
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 Releases I Meant to Get to But Didn't

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant to Get to But Didn't.  My immediate thought was "all of them" but since that didn't seem very interesting I went through my 2015 ARCs and pulled the ones I'd been really excited about getting and then for whatever reason never actually read.

1.  Be Afraid by Mary Burton - This is a suspense author I've been wanting to try.  A lot of my blogger friends really enjoy her books and I love a good creepy read sometimes.

2.  The Beekeeper's Daughter by Santa Montefiore - Montefiore's book Secrets of the Lighthouse was one of my favorite books in 2014 and while this book isn't set in Ireland it does have a dual timeline plot that I love!

3.  First Time in Forever/Some Kind of Wonderful by Sarah Morgan - I loved Morgan's O'Neil Brothers series and this was set in an island in Maine sounds great.  Both the first and second books came out this year.

4.  Murder at Beechwood by Alyssa Maxwell - I love historical mysteries and murder set in the Gilded Age is probably one of my favorite settings.

5.  The Secret Sister by Brenda Novak - I really enjoy Novak's writing but some of her plot lines in her Whiskey Creek series were not for me (I still haven't gotten over the turkey baster insemination by her husband's BROTHER).  I'm really excited about this more romantic suspense type book with secrets from the past!

6.  No One Needs to Know by Kevin O'Brien - This is another creepy author and I know several people who enjoy his books.

7.  The Canterbury Sisters by Kim Wright - I love books that involve traveling to a destination and have a character figure themselves out.  Plus I love the cover on this one!

8.  Second Chance Summer/My Kind of Wonderful by Jill Shalvis - Now that I've fully accepted that the Lucky Harbor series is over I feel like it is time to explore her new Cedar Ridge series.  I have book 1 and 2 and am looking forward to getting to know the characters.

9.  Starlight on Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs - Wiggs is one my favorite comfort read authors and while I'm disappointed we aren't revisiting the Bella Vista series I am looking forward to visiting Willow Lake.

10. Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain - I know so many people who absolutely love her books so I'm excited about finally giving her a try.

What 2015 releases were you excited about but didn't get to?


  1. "All of them". So true... a good suspenseful read is always nice, several of those sound good. It's nice too when you can start a new series by a favorite author. Hope you can get to some of these early in the new year!

    1. It's just awful how the books stack up! I want to read them all! This will be the year really it will!

  2. Ha! Totally agree with "all of them". I do want to read Pretending to Dance. I really like Diane Chamberlain. Good luck getting to these!

    1. I'm hoping to get to the Chamberlain one soon. I was just not feeling it before Christmas

  3. Let's see - I have at least 3 of these on my Kindle. And have I read them? No, of course not. I have Pretending To Dance, The Canterbury Sisters, and I'm pretty sure I have No One Needs To Know. I haven't read any of Kevin O'Brien's books yet, but he looks like an author I could come to love. Good luck with your quest!!

    1. This year we will get them all read Kay! I'm looking forward to trying all of these authors since most of them are new to me.

  4. I've read both of those Jill Shalvis books. I liked Second Chance Summer but I LOVED My Kind of Wonderful!

    1. I cannot wait to get to the Shalvis books! I have no idea why it's taken me so long.

  5. Haha! I had the same reaction about wanting to read all of them. :-) You've got a great list here, Katherine. I really should give Mary Burton a try. Her book sounds like a good one! Kevin O'Brien is one I've been wanting to try too. I hope you get to all of these this year!

    1. I'm really looking forward to both O'Brian and Burton. I love a little scare!

  6. I haven't even heard of any of these! I'll wait for you to read and advise :)

  7. Also my response; all of them.
    I won an ARC of Starlight on Willow Lake and never read it. Oops.
    Oh yea, Chamberlain. I always forget I want to give her a try.

    1. I love Susan Wiggs! She's like comfort reading.

  8. These look like some really interesting titles. Hope you get a chance to read them all soon!

    1. I'm determined to get to these this year! It will happen!

  9. Some great books, I love Sarah Morgan too and am still waiting to get my hands on the third one in the series.

    1. I love her too! I have no idea why I haven't actually started this new series yet!

  10. I liked The Secret Sister. I also agree with you about the Whiskey Creek turkey baster plot line. That was ridiculous and made me kind of hate the involved characters. I liked the other books in that series though.

    1. The Turkey baster plot line was hard to get past but I love Novak's writing style

  11. I haven't heard of most of those and wrote down a couple to try. :)

  12. So many of these sound quite scary! Hope you get to all the good ones this year!

    1. I'm trying to take on less new books so I can get more of these books read!

  13. Oh that reminds me, I need to finish Sarah Morgan's O'Neil Brother series! The Beekeeper's Daughter sounds like an interesting read. Great list!

    1. I really liked the O'Neil series and can't wait to start Puffin Island.

  14. All of them sounds like a good answer to me :) That is actually what I am shooting for this year - to get my backlog of ARCs read. I did enjoy the first Jill Shalvis book but I am like you and need to read the second one and get caught up.

    1. It's really ridiculous I haven't gotten to the Shalvis books. She's one of my absolute favorites so I don't know what's taking me so long!

  15. I've heard a lot good things about Diane Chamberlain's latest release - I haven't read it myself, but I have read one or two of her other works with another older release still on my shelves. I'd highly recommend her books.

    Reading With Jade

    1. I haven't read anything by Chamberlain yet but it's going to happen soon!

  16. Still sad about Lucky Harbor *sniffles* but the new one is very good too :D Hope you enjoy them! And Morgan. She's on my list too. One day :D

    1. I love Morgan and I miss Lucky Harbor! I want to know what they're all up to.

  17. I am completely with you with the "all of them" especially if i get them all as gifts that would be wonderful :)
    You made a great list, many of the books that i haven't heard of yet but sound fantastic, so thank you for adding more books to my TBR.
    I hope you get to all of those books very soon:)

    My TTT:

    1. Yes the books as a gift would be lovely! I hope you find a few you enjoy!

  18. Nice list! I wanted to read Some Kind of Wonderful, because I had read the first Puffin Island book and really liked it. Unfortunately, for some reason they didn't bring it out in the US except bundled with an older Susan Mallery title -- and when you try to click on the Kindle version, it's just the Susan Mallery book without the Sarah Morgan book! So I will have to try to track down a print copy somewhere.

    I'm also hoping to squeeze in some Jill Shalvis at some point. :-)

  19. I was super excited to get The Beekeeper's Daughter on EW based on the synopsis, but was disappointed in the book. I guess that type of book is not for me. I never went back to see if other reviewers who are familiar with that author's writing liked it or not. I will be keen to see what you think of it. :)

  20. No matter how many books we read, we never can keep up, can we?!
