
Monday, January 25, 2016

Reckless - Review

Reckless (Rescue Squad #1) by Kimberly Kincaid
Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Zoe Westin may be a fire captain's daughter, but feeding the people in her hometown of Fairview is her number one priority.  Running a soup kitchen is also the perfect way to prove to her dad that helping people doesn't always mean risking life and limb.  But when she's saddled with a gorgeous firefighter doing community service after yet another daredevil stunt, the kitchen has never been so hot.  Alex Donovan thrives on adrenaline, and stirring a pot of soup doesn't exactly qualify.  He's not an expert at following the rules either, not even when they come from the stubborn, sexy daughter of the man who's not only his boss, but his mentor.  Determined to show Zoe that not every risk ends in catastrophe, Alex challenges her both in the kitchen and out.  One reckless step leads to another, but will falling for each other be a risk worth taking, or will it just get them burned?  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Why I Picked This Book:  I love Kincaid's Pine Mountain series and was excited to read this one after meeting Alex in All Wrapped Up

My Impression:  At the beginning I wasn't sure about this one.  While I love the whole firefighter idea, Alex comes off a bit too arrogant and a little too careless.  When we meet Zoe it's almost the opposite.  She's too straight laced and too uptight.  I wasn't sure I was really going to connect with these characters and I really didn't see how they were going to connect with each other in a way that was even remotely believable.  Let's just say I greatly underestimated Kimberly Kincaid because not only did I love these characters by less than half way through the book but I was rooting full force for the HEA.
The thing that really worked for these characters is that they actually listen.  There's a scene pretty early on where Alex, who isn't paying attention, incorrectly stores meat in the pantry and by the time Zoe finds out it's too late and the meat is ruined.  She (justifiably) flips out and at first he tries to blow it off because what's the big deal.  But then he listens and he understands why losing that meat is a death blow to their budget and that feeding these people who have no where else to go is just as important to Zoe as fighting fires is to him.  It's really a great moment.  I love how the characters reacted to each other.  They might not take problems perfectly but they're generally willing to listen once they settle down.  I really enjoyed getting to know the characters better and I loved seeing the relationship between Zoe and her dad.
This was a really fun contemporary romance where we really get to know and understand the main characters.  I can't wait for the next one!  I'm hoping for Cole's book next though I'd be okay with Rachel's story too.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I can't wait for the next one in this series and I have a few books in her Pine River series left to read.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you like contemporary romance this is definitely a fun read and Kincaid is quickly making it on my list of must-read authors


  1. I read two books last week which I didn't really like at the beginning but finally grew up on me, so I guess it's the season :) Thanks for sharing, I'm adding it to my list !

    1. I liked this one but it did take awhile to click. But once it did I was fully in!

  2. I'm reading this right now! I like knowing that Alex is going to grow on me.

    1. Once it kind of clicked with Alex how important the soup kitchen we were golden. I'm hoping it goes the same way with you!

  3. I really want to read this series. I've read a novella from the series and it was a lot of fun. I'm glad that you really enjoyed this, especially since you weren't sure these two would work as a couple.

    And also, YAY for listening to each other!

    1. It makes me so happy when characters listen to each other and it was wonderfully done here

  4. I am glad this one turned out to be a winner despite your initial reservations, Katherine. I haven't read too many romances involving firefighters, but I can see the allure. I will have to check this one out.

    1. I really enjoyed this and how the characters acted like real but reasonable people.

  5. I'm always willing to try out a new romance author. And who can't help but be drawn in by a good-looking cover, LOL.

  6. Oh I don't know this author but this sounds like my kind of book. Great review!

    1. She's becoming one of my favorite contemporary authors!

  7. I've never read anything by this author, but thanks for sharing the first book in her new series. That's great the characters actually communicated - sometimes that causes a lot of unnecessary drama in books.


    1. Characters who just absolutely won't communicate drive me crazy!

  8. I read a couple of Kincaid's Pine Mountain series and really enjoyed them. It sounds like this one is pretty good. I am impressed to find a couple that actually talk and listen to each other. Great review!

    1. It's really nice when couples talk to each other. I liked the communication in this book s lot!

  9. This sounds good, Katherine -- and I love it when an author is able to turn around your initial impressions and really pull you into the book and the characters. Good review!

    1. I ended up really enjoying this book especially because of how the couple communicated. It was really nice.

  10. Oh man, firefighters. I love to hate them(my ex is a firefighter, so you know...).
    I saw this on NG and I was so tempted to request it. But I still haven't read the other Kincaid book I got off of there. So I resisted. But I might not be holding out anymore. Stop me from looking to see if it's still available!
    Oh my glob, you're saying that adults actually had some mature conversations? What is this magic?! :D

  11. Woohoo! Love her books. Glad the two of them were able to sway you after the initial meet :D
