
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Killer Run - Review

Killer Run (Tourist Trap Mystery #5) by Lynn Cahoon
Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Jill Gardner - owner of Coffee, Books, and More - has somehow been talked into sponsoring a 5k race along the beautiful California coast.  The race is a fundraiser for the local preservation society - but not everyone is feeling so charitable...  The day of the race, everyone hits the ground running...until a local business owner stumbles over a very stationary body.  The deceased is the vicious wife of the husband-and-wife team hired to promote the event - and the husband turns to Jill to help in clearing his name.  But did he do it?  Jill will have to be very careful, because this killer is ready to put her out of the running...forever! (from Goodreads)

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  This is actually the 5th book in the series and I've read and enjoyed each one.  Plus, I can never resist a mystery with a bookstore and a main character who loves to read!

My Impression: I have a review for Cahoon's 6th book in the series coming up at the beginning of next month so I knew I needed to get this one knocked out before then.  I've been reading this series since it began and I've always enjoyed them though the last was a little flatter.  I was very pleased that when I started this one I was immediately drawn into the book and I loved catching up with Jill and everyone else.
I really enjoyed the interaction of the town and seeing the race get organized.  I wasn't surprised by who got murdered and I wasn't surprised by who did it but I did very much enjoy getting from the point of body discovery to the reveal.  There's a subplot involving a train store that I thought could have had a bit more page time especially since that's what Jill was supposed to be investigating.
I thought the book really shone with the development of characters and relationships.  I liked seeing Jill struggle with Greg's work schedule and it's effects on their vacation plans.  It felt real and I liked that Jill wasn't 100% okay about it all.  I also liked seeing the occasional flash of Jackie's tender side.  Her personality can be so abrasive that it was really nice to see the feelings underneath.  I also thought Sasha really came into her own and of course I always love seeing Toby!
Overall, I found this to be an enjoyable mystery with characters I enjoy visiting with.  This is a series best read from the beginning as you get to see the relationships develop.  The teaser Cahoon drops at the end regarding the next book has me very glad I don't have to wait to long!  Can't wait to see what trouble Jill gets into next!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I always enjoy a visit to South Cove and catching up with Jill, Sasha, Toby, and everyone else.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you've been reading this series you definitely need to pick up this book.  If you're new I think you might enjoy it more if you started out with the first book, Guidebook to Murder.


  1. Coffee, Books & More sounds like a place I could spend a few hours! I like books with bookstores (and coffee shops) too, so this looks like a winner. Nice that characters develop and grow...

  2. I love series that include bookstores - in whatever way. I'll keep this one in mind. I checked to see if I had one of them, but no. That may be a first. Most of the time, I already have one or two and just haven't read them. LOL

    1. This is a fun series and seriously what is a better setting then bookstores?

  3. I should really read more cozy mysteries. I used to read them ALL THE TIME back in the day. Yes, I'm old enough that I can now say "back in the day." I was wondering, did you ever watch Murder She Wrote? I was such a gigantic fan of that show when I was a little girl. It's like a cozy mystery in TV form. And Jessica is an author and loves to read too!

    1. I use to watch the show when it was on TV, now I watch the reruns on Netflix. I also read the books, Murder, She Wrote. I like both the TV shows and the books.

    2. I LOVE Murder She Wrote! It's like every episode is a cozy mystery! I'm really glad it's on Netflix. I haven't tried the books but I really want to!

  4. Oh I might have to start this series. I like a mystery like this once in a while and It would be good to have a series to go to . Great review!

    1. This is definitely a good light mystery series if you're looking for one!

  5. I swear probably most of the books I add to my TBR are due to you :O). I have the first in this series on my TBR already. The cover is so clean with bright colors.

    1. LOL! Glad I could help! I do like the covers for the series and this one is one of my favorites.

  6. I love books set in bookstores, too, and a cozy mystery is the perfect set-up for a story set amongst the books. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Bookstores are definitely one of my favorite setting!

  7. This sounds like a book I would love. I love bookstore books and cozy mysteries. I've never read this author, however, I've been trying to stay away from series, unless they are stand alone books in a series.

    1. I can definitely understand why you want to avoid series! I have so many going it's crazy!

  8. This is one of my favorite series. I can't wait to get the next one on audio as I have listened to this whole series and I have to continue it that way. :) Look forward to your review of the next book. :)

    1. I've really enjoyed this series too and I can see how it'd be great on audio! I'm looking forward to the next book!

  9. I have to catch up with this series. I'm a couple of books behind but this sounds good.

    1. It's a great series! This was probably my favorite in awhile.

  10. You are really making me want to pick up a cozy mystery. I haven't read one in a long time and I am really not sure why that is. This series sounds really fun and I love the fact that a bookstore is involved. I love the fact that this series has really well developed characters. I may need to take a look at that first book.

    1. It's really a fun series and I do like that the characters are developing over time!

  11. I am glad you continue to enjoy this series, Katherine. It does sound fun. As you know, I like it when characters seem realistic with every day problems.
