
Saturday, January 23, 2016

This Week in Reading - January 24th

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Skeleton Garden by Marty Wingate - One of my reading goals this year is to get caught up on her books.  I really loved the first one but even though I have them all I haven't read anymore. (NetGalley)

A Reckless Desire by Isabella Bradford - I read the first book in this historical romance last year and enjoyed it.  I'm really looking forward to this one. (Publisher)

A Disguise to Die for by Dianne Vallere - This is the first book in a new series by Vallere and so far I've loved everyone.  This one about a costume store sounds like lots of fun.  (Publisher)

Beauty, Beast and Belladonna by Maia Chance - This is for a blog tour in February and I'm so excited I can barely stand it!  I really liked another book by her and this fairy tale retelling/cozy mystery series is one I can't wait to read!  (Publisher)

Going Organic Can Kill You by Staci McLaughlin - I love foodie cozies and this one set at a health spa/organic farm (or something like that) sounded to good to pass up!  (Paperbackswap)


Reading: Disguise to Die for by Diane Vallere and Spring at Moss Hill by Carla Neggers

Listening: Deadly Night by Heather Graham

Watching:  I'm still watching and loving Top Chef on Hulu (though what was the deal with Season 2??  That got a little to vicious for me so I ended up skipping it.)  J and I also started watching War and Peace that's on the History Channel.  The first part was last Monday and part 2 is tomorrow.  So far I'm really enjoying it.  It's beautifully done though I can't compare it to the book since I haven't read that one.

Off the Blog:

Winter decided to show up here which turned this week into chaos.  We don't get much winter-y weather here so we don't really have ways to deal with it.  We don't have salt trucks or snow plows or snowsuits or all the other stuff one needs to deal with snow and ice.  So on Tuesday we had a 3 hour day delay and then on Friday schools got out at 11:30.  Which meant the Tornado didn't end up going to school at all on either day.
We actually do have about an inch of snow on the ground though it's melting fast.  For most of my life we never ever had snow at all and for the last 5 years or so we've had a little every year.  I'm not a big fan of the stuff but the Tornado loves it.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Reckless - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday Freebie
Wednesday: Agatha Christie Project - Poirot Reviews Part 3
Thursday: Spring at Moss Hill - Contemporary Romance Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: My First  52 Pins in 52 Weeks Pinterest Project Post

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I'm reading Disguise to Die For right now myself. The first 13 pages were great! (I hope to get to more of it on Sunday.)

    And I've got Beauty, Beast, and Belledonna coming up soon as well.

    1. I'm loving A Disguise to Die For! I'm close to finished with it and I can't wait to see how it's going to wrap up!

  2. We've got snow here too although it's not snowing now- we actually had a nice day with sunshine! I feel bad for the folks out east- good grief what a mess. sounds like you had a little winter this week too, hope this week is nicer. It's this time of year, when the cold has settled in, that I wished I lived in a nicer climate. :)

    Going Organic Can Kill You sounds fun. :)

    1. I feel so sorry for those on the East Coast. That's just too much snow!

  3. Of course Tornado loves the snow! We had snow for two days last week, and my kids went crazy with it, even if they're getting quite big now. It's nice to see them just goof around in the snow, though :)
    You got some good-looking books last week, I'm not familiar with them, but I sure hope you'll enjoy them.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. He had such a good time in the little snow we had. I could definitely do without it!

  4. Love me some Top Chef. The new season is ok but I love some of the past seasons. I am so over snow and we are equipped to deal with it. I just hate when it is 2 feet worth. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!!

    1. I haven't started the new season because I want to finish the one I'm watching so I don't get confused. I've gotten s bit addicted!

  5. I bet the Tornado loves snow ;) We haven't had any here, the temps went from mild to suddenly freezing for a few days, now they're back up again. No snow, no ice, no nothing ! I'm not even sure we're in winter. Oh well. "Going organic can kill you" really tempts me, I eat organic myself, lol ! Have a great week-end, Katherine ;)

    1. I think it's organic farm that happens to have bunches of murders so I think you can eat organic without fear!

  6. We didn't get snow but it's very cold here. I think I loved snow when I was a kid but I don't remember cause it was soooo long ago!

    1. We only had snow a few times when I was a kid but I was never a fan!

  7. I am not a fan of snow! We usually get at least one really big snowstorm every year. Some years it seems to snow all of the time. My daughter didn't have school on Wednesday. I was not a fan of cleaning off the car and driving to work in it. It looks like you picked up some great books this week. I am looking forward to your reviews! Have a great week!

    1. I'm very lucky that if the weather is to bad I don't have to go anywhere. I don't miss having to get out in the muck!

  8. Beauty, Beast and Belladonna sounds interesting, I think I'll have to check that one out! Hope you have a good week!

    1. I'm really looking forward to that one! I've enjoyed other books by her.

  9. We got a couple of the same books this week. I got Skeleton Garden which I am going to start soon as I am having Marty on my blog next month and then I got A Disguise to Die For from the publisher via a tour, so got to start that one soon too. I need to check out those others that you have as they sound good. :)

    Happy Reading!
    Week in Review

    1. I'm loving A Disguise to Die For! I'm not to surprised we have similar tastes!

  10. Hope your snow melts today... it's tough to deal with if you don't have all the necessary equipment! I'm pretty happy we missed the latest storm. Even though it's chilly here in FL, it's much better than boing in NY! I'm going to look for War and Peace on the History Channel. Thanks for mentioning it!

