
Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Princess Diaries

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you think you will ever get tired of blogging?

My Answer:
At this point I don't think so.  After a few rough patches I've gotten better about just blogging the way I want too and not worrying as much about stats or getting books from publishers and I'm pretty happy.  Plus I would miss the book blogger community too much!  But things may change and I may decide to move on to something else but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

This week's book is a little unusual for me since I'm not much of a YA reader.My oldest was a big fan of this series and I did enjoy the movie but The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot was never high up on books I wanted to read.  However, I've been listening to this podcast called Super Serials which is a weekly book club where they talk about MG/YA books.  Most of them are books that I loved as a kid like The Babysitter's Club and Nancy Drew but they've done a few more recent books and this is one of them.  I thought I'd read it before listening to the discussion.

The Beginning:
Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is lie.

My Thoughts:
I like this opening.  It's intriguing yet since it's the diary of a basically regular 14 year old I don't take it to mean she's telling lies about crime or espionage.  It definitely makes me want to learn more about her.

The 56:
My mom's face totally lit up as she started listing the lovely things I could have if I went to live in Genovia, but her voice sounded strange, as if she were playing a mom on TV or something.

My Thoughts:
Teenagers always know when you're lying - or at least 90% of the time!  I am excited to see how the book version differs from the movie.  

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What genre is out of your comfort zone?


  1. I would keep reading. Your bits here have me intrigued and if I didn't have a lineup of 4 books already, I would grab this from the library.
    I have also had a time in the blogging world where I felt like, why bother. Maybe we all go through that, think I about stats or whatever it is that bugs us. Like you, I have gotten back to writing what I want and not worrying about anything else. Now if I could just combine my two blogs, life might be simpler.

  2. I have had some moments that I have wondered why I bother with my blog. It can be a lot of work and it bugs me when I promise to do a post and don't get any materials until the last minute. I just did what it sounds like you have done and made the decision to just post what I want and I am much happier about it. I hope that I always enjoy it as much as I am right now.

    I can't wait for your review of this book! My daughter read it and we watched the movie at least a dozen times. I do wonder how an adult will feel about the book. Enjoy!

  3. Hi, I found your website from the Book Blogger Hop. Enjoyed reading your posts and can't wait to see more! New follower!!!

  4. First, as to blogging over time, well, I did it, went away, missed it, came back, and have decided that it works best for me when I can step away for a bit. And that's how this last year went. I was pleased.

    The Princess Diaries - I remember this book and I probably read 2 or 3 after it in the series. It is quite a bit different than the movie. I'll be curious to see what you think. I do love Meg Cabot's humor. She's got teens down pat. I will say that I like the movie grandmother, the lovely Julie Andrews, much better than the grandmother in the books.

  5. Hi,
    Haven't read the book, but have seen the movie. I'm the same, I write what I want and don't worry about the stats. Have a great day!

  6. I have this book and keep meaning to read it. I liked the movie and there are a lot more books than movies so I was always curious about the series. I do hope you will review it as I can't wait to see what you think about it. :)

    Friday Memes

  7. I have been curious about Meg Cabot since I started blogging...and I like the description in the seems so real. Like something a teen would think.

    In your Blogger Hop question: I totally agree. I can't imagine a life without blogging or the community...not at this point, anyway.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  8. I think it would be hard for me to read the book after seeing the great film.

  9. I agree on that I would miss the community. But I also sometimes just get lazy or just need the break. 2015 was all over the place for my blogging. But it is what it is. Unlike you, who posts everyday. :D
    I haven't read The Princess Diaries either. But I did watch the movie forever ago and really enjoyed it.

  10. I've seen the movie for The Princess Diaries, but I never got around to reading the book. I agree with you, I do like the beginning.

  11. I have only been blogging a short time so I hope I never give it up.

    New follower on bloglovn'

  12. I love the book blogging community...I would miss them and my blog a lot.

    Have a great weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  13. I would keep reading. I agree, teenagers always seem to know when you're being less than honest. Wonder how they do that? I loved The Princess Diaries (the books) and the movie was great! I love Julie Andrews! Thanks for visiting my Friday post!

  14. I enjoyed the movie too. :-) I am glad you are enjoying the book!

  15. I haven't read this series but I would keep reading - it sounds good and since your daughter has already read it maybe it can be a book you can discuss together. Here's my Friday post

  16. Definitely keep reading! I actually haven't read this series, although I remember watching the movie... The Meg Cabot YA series which I adore are Mediator and Missing - you could always give those a whirl. I love her trade-mark humour and tough female characters!

  17. You know, I use to love the Princess Diaries books when I was younger. I haven't even picked them up in years, even though I still own several of them. I may have to add those to my books to reread list. Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Kristine @ The Writer's Inkwell

  18. I read lots of YA but haven't read this series. It does sound good.
    The book I am featuring this week is Friday Barnes Girl Detective by R. A. Spratt. It's middle grade but I loved it! Happy reading.

  19. I'd say keep reading. But then again The Princess Diaries series is a favourite from my youth, so I guess I am bias. Haha. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did and still do after all these years.

  20. Saw the movies - not sure I would read the book.

  21. Meg Cabot was so popular a few years back with her series. I wonder if kids today still read these books? My Friday Quotes

  22. I don't usually read YA, but I do like Meg Cabot.

  23. Meg Cabot is a wonderful author. I really enjoyed the Princess Diaries and I hope you do too :)

  24. I've never read the books, but I did enjoy the movie. Happy reading!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  25. This is one I never read but enjoyed the film. Happy Sunday!

  26. I have had this book for forever, but I've never managed to read it. Enjoyed both the movies very much, however.

  27. i have watched the movies but never read it.. though I am sure I will sometime soon as my DD might read in a couple of years.. keep reading..
