people once I started blogging more consistently. And I don't tell everyone, only people I think would be interested. A few of my writer friends drop by now and then, but mostly the people I know aren't that interested in my blog, like Marina said. And like Marina, I blog under a pseudonym to keep it separate from my freelance work.

    I've enjoyed seeing what other bloggers have to say about this!

  24. It is really interesting that I spend so much time blogging but I don't really talk about it much outside of my home. I do mention things to my husband but I don't otherwise bring it up unless asked about it. I have found that non-bloggers just don't understand what it is that I do.

  25. I kept mine on the down low for a long time, although I had told my parents and my immediate family knew. I wanted the chance to figure out what I was doing, develop my blog. But when I started, I kind of got caught up in the whole "grow your blog" thing so when I won free business cards and had those on hand, I started handing them out to friends and family. Now that I don't care how many people read my blog, I kind of wish some of my family didn't know about it, to be honest. I feel a little constricted by the idea that I don't want to offend them, assuming they're even reading it!

  26. Since I am a public educator, I am very selective in who I let know how to find my blog. However, I talk about my blog a lot. More so to people who are interested or at least support my endeavor to be happy. (For example, my former fiance hated that I had my book blog, so I never talked to him about it.) I even talk to my students about it at times, but since I have a mix of personal and adult content on my blog, so I am always careful of who I talk to about it and what exactly I express.

  27. I guess blogging could get quite personal. Especially with some reviews. So it makes sense that you might want to separate real life from your internet life.
    I did post on FB as soon as I started my blog. And that hasn't changed. I have my blog FB page, but I also share all my posts on my personal FB. Even though I read a lot of sexy books and some of FB friends are probably judging me, whatever. I read and like what I want to.

  28. My husband is the one who got me started blogging, and so he is well aware. I have told a small few people I know, but no one else in my family. I like to keep it personal. That way I feel more free to talk about what I want to instead of constantly feeling like I need to censor myself.

  29. I have so many blogging buddies that I do talk about my blog and theirs, often. There's lots to share that I've learned, and some of the technical stuff about writing I share with my critique groups. Since I don't communicate intensely personal stuff (except rarely), I'm not put off by the privacy issue.
