
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated 2016 Reading

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Top Ten Anticipated 2016 Releases.  I'm not great at keeping up with release schedules so I divided my list up into 2 parts.  5 books that I'm looking forward to reading in 2016 and 5 books that I'm looking forward to being released in 2016

5 Books I'm Anticipating Reading for 2016

1.  The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - I have no idea why it's taken me so long to read this series but this is the year!

2.  A Good Marriage by Stephen King - I've been wanting to read a Stephen King book for ages and this short book appeals to me so it sounds like a perfect one to start with.

3.  In the Woods by Tana French - I don't think I'd heard of French before I started blogging but now she's high up on my list of authors I can't believe I haven't read.

4. And Only to Deceive by Tasha Alexander - I love Laurie R. King's Marry Russell/Sherlock Holmes series and have been looking for another historical mystery series.

5.  Tessa Dare - This year I pretty much abandoned the historical romance genre and I'm hoping to get back to it in 2016.  Tessa Dare is one of the authors I'm looking forward to reading.

5 Releases I'm Anticipating for 2016

6.  The Road to Little Dribbling: An American's Adventures in Britain by Bill Bryson - I have mixed feelings about Bill Bryson's work.  Sometimes I love it, sometimes he gets a little too caught up in what he has to say.  Regardless, I'm looking forward to reading this one in January.

7.  The Obsession by Nora Roberts - I've been disappointed with Roberts' books the last couple of years but I absolutely loved The Liar last year so I'm hoping that this one will be a similar homerun.

8.  Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn - I love Julia Quinn's books and am so excited to be revisiting the Bridgertons!

9.  Death and the Brewmaster's Widow by Loretta Ross - I absolutely loved the first book in this cozy mystery series involving an auctioneer and a bounty hunter and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.

10. The Cookies and Cups Cookbook by Shelley Jaronsky - I've been following this blog for years and have gotten some of my absolute favorite treat recipes from it so I'm sure this cookbook will be lots of fun.

What are you looking forward to reading in 2016?


  1. Seriously, Because of Miss Bridgerton! I'm trying to keep my expectations reasonable, but it's so hard.

    Also, YAy for The Lunar Chronicles and TESSA DARE!

    1. Oh I know! I don't want to get my expectations too high but s Bridgerton! Can't wait!

  2. Great way to do this list this week! I've read Cinder, and want to try and get to the rest of the series this year. Well at least Scarlet. :) I am going to check out that Loretta Ross book for sure!
    My TTT

    1. I'm excited about the Lunar Chronicles and I'm really looking forward to Loretta Ross' next book.

  3. The Lunar Chronicles is such a good series! It's one of my favorites because it's fun, it's imaginative, it's clean, it's exciting -- it's awesome. Definitely read it. I'm also a huge Tana French fan. I've read all her books and really wish she would write faster. She's amazing.

    Happy New Year!

  4. I have a lot of authors on my must read next year as I keep saying I am going to and don't. It's part of my read my own books goal. :)

    1. I have so many authors that I want to read so I'm really going to try to make some progress this year. We will see how it goes!

  5. Because of the TBR Triple Dog Dare and COYER, I won't be reading The Lunar Chronicles until the middle to end of the year, but I am going to make a point to finally dive into those. Especially now that the series is over. :-) In the Woods is so good! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it.

    So many good books are coming out this next year! At least I hope they turn out to be as good as they sound. :-)

    1. I was tempted by the Triple Dog Dare challenge. I have so many actual books that I haven't made much progress on and I keep acquiring more!

  6. I'm the same with Tana French, had never heard of her before blogging, now I've heard lots of good things. I want to try one of her books in 2016 as well. And yay for And Only To Deceive- I've read maybe half of the books and I still think I liked the first one the best. It just established everything and had the Greek references going on... I liked it. Great list!

    1. You and Lark are responsible for Tasha Alexander! She sounds great and I'm really looking forward to trying Tana French. Hopefully we both enjoy her books!

  7. Tana French just can't write fast enough for me. And Bill Bryson--yes, at his best he is beyond funny, but sometimes he's not at his best, right? I have a picture of me reading "A Walk in the Woods" out loud to my mom, and we are both cracking up. I tend to prefer his memoir-type work to his researched-type work, so I am looking forward to the book you mention here.

    1. Bryson definitely gets over talkative and like you I like his memoir style though I always love the idea of the researched stuff but execution is iffy. A Walk in the Woods is my favorite!

