
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Beyond the Books - Stress Relievers

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is a freebie so I'm doing a topic that I missed - Stress Relievers.

Here are a few ways I try to relax when I too frazzled to function:

Rearranging bookshelves - It actually de-stresses me more than actually reading the books.  Something about handling all the books and looking at the pretty covers and reading the blurbs is very soothing.

Baths - I love a steaming hot bath and there's something immediately relaxing about it.  I'm a big fan of Dr. Teal's bath salts - especially the Clay and Ginger type - and I love Lush bath bombs.  Sometimes I read, sometimes I watch Netflix or Hulu on my Kindle and sometimes I listen to an audio book or a podcast.  I always feel better.

Watching TV - especially while looking at cookbooks - Relaxing and watching one of my shows (either cooking or crime) is always a pretty good way to unwind.  I'm even happier when I have a new cookbook to page through and plan out the recipes I want to try.

Listening to Podcasts - I've just discovered podcasts in the last couple of months but I've really been enjoying them.  I can listen to one while I'm putting up laundry or doing something else equally mundane and I automatically feel calmer.  Some of my favorites are:
 Super Serials - a Snarky Bookclub that reads mostly MG books like the Babysitter's Club and Nancy Drew,
TV Crimes with Wil Wheaton and Mikey Neumann where they talk about really bad TV shows
Avon on the Air which features short interviews with Avon Authors
Dancing with the Stars or Bachelor AfterBuzz depending on which show is in season
Happier with Gretchen Rubin
The Readers 

I've also figured out that having to much going on at once ends up making me a stressed out frazzled mess.  I can multitask with no problem but if I'm trying to do something and have multiple people talking to me and TV and radio noise I end up a basket case even if nothing stressful is happening and I was in a good mood before.  Now that I've figured out this problem my goal this year is to get better about dealing with chaotic situations.

What are your stress relievers?


  1. I think Tv binges help me relax and de-stress. Especially if it is mindless TV. Cleaning helps me too. I tend to just let go of everything when I clean. I need to listen to more podcasts!

    1. I'm definitely a TV fan! There are times my brain is to tired for much else!

  2. TV binging and rearranging books are on my list of stress relievers. Also, playing computer games.

    1. Oh I forgot about computer games! I love those hidden object games!

  3. I like to play games on my phone. Also, reading helps me most of the time. Thanks for playing, great post!

    1. Reading helps when I'm really stressed but there are times when I'm just frazzled and just need a brain break.

  4. Re-arranging book shelves definitely helps with relieving stress. I'm not a big bath person, but I love a good, hot shower. I also liking watching TV to de-stress. Especially TV shows that are funny and that I've seen before (like Monk and Everybody Loves Raymond).

    1. Oh a good shower is definitely heaven! I live Monk! I haven't watched it in far too long.

  5. I love your first stress reliever. I thought I was the only one that rearranged books as a calming activity. I guess it comes from so many years of working in libraries and also volunteering in libraries. I never minded shelving books or not much. You could have your hands on so many of take a look at them. I also loved preparing the new books for initial shelving. New books that I didn't pay for.

    OK, I got away from the stress relief. I also reread books when I'm stressed or sad or worried. I have a few that I return to over and over. They make me feel good, even if I do know the endings.

    1. I do love a good reread and there are definitely a few I return to when I'm stressed.
      There are at least 2 of us who rearrange books for fun! Shelving books and preparing books sounds like lots of fun!

  6. Reading and knitting are stress relievers for me here.

    1. I'd like to learn how to knit. I can see how it would be stress relieving.

  7. TV is a good de- stressor, just vegging and watching a show. Looking through books is another- I don't really rearrange my shelves much but it is fun sometimes just to kinda inventory everything and remember favorites. And podcasts- I haven't listened to many yet, but Super Serials is good I agree- the two that I listened to were funny.

    1. I love a good TV binge! What did we do without Netflix and Hulu?

  8. Oo petting books is definitely a destresser here. For me I read or I hit the kitchen and bake and cook until all the dishes are dirty. lol I go on cleaning/organizing binges too when I'm upset/stressed. My grandmom does baths like you do. I wish I had one of those huge garden tubs. One day. One day :D

    1. I forgot about baking! I do love to bake and haven't had a good baking spree without a deadline in awhile!

  9. I'm not bothered with stress so much these days, however, many years ago when I had 5 children, sometimes when they were snowed in and playing games around the kitchen table, it got overwhelming for me, so I would lock myself in my bedroom and read or watch TV. That was how I de-stressed. Now it's just me and Hubby, so no problems, but I still hole up in my Reading Corner in my bedroom and read, read, read...

    1. I get frazzled more than stressed but it's definitely getting less so as the kids are getting older and moving out!

  10. TV bingeing, especially Netflix, works for me...and maybe I should try rearranging my shelves, too. I've always wanted to put similar books together on a shelf, in addition to the alphabetical arrangements.

    Thanks for sharing...I keep forgetting about this meme, which I've done once or twice.

    1. What did we do without Netflix and Hulu? I'm in a Top Chef marathon right now and it's definitely lots of fun! I love the idea of rearranging books by subject. That sounds like fun!

  11. I love Lush, too! I play games on my Kindle to destress. Words With Friends is my favorite. I also (and this is going to sound super weird) have a pet Pou (poop) digital pet that I take care of. Ha ha! I named him Doodah Doodles. And I have gotten sucked into the craze of Neko Atsume, where you collect and take care of cute little anime cats. It beats doing that in real life, right? You can be a crazy cat lady online. :)

  12. I used to spend hours rearranging my bookshelves. I got rid of the majority of my books a few years ago because I tend to only want to pick up my kindle. I kind of miss the whole bookshelf arranging now that I think about it. I do need to try out a podcast soon.

    I don't really get too stressed out anymore. I know when I need to be left alone and I just grab my book or my tablet and go to a quiet place in my house. I will tell my husband and daughter to leave me alone for a while if I know I need to be left alone. Great post!

  13. Yes - baths! That's my instant stress reliever. A couple of other things that help me to relax or de stress are a good old cup of tea - the cure for anything in my book - and adult colouring books. I know they've been quite the craze this past year, but I'm so glad I got in to them! I'm not even that great when it comes to artistic things, but I just feel so relaxed after 30 minutes or so of colouring.

    Reading With Jade

  14. I'm not much of a bath taker, but I do love a steaming hot shower. Reading is probably my biggest stress reliever. It helps calm me down and focus. Watching television is great when I can't focus enough on a book. Or browsing the internet.

  15. I hadn't heard of Avon on the Air, I'm not a 'podcast' type of person, but I'd love to listen to some of these! My de-stress moments include reading, hiking and baking (kinda explains my hips!).

  16. Well I love to colour in plus I have a dog who is such a great stress reliever!! Besides reading I am a huge game nerd when I have time but this week I have thrown all of these out the window and have used cleaning as my stress reliever!

    1. Cleaning? You can come and get some extra stress relief at my house. Ha!

    2. Cleaning? You can come and get some extra stress relief at my house. Ha!

  17. One of my great stress relievers is good old quiet. It's hard to come by with family around and a hubby who likes to have the tv on all day. Sometimes I just have to retreat to my room and putter around picking up, cleaning, reading - whatever I can do without any noise.
