
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Will Read This Year No Matter What

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from the Broke and the Bookish is actually a freebie so I'm making a list of 10 books that I absolutely must read this year!  Last year I did a lot of "safe" reading.  I didn't really go outside a few genres or topics and while I enjoyed most of the books I read there aren't all that many standouts.  This year I'd really like to push my genre boundaries a bit more.  I don't necessarily want to avoid all my usual genres but more read some that I don't usually read and read more books out of genres I really neglected last year (especially middle grade and historical romance).

1.  Cinder by Marissa Meyer - Seriously this will happen.  I've been wanting to read this one for ages and with Winter coming out a few months ago now is the time!  I've heard great things about the audio so I may go that route.

2.  The Lake House by Kate Morton - I read and loved The Forgotten Garden a few years ago and swore I was going to go read Morton's other books.

3.  The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - This is another series I've heard lots about and an author I know a lot of people really love.   I want to read/listen to this book soon.

4.  Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards - I've had this middle grade magical tale about a deserted cottage on my shelf for years.  Plus, it's by THE Julie Andrews which makes me even more curious!

5.  When the Marquis Met His Match by Laura Lee Guhrke - Laura Lee Guhrke is one of my favorite romance authors and this is the 1st book in her latest series.  Last year I read 1 new historical romance and had 2 rereads.  It's definitely a genre I'd like to spend more time with.

6.  The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan - Because I'm just about the only person in the world who has yet to read Riordan.

7.  The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - This is on both my "Classics" list and "Authors I Can't Believe I Haven't Read Yet" list.

8.  In the Woods by Tana French - I've heard nothing but raves about French and I love a good police procedural but haven't read many of them lately!

9.  A Good Marriage by Stephen King - The movie based off of King's Pet Semetery scared me to death when I watched it at a slumber party when I was 8 (not sure what the mother was thinking there)  and by the time I got over that and saw and loved some of his other movies his page counts scared me off a bit.  This one sounds pretty manageable!

10. Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger - I love the whole idea of this series now that it's drawing to a close it's definitely time to get reading!

This list could go on forever and I didn't even look at nonfiction!  However, I'm trying to be somewhat reasonable and am going to hold myself accountable to actually getting these read this year!  What do you want to read this year?


  1. Cinder!!! Such a good choice (the audio is wonderful btw). In the Woods is a really good book- I like that whole series. I really want to read The Lake House this year as well. Great list!

  2. I haven't read Riordan either, and was going to start with Magnus Chase but haven't yet. I need to this year. Same with Tana French- based on some blogger reviews I was going to try her too, but again haven't got to it yet. And the Carriger series was recommended to me...

    Good luck with these, hope you get to them all! :)

  3. Oooh Percy Jackson and the Finishing School are two of my favorite series! I hope you enjoy them!

  4. I like how harsh you are with yourself and this list!
    I didn't recognize the King book, but I see it is from Full Dark, No Stars. Awesome! I'm a huge Tana French fan, but I'd warn that in In the Woods she's too long winded. I've liked each of her next books better and better.

    I laughed when I read about you watching Pet Semetary! If you watched it now, you'd see how terrible of a movie it is. Terrible and good at the same time.

  5. Oh my gosh, so many of these books I love! I love Cinder, and The Raven Boys AND Etiquette and Espionage. Oh and The Lightning Thief! I cannot wait to see what you think of them.

  6. I read and enjoyed Cinder (buddy read with my eldest) and In the Woods, and read half of The Raven Boys before returning to the library. I probably should've given it more of a try at the time. I applaud your pushing the boundaries this year! I am a big fan of suspense, mysteries and the like and thus most of my reading is from these titles, but a few years ago I boasted that my blog was eclectic and I read a much more varied genre pool. Guess I just slipped back, but I do like your idea and feel I should also try more eclectic and neglected books this year. Thanks, Katherine!

  7. I hope to hear the Cinder audiobook this year. I love Riordan. I have always been a big fan of Greek mythology. I read both series. I need to read the Egyptian one and the new one. I did read the last book; it certainly was different for me as it was probably the first steampunk book for me. It was okay.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I totally support you reading Etiquette and Espionage. I love pretty much everything by Gail Carriger though, so there is that. But this series is great! Honestly, I wasn't thrilled with Cinder, but I kept reading and wound up adoring the series. (So, I'll tell you the same thing I was told 'the series gets better'.)