  8. Aaaaahhh! I totally missed that a new Bridgerton book is set for release when I listed my TTT picks! Also, yes to Tessa Dare!

    1. I'm so excited about the Quinn and I'm definitely looking to reading Tessa Dare! I've read one book by her and really enjoyed it.

  9. Like you, I had to put Nora Roberts aside for a few years, but The Liar was pretty good. Can never go wrong with Julia Quinn, right?

    1. Quinn is always reliable. I'm hoping Roberts is back on track. I really liked The Liar so I'm hopeful!

  10. I love, love, love Tana French's books. I need to reread them. And I've enjoyed Tasha Alexander's series as well. Sigh. 2016 might be the year of reread for me as well as the year of 'reading from my own shelves'.

    1. I definitely need to read off my own shelves! I've really slowed down on my reading of them but not so much on the acquiring! I'm getting a bit overrun!

  11. I'm delighted you are going to read the Lunar Chronicles, Tasha Alexander, and Tessa Dare. And I have three of your new releases on my list, too -- plus I should have included Bryson's latest because I love his books. (I hope he reads the audiobook himself this time. I don't like the reader for Notes from a Small Island.)

    1. I've only listened to Bryson's At Home which he read and I enjoyed it. You're partially responsible for Tasha Alexander. I'm really looking forward to reading her.

  12. I've enjoyed all the Tessa Dare books I've read - and love that I have many more to catch up on. I also want to read the Bridgerton books. I love historical romance but don't get to read them as often as I'd like.
    I need to look for the Bryson book. My husband and I both like him.

    1. I love the Bridgerton books! My favorite is The Viscount Who Loved Me but they're all fun reads. I'm looking forward to the Bryson.

  13. Tana French is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy her. I read Cinder this year and loved it. If you do audio they were great.

    1. I'm looking forward to Cinder and I'm glad to hear the audio is good because I'll be able to get to it sooner.

  14. I hope to read the Lunar Chronicles too in 2016, and thanks for alerting me to the Julia Quinn one, rushed over to put it in my wish list. Loved the Bridgerton books, read them addictively!

    1. I'm so excited about the Bridgerton book! They're my favorite.

  15. I used to love Stephen King's books. I want to read this one.

    1. I'm looking forward to the Stephen King. I've heard the audio is really good.

  16. Great list! I still need to read The Liar. I recently got some Julia Quinn books, I'll have to give her a try.

    1. I really liked The Liar and Julia Quinn is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them!

  17. The Lunar Chronicles are so popular. I've put off dipping my toe into that series too. I may search for an audio version. In the new year, I will be searching used bookstores for the Bridgerton books I am missing.

    1. I think I'm going to do the audio version for Cinder at least since my library has it in overdrive. You can't go wrong with the Bridgertons! I'm hoping to do a reread of them!

  18. Yes! The Lunar Chronicles! My fave! And the audios are pretty good(just as an fyi).
    I recently heard about French. I think her Into the Woods series sounds great! I'll keep my eye out for your review. Lol

    1. You've definitely talked me into the Lunar Chronicles and I'm going to do the audio for Cinder at least and I can't wait!

  19. I desperately need Because of Miss Bridgerton!! It sounds sooooo ridiculously cute and yes, more Bridgerton! Also, definitely get back to Tessa Dare!
    Oooh, I hope you enjoy The Lunar Chronicles! It's totally one of my top favourite series ever. I need to try to read more Bill Bryson.

    Great list!

    1. Im so excited about the Lunar Chronicles and the new Quinn! Bryson is hit or miss for me but I tend to prefer his travel books so I have high hopes for this one.

  20. I want to start the Lunar Chronicles this year, too. I'm kind of jealous that you're just starting with French's books - I just finished reading the last of her books I hadn't read and I love them!

    1. I'm really looking forward to both the Lunar Chronicles and French's books.

  21. I'm with you on Bryson's work. I read his book on Shakespeare which was awesome but it was very dense and had so many tangents.

    If you want to try a really good historical mystery series, you might try Barbara Cleverly's Joe Sandilands mysteries which are set in British India.

    1. I agree about the Shakespeare book. I enjoyed it but it took some time. I haven't heard of Beverly Cleverly but that sounds like a series I would enjoy!

  22. Nice list Katherine. I also want to try the Lunar Chronicles. Enjoy!
