
Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Linkups: Beauty, Beast and Belladonna

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Can you read in the car?

My Answer: 
I can but I have to be careful or I get queasy.  I used to not be able to read in a moving car at all but I've found if I sit perfectly straight and hold the book/Kindle in front of me so that I'm looking forward and not down I can read pretty well.

I'm really excited about this week's book.  I read a cozy by Maia Chance set in the 1920s that was so much fun and I've been wanting to read her Fairy Tale Fatal Mystery series since the first book came out.  I was thrilled when I was offered the chance to review her newest book in the series, Beauty, Beast, and Belladonna

The Beginning:
The day had arrived, Miss Ophelia Flax's last day in Paris, her last day in Artemis Stunt's gilt-edged apartment choked with woody perfume and cigarette haze.

My Thoughts:
I love how visually descriptive that first sentence is.  I can just picture that haze-y ornate apartment!

The 56:
Abel seemed to think that he was going to assist Ophelia in all further inquiries into the vicar's death.

My Thoughts:
It does not sound like Ophelia is eager to have Abel's assistance.  I do love a vicar murder though.  It's so wonderfully classic British mystery.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?

I'm not very far into this one but so far I'm enjoying it.  I'm planning on doing not much tomorrow except read because the review is due Monday!


  1. Love the cover! What is it with the cozies? They always have the best covers. I was surfing yesterday and found a website for an illustrator, and was surprised to see how many cozy covers I recognized that she had done. I like that first sentence too, this one sounds like a winner.

    I can read in the car although I haven't lately, but when I was a kid I read everywhere we went to the point where it irritated my dad I think. :) He would tell me to look out the window and see stuff, but that was boring. :)

  2. This one looks great. I'm featuring Devoted in Death by J. D. Robb because I love this series. Happy reading!

  3. I can read in the car, front seat, back seat anywhere, but put me in a 'tea cup' ride and forget it!! Then I get sick.

  4. I too love the cover! And cozies! Plus, that descriptive beginning sucks you right in.
    I don't get to read in the car much because I'm usually driving, but I do get lost in a book for short periods of time when not driving.

    My 56 -

  5. This sounds like a great series! :)

  6. I almost got choked up myself just reading that beginning...very descriptive! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. I'm really liking the cover of Beauty, Beast, and Belladonna! And yes, the description sounds so lovely. I think keep reading! Hope you enjoy it!

  8. I'm the same way when reading in a car. Generally I'll just go with an audiobook.

  9. I'm can't read in a car as I'm always driving.

    The Truth About Books
    My Answer Here

  10. I love the cover with its wall of books and suit of armor. This sounds like a book I'd enjoy.
    My Friday post features THE HURRICANE SISTERS. Thank you for stopping by.

  11. I am ok reading in the car for the most part.

    ENJOY your reading weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  12. This sounds like a series that I would be interested in. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  13. I love the cover and the first sentence...very descriptive.

    Sounds fun...ENJOY, and thanks for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  14. Nope, no reading in the car for me. Dramamine and I are on close terms. LOL

  15. I can read in the car but only in certain situations. We have to be on a highway without a lot of curves. I can usually read during a road trip but that it about the only time. Driving around my area, I would get very sick. This sounds like a fun book!

  16. I haven't read this one, 'cause I'm anal about starting a series with book 1. I do have a copy for giveaway on my site though. :-)
    Happy weeekend!

  17. I don't think I can read in the car. Not a queasiness thing really just a bumpiness thing. My eyes can't track when there's a slight jiggle. I had someone tell me to read while walking in place (to get my daily steps when it's cold) and can't do that either.

  18. I'm lucky that I have no problem reading in the car. Back or front. Which is funny because I do have problems with rollarcoasters and motion sickness. Weird body is weird.

  19. I like both the beginning and the 56 - and yes I can read in the car and enjoy doing it. Here's my Friday meme

  20. I love the cover of Chance's novel! I hope you end up liking it, Katherine. I don't have trouble reading in the car, although I don't do it often anymore.

  21. Yes I agree you have to NOT look a certain direction while reading in the car and it seems easier with a Kindle.

  22. I don't read a lot of cozy mysteries but this sounds good. :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings) and my current giveaway.

  23. It's great that you are so careful when reading in the car, and have not given up doing so. That takes real dedication to reading!

    I love all those bookshelves on the cover of the novel you're featuring this week! I don't usually read cozy mysteries, but I might just make an exception with this one. It sounds REALLY good!

    Happy Reading, in the car and elsewhere! :)

    Here's my BBH post:
