
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Chocolate Chip Cookies - The Ones My Family Will Actually Eat

The kids and some of their cousins at dinner at the beach in 2011.  Emma is on the left, Eleanor is on the right , Paul is in the back in the red and my dad is the adult standing holding the biggest piece of Key Lime Pie I've ever seen

I've mentioned before that my family isn't adventurous when it comes to sweets.  I don't mean to say that they're picky eaters because for the most part they're not (except the Tornado because that child willingly eats like 3 things on a good day) (and come to think of it Emma isn't winning any prizes either) when it comes to main dishes.  For the most part they eat what I put in front of them as long as I don't put fruit in the meat dish or add in butternut squash (which I LOVE!) or something like that.

However, when it comes to baking they like simple - brownies, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and above all else - Chocolate Chip Cookies.  This week I thought instead of sharing something that my family won't eat I'd share a recipe that always goes over well.  These cookies are always tasty and since they involve melted butter and not softened can be made quickly and without a mixer.

This recipe originally came from Cook's Illustrated: The New Best Recipe.  I've trimmed the recipe down a bit.  Cook's Illustrated loves complicated steps and after the first 100 times of making these there were quite a few of these steps that I determined weren't necessary.   These cookies are great if you have to bring a dessert somewhere on short notice or are about to have company or just want some cookies without having to do much work!

Simplified Thick and Chewy Cookies
- Adapted from the Cooks Illustrated Recipe
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt (recipe calls for 1/2 but I like a little extra)

12 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract (recipe calls for 2 teaspoons)
1 cup chocolate chips (recipe calls for 1 1/2 cup)

Whisk flour, baking soda and salt together and set aside.

Combine butter and sugars.  Beat in egg, yolk, and vanilla until combined.  Add dry ingredients 1/3 at at time, blending after each addition.

Drop in 2 tablespoon balls onto a cookie sheet (I use a stoneware cookie sheet) 2 inches apart.

Bake at 325 for 15 to 18 minutes.  Let cool on the cookie sheet for a few minutes then transfer to wire rack.

I actually go a little lighter on the chocolate chips because I love the taste of the cookie itself and not that I'm saying I eat cookie dough but seriously - the cookie dough for this one is amazing!

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. Chocolate Chip Cookies are our favorite here by far. We actually just made a batch last weekend. I totally just use the recipe on the back of the chocolate chips but will totally try this out! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I like that this one uses melted butter. It makes it really quick to throw together.

  2. You can't go wrong with Cooks Illustrated. I used to subscribe to their magazine and every single recipe I tried of theirs came out well. By the way, the beef stew is still a favorite and always comes out great.

    Good choice for cookies this month. I am almost your neighbor in the Florida panhandle.....we ought to scoot to your place in Alabama and share your cookies!

    1. I'll have to try their beef stew. Like you I've had great luck with pretty much all their recipes!
      This is actually at Flounders in Pensacola but if you're ever up this way I'd be glad to bring you some cookies!

  3. These sound good, Katherine. I've adapted the Toll House Cookie recipe and use that recipe when I make chocolate chip cookies (which isn't often anymore since my kids are out of the house). My mother-in-law always made batches of chocolate chip cookies for us when she visited. The kids (and I) loved it! If the butter wasn't soft she just melted it. The cookies were always a little different each time she made

    1. I like the toll house recipe quite a bit! Melting saves a ton of time!

  4. The picture alone looks super tasty! I love sweets. That's probably the one area of food I'm not extremely picky in. But nothing can beat a good soft and chewy chocolate chip cookie. It's total comfort food. So I agree with your family; chocolate chip cookies all the way.

  5. Those look yummy! Cute picture and I'd love to have some of your Dad's key lime pie!

  6. I have one chocolate chip recipe from years ago that I use.

  7. Cook's Illustrated recipes always turn out well! We love chocolate chip cookies, to I'll have to give this recipe a try.

  8. So funny, I woke up this morning with the firm intention of making chocolate chip cookies. Haven't done it in a long time either.

  9. You can't go wrong with Cooks Illustrated -- ever. These do sound good. I've been fighting a baking mood all day. Maybe I'll just make bread.

  10. My sister-in-law makes these cookies and they are irresistible. Your children have good taste.

  11. These look delicious. I love chocolate chip cookies.

  12. I'm really craving chocolate chip cookies now! These look so good.

  13. I actually have this book, but haven't paid attention to the cookie recipes. However, I love that these cookies are so thick and yummy looking. Gonna give 'em a try. Hugs...

  14. Those look amazing. I don't think I've ever melted butter for a cookie recipe, but I've definitely waited around for it to soften.

  15. These sound so yummy. And soft and chewy cookies? Can you send me some? :-)

  16. I've never seen a cookie recipe that calls for melted butter. I'll have to give these a try...and maybe even bake some of them!

  17. Hard to imagine a chocolate chip cookie that anyone would reject!

    best... mae at

  18. I'm jealous of your stoneware cookie sheet!

  19. I love chocolate chip cookies! Maybe a bit too much :) My husband is really the picky one in my house but when it comes to sweets, he is much less picky. This recipe looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  20. You lost me with fruit in the meat dish. What the heck kind of meat dish would require fruit!?!?! LOL! Stoneware cookie sheet? Wonder if my pizza stone would work as well. LOVE chocolate chip cookies!

  21. Interesting texture these cookies have. I would frown at fruit in a meat dish too. I had tried pineapple chicken in the slow cooker w/the ohana but they didn't dig it. So I don't make that recipe anymore. I hope to make some Rolo brownies today.

  22. These look delicious! I like chocolate chip cookies but hardly ever make them as I don't have a good recipe. I often remove some steps from recipes I make too, I often think they make recipes unessecary uncomplicated and adding steps where they aren't necessary. I'll pin this one and give it a try once!

  23. I've never met a chocolate chip cookie I didn't like!

  24. I'd eat em! You really can't go wrong with a good cookie :)
