
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Agatha Christie - Poirot Part 3

Murder on the Orient Express/Murder in the Calais Coach (1934) - 

This is definitely one of her best know books and has been the subject of at least 2 movies and a PC game (which was really fun).  This mystery deserves it's fame and is one of the ones Agatha clearly toys with the idea of what justice really is.  This mystery is incredibly detailed making rereads almost mandatory as with each read through I pick up something new. 5 Stars

Murder in Three Acts/Three Act Tragedy (1935)

- I loved how this is set up into almost a play format with three very distinct acts.  The characters are all very interesting and the pacing was fantastic.  Poirot is more of a puppet master than usual in this story and I love his interactions with Egg.  This also might have the best final line of any Agatha mystery ever.  4 Stars

Death in the Clouds/Death in the Air (1935)

Agatha takes the classic locked room mystery to the sky in this book where a respected and feared money lender is murdered on a plane somewhere between France and England.  Thankfully, Poirot is on board!  Air travel has changed so much since 1935 that the descriptions give this book a wonderful vintage feel.  I also liked adventure loving Jane and her developing relationships with dentist Norman Gale and archaeologist Jean Dupont.  While the solution makes sense I do question how many hints Agatha gives the reader.  Even knowing the solution in the reread I didn't see anything that pointed in the correct direction.  4 Stars

The A.B.C. Murders (1936)- 

It starts with a letter to Hercule Poirot signed A.B.C. stating that a murder will happen in Andover on a specific date and when a Mrs. Ascher is murdered on the designated date a search begins for an alphabet obsessed killer.  In this book Christie shows once again that she is a master of making the complicated simple and the simple oh so complicated and nothing is as it seems.  I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this one and even knowing how things were going to work out I couldn't put it down!  5 Stars


  1. I recently read Murder on the Orient Express for the first time. It was interesting to see how she played with the idea of justice, and also with preconceptions.

  2. What is it about mysteries and a train? I think Orient express or Death on the Nile (must be a traveling thing?) would be the two I'm most interested in. Maybe this year I'll tackle Christie- I've been in the mood for mysteries so it's kind of a no- brainer! :)

  3. This is a nice post, Katherine! Of course, Christie is a favorite of mine. You have a couple of my 'big' favorites here - Murder On The Orient Express and Death In The Clouds. I like what you said about Christie exploring justice through the story on the train (doesn't it just make you want to travel on that train?). I agree that the clues are hard to spot on the air travel book. I've read it multiple times and still find new things. I'm pretty sure I read Murder In Three Acts as a play. There is a book of Christie's plays and it includes The Mousetrap, which is so good! And it's been forever since I read The A.B.C. Murders. I should do a reread of it.

  4. I've never read an Agatha mystery. And the thing is, I think I would like them. Too many books....too little time!

  5. I really need to read for Christie. Not sure when that will happen, but I need to.

    I read Orient Express for the first time last year, and I really enjoyed it. I knew the ending, but it was still fun watching how she set it all up.

  6. I've only read Murder on the Orient Express and And Then There Were None. I won't pretend I'm as big a Christie fan as you are, but sometimes those older gems just fit the bill and are much appreciated.

  7. I got a new copy of Murder on the Orient Express for Christmas (I have an tattered one, years old). I don't really remember it, to be honest, and so am looking forward to reading it again some twenty or so years later as if for the first time.

  8. I've read a few of these. I do love Agatha Christie.

  9. Great post! I really need to make a point to read Agatha Christie soon.

  10. I read The ABC Murders last year and really enjoyed it. Murder on the Orient Express is the one I definitely want to read this year. Isn't Christie the best?