    1. I hope you find War and Peace! I think you'd enjoy it.

  11. I was tempted by Disguise to Die For. I'm glad your winter weather wasn't worse but what a nuisance for you all.

    You got some great books, enjoy!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading them and I'm really enjoying A Disguise to Die For!

  12. I got 16" of snow here, and am glad the Storm is over for us here, had to call off work yesterday (awwwww), and today I am off, so I am enjoying being inside!! Kids love snow like dogs love people food. Have a great week.

    1. I don't even know what I would do with that much snow! Probably cry! Hope you're staying nice and warm!

  13. Mm lots of books arriving! We've been hearing about all the snow so obviously you are in a warmer area of the USA, which would keep you reasonably clear.Enjoy your reading.

    1. I'm definitely in a warmer part of the US which is good because I'm a total wimp when it comes to temperatures!

  14. I'm always unprepared for bad weather. Since we've been in a drought we hadn't used any of our umbrellas so of course when it started pouring I discovered them broken lol. I hope your weather stays calm for this week. I love your new books and my goal this year is to read more mysteries. I just grabbed some of Marty Wingates books and I can't wait to read them. I hope you have a good week and enjoy your new books!

    1. I really enjoyed the one Wingate I read and I'm going to get the rest read! Really I am!

  15. We don't get snow here except on the far in the distance mountain peaks, but we have had such a gloomy, damp winter from El Nino front. Not a ton of rain to ease the epic drought, just enough to be annoying.

    Nice cozies you have there-- have been tempted to try Marty Wingate before. Enjoy your week.

    1. I've been in a cozy mood lately and seem to not be sble resist acquiring more! I hope you get either enough rain or it will stop completely so you're not in the middle zone!

  16. We don't normally get much snow either here in NC, so it's a big deal when we do. I was born and raised in OH so I always find it amusing. lol And I never thought I'd say this, but after 19 yrs here I do miss some really decent snow. The kind you can go out and make a snowman or go sledding or even skiing. *sigh*

    1. I will gladly send you what little snow we get here to increase what you get. I am not a fan of the stuff!

  17. I know... snow! ugh! It really messes up with one's routine :) this is the second time in 20 minutes I read about Agatha Christie in the blogosphere! did I miss something? a new trend? :) Hope next week is better and Tornado get some school time

    1. Oh I hope Agatha is a new trend! I love her books!

  18. We only have snow about every 5 or so years. Much more frequently is ice. Treacherous stuff. And, of course, we have no equipment, etc. The whole town shuts down - as it should because no one really knows how to drive on anything frozen at all. My daughter used to love playing in it though, the few times it came. We're much more likely just to get a cold, cold wind. Horrible. Have a good week!

    1. Ice is normally our thing too and it is definitely terrifying. We used to get snow only every few years but lately it's been every year. Not a fan!

  19. I'm a sucker for a good cozy mystery so I'm excited to hear your thoughts on a lot of these. I enjoy snow myself but I also live in the Midwest and am quite used to it. Hopefully the weather will get better where you are. Have a great week and happy reading!

  20. The Skeleton Garden looks fun! I am quite enjoying cozy mysteries lately. I have A Disguise to Die for pre-ordered, the concept sounded so good I had to order it. Can't wait till it arrives. I hope you'll enjoy it.
    I like seeing snow, but it can be a hassle when you have to somewhere. Here the whole country is in chaos when we do get snow. We didn't get any snow here this year so far. I hope you'll have a great week!

  21. All of those cozies are on my list to read. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!

  22. I'm glad Tornado is enjoying the weather. Snow is foreign to me, as a native Central Texan. Although, I am hearing predictions of February being a very bad month for ice down here.

  23. Beauty, Beast and Belladonna sounds like fun! I look forward to your review next month, Katherine! Mouse would love it if we had snow here, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim. Like you, I'm not a fan. I hope you have a great week! It's back to work next week. Hopefully it won't be too crazy.

  24. It seems like this week has seen crazy weather all over!! Enjoy your new books :D

    Here is my Weekly Recap!

  25. I am curious about The Skeleton Garden...gorgeous cover, too. Enjoy!

  26. I am looking forward to your 52 Pins Project post. I am still confused about the "cozy" thing; is it just a type of mystery, or is it a brandname? I have to get back to both of your cookie posts. We usually get blasted by any East Coast winter storm, but this one fizzled out before it got to us. We didn't even get the flurries they predicted. Have a wonderful week, Katherine. :)

  27. Winter did rear it's ugly head this week in parts of the country. Here we've been beautifully warm - basically perfect weather with bright skies and low 70s. I've got to check out your cookie recipe. I'm a sucker for those. Thanks for stopping by!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  28. I hope that's all the winter weather you get. Enjoy the cozies.

  29. oooh, sounds like you received lots of goodies! Georgia is the same, we really don't know how to handle snow - though we are getting better, for sure! Enjoy your new books and have a great week! :)

  30. Oh what fun! I'll definitely be looking for the interview! I haven't gotten to this season yet but I am recording it so I should get there soon.

  31. It seems like your last few books were really good, Katherine, I would be interested in A Reckless Desire and A Disguise to Die For :)
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