    My TTT

  10. I really want to get to Cinder this year too. The Woman in White is so good! I hope you like it if you do read it. And I loved In the Woods. I need to read her other books still. Good luck getting to these this year!

  11. Cinder and The Lightening Thief are definitely two books that you should be reading this year! They are amazinggggg! Good luck with your list. My TTT

  12. Hey "The Woman in White" made my Top Ten List this week too! I made a list of all the classics I want to read! And "In the Woods" is one of those books I wish I could read again for the first time! It's not by favorite Tana French book (that would be "The Likeness") but it's pretty good!

  13. Let's see - definitely with Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series - so, so good! Loved it. And oh yes, double yes, to Tana French's books. I loved In The Woods - not everyone did. But, I did and then the next and the next. There 5 books by her and they are all a little different. I also want to read The Lake House and all Kate Morton's books. I read The Distant Hours, but not any of the others. What fun you will have with all these!

  14. Yup Lunar Chronicles. Yup Percy Jackson. Priorities lady. Priorities.
    Have you Carriger before? I haven't and I have been collecting her books. I'm going to start with Soulless as that's the place to start apparently. Etiquette and Espionage is the prequel to tha series. So many books...

  15. In the Soods was great but I a BIG fan of Tana French. Love her descriptive work and detective stories. I like Kate Morton too and will be happy to hear what you think about the Lake House. I have a few of her other novels too.
    Cinder looks good, I will put that on my to-read list too!

  16. I like your list and would concur about The Woman in White and Cinder. I love them both. My TTT: Hottest Books in My Library right now.

  17. Great list! The Woman is White was so good, but I loved The Moonstone even more.

  18. I have read a couple of those you have read and there are a few I would like to start as well. :) Hope you enjoy them once you get to them.

  19. I want to read #1,2,3 and 9!! Good luck and I hope you get to read them all!!

  20. I would really like to read Cinder as well! I have read In The Woods...I need to get back to that series soon! Good luck with your goal of reading all of these!

  21. I haven't read any of the books on your list. It will be fun to read all of your reviews. I have heard that The Woman in White is fantastic. It looks like you have a wide variety in your must read list this year.

  22. I've read just one from your list but need to check out a few more. More adding to the pile for sure!

  23. The Raven Boys! I looooovvvveeeed it. I am waiting for the last book in the series, The Raven King, to come out and then I sm going to binge read the rest of them. Thanks for reminding me about Mandy. I had been meaning to read it myself, and had forgotten. I need to go add it to GR before I forget again. I want to read Dr. Sleep, the sequel to The Shining. I have no idea how long it is though. I remember my ex reading It, and it was an extremely thick book. I wouldn't be surprised if it was over 1,000 pages! :)

  24. I'll be joining you on no 1. and no 2. this year. And I have read some Rick Riordan when I was teaching and enjoyed his writing.

  25. I haven't read any of the Percy Jackson books! Nice to know I'm not alone. :D Most of the books on your list are ones I haven't read, except for Etiquette and Espionage. Have you read the Parasol Protectorate by Carriger? That was quite good.

  26. #1 - yes. totally must read that one this year too. We should start a support group for those few of us who are still not on the Lunar Chronicles train ;) My TTT

  27. CINDER and THE WOMAN IN WHITE are both so good!!

  28. The Lunar Chronicles, The Raven Cycle, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians are some of my favorites! Happy reading!

    Check out my TTT.

  29. Ahhh Carriger is on my list as well. I've been SLOWLY listening to the audio of book one but really need to start over at this point. Good luck with all of yours!

  30. I absolutely loved The Lunar Chronicles and I'm a big fan of Rick Riordan. I will say that with his first series it did take me a little while to commit to the book but I was glad I did. At first I thought maybe it would be too juvenile for me but it is a fun series. I hope you enjoy all the books on your list when you get the chance to read them. It is good to read outside the box sometimes :)
