
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Find the Good - Review

Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende

Rating: 4 Stars
Source:  NetGalley
Description:  As the obituary writer in a spectacularly beautiful but often dangerous spit of land in Alaska, Heather Lende knows something about last words and lives well lived.  Now she's distilled what she's learned about how to live a more exhilarating and meaningful life into three words: find the good.  It's that simple - and that hard.  Quirky and profound, individual and universal, Find the Good offers up short chapters that help us unlearn the habit - and it is a habit - of seeing only the negatives.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Nonfiction

Why I Picked This Book:  I like the message of the book and the fact that the author writes obituaries definitely caught my attention!

My Impression:  Last year I ended the year on a inspirational type book and I wanted to do that again.  However, between an overload of Christmas celebrations, my youngest's birthday (how is he 6??), and a chest cold that will not go away, my brain is very very tired.  So scrolling through the Review Book Pile of Shame I was excited when I came across this little book by an obituary writer from Alaska.  It's a short book - less than 200 - pages with short chapters that are basically short essays linked only by the fact that the author knows the people she's talking about.  The stories are sweet but not sappy and with just enough poignancy that the message didn't seem flip but the book wasn't melodramatic of melancholy.
This book was perfect for my overtired coughing up a lung holiday aftermath brain.  The stories were short with a dash of humor and a lot of heart.  While death does come up quite a bit (she is an obituary writer after all) the focus isn't on death but on life.  It's on appreciating and celebrating those that have been and what we have all without feeling hokey.  Sometimes it's on adjusting our perceptions of reality such as when Lende's daughter announces she's pregnant before she finishes her degree and throws Lende for a serious loop.  It's about singing and learning how to work together and communities coming together to help those that need it.  The underlying current in all the stories is find the good no matter what.  I think that's a pretty good message to go into 2016 with though if it fails I'll keep Lende's friend John's advice in mind - "Be nice to the dog and don't do meth."  Between those 2 messages I think 2016 will be a pretty good year!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:  I would!  This was a nice soothing read and I'd love to read some of her other books.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes!  This is a good read if you're in a slump or want something a little light but still with some heart.


  1. I love the sound of this book and remember others mentioning it earlier in the year. It does seem like a great read when you are distracting by the coughing (and I feel for you!). Hope your cough improves, Katherine. And thanks for always sharing such wonderful book experiences.

    1. Thanks so much Kay! The cough is getting better thankfully. It's been driving me nuts! Hope you're feeling better too!

  2. Sounds like a great book to read to get some good inspiration when you're feeling a bit down. Great review!

    1. It was a good read and definitely perfect for when all is not right in the world.

  3. Love the sound of this. I am always looking for a little different type of book than I would normally read and this definitely fits the bill. Plus it's short so that helps :) Great review!

    1. The shortness makes it a good candidate for a feel better or slump busting read.

  4. This is just the kind of light nonfiction that is perfect for ending a reading slump. Need to remember this one!

    1. It was perfect for a slump buster. Light but not not silly.

  5. This sounds interesting. A little different.

  6. I love this concept. I try to do it in my daily life but I don't always succeed; my anxiety often leads me to think the worst and see the negatives. But I keep working on it! I should read this for inspiration and to bolster my resolve.

    1. I'm the same way. For the most part I'm positive but sometimes it definitely falters. I enjoyed this one.

  7. Her books are great. She is also on FB and also has a newsletter.

    1. That's good to know! I'd like to see more from her.

  8. This sounds like the perfect way to send out the year, Katherine. I am glad you settled on this one. I think I would like it and will definitely have to look for it.

    1. It's on the light side but I found it soothing. Kind of like herbal tea in book form.

  9. I like the sound of it and humour and heart really count a lot. I'll be keeping this one in mind. I like to think I see the good everywhere - and I do! However I often think of the worst scenario that could happen, which makes me a bit of a pessimist!

    1. I'm the same way. I do really try to see good but I'm also kind of a worrier. This was a nice read.

  10. LOL I think that would definitely catch my attention about the author too!

    1. The author was a little too intriguing to pass up!

  11. I love books like this and I love that cover, too! Have a great New Years Eve. :)

    1. It was a good read. A little bit on the light side but not to fluffy.

  12. I think we all need a book like this once in a while. Good review and I sure hope you get to feeling better!
    Happy new year to you!

    1. Exactly! It's the perfect book for the days when everything is a little meh. I'm feeling much better thanks!
