
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Missed Chances - Review

Missed Chances: Short Love Stories with a Hint of What Might Have Been Edited by M.R. Nelson
Rating: Good
Source: Publisher
Description:  Classic love stories... with a twist.  A collection of classic love stories featuring "the one that got away": lighthearted, with undertones of tragedy and a lingering comic finish.  The flight includes Aunt Philippa and the Men by L.M. Montgomery, The Kiss by Kate Chopin, The Victory by Rabindranath Tagore, the Mystery of Wilhelm Rutter by Helen Hunt Jackson, and A Florentine Experiment by Constance Fenimore Woolson. (from Goodreads)

Genre: Short Story

Why I Picked This Book: I love short story collections and I liked the over all theme of this one so I couldn't resist it.

My Impression:  Looking over this collection only 2 of the authors were familiar to me.  I know that Montgomery's short stories are wonderful and I haven't read Chopin since "The Awakening" in college and I wanted to read more.  The other three were new to me and short stories are a great way to get acquainted with a new author so I was curious to see what awaited me.
Aunt Philippa and the Men by L.M. Montgomery - I wasn't surprised that I loved this story.  It wasn't completely new to me though I can't remember the last time I read it and I couldn't remember how it all worked out.  Montgomery is amazing at short stories and this has a nice touch of humor.  It made me want to gather up all the short story collections I have from her and sit down for a big reread. Loved it
The Kiss by Kate Chopin - I love Chopin's sparse writing style.  It always leaves me wanting more and that is definitely the case with this shortest of short stories.  I loved the scene she set and the characters were vivid but I wanted more!  Liked it
The Victory by Rabindranath Tagore - This was my least favorite of the collection.  The writing was beautiful but it was so lyrical that I had a hard time really connecting with the story.  The interaction between the poets and the King was interesting but the story as a whole didn't click with me.  Not for me
The Mystery of Wilhelm Rutter by Helen Hunt Jackson - This is a new author to me though the name does sound familiar.  I loved this story about a German farmer, his family, and the mysterious stranger that showed up to help with harvest.  This is an author I definitely need to look into.  Really liked it
A Florentine Experiment by Constance Fenimore Woolson - This was the longest story and really enjoyable.  I loved Margaret Stowe and thought Woolson did a great job of making Florence really come alive.  This is another author I want to find out more about.  Really liked it

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I really enjoyed this collection of short stories.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes, if you enjoy short stories this is a really lovely collection.


  1. This sounds like an enjoyable collection of stories. I don't think I've read anything by the authors of the stories, but I'm familiar with a few of the names. I'll have to look for this one.

    1. I really enjoyed these. It was fun to find a few new authors and I really loved rereading an old favorite with the Montgomery story.

  2. Helen Hunt Jackson is a fascinating woman. She is famous for Ramona a story of old California. I have also read biographies about her. Enjoy discovering her.

    1. I'm looking forward to getting to know her work better. I really loved her voice in this story.

  3. I find short stories to be hit or miss. This sounds like a good collection.

    1. Short stories can definitely be iffy but this was a strong collection. I actually prefer short stories to novellas!

  4. I am not a big short story reader but I think the L. M. Montgomery one would lure me in. Great that there was
    at least 2-3 that you really liked.

    1. I love Montgomery's short stories! They're wonderful

  5. That's why the name was familiar! I had forgotten about Mad About You! It's definitely not the same person but she's definitely an author I'll be reading more from!

  6. Sounds like a good one for Valentine's Day.

  7. I like compilations of stories in a book as it helps me get acquainted with new authors.

  8. Like you I'm only familiar with a couple of the authors. I don't have the best luck with short stories but I'd give this collection a try.

  9. What an interesting collection of authors! I don't remember reading that L. M. Montgomery story; I'll have to track it down. And the Kate Chopin story also sounds appealing, as does Helen Hunt Jackson's story.

  10. I have to be in the right mood to read a collection of short stories. It is a nice way to sample a new to me author. It looks like you did really good with this one since there is only one story you didn't care for. I don't think that I have read any of these authors. Great review!
