
Monday, December 28, 2015

Looking Forward: Reading in 2016

Last week I talked about my reading in 2015 and how it was a little uninspiring.  Lots of 3 and 4 star books but not very many 5 stars.  So I'm trying to make sure my reading in 2016 has a bit more substance to it.

For my reading in 2016 I want to:

1.  Read at least 5 books off my Classics Club List

2.  Read The Lunar Chronicles because the fact that I haven't is ridiculous

3.  Actually read some of the books I already own - maybe 2 a month?

4.  Read more Agatha Christie and add in some Dorothy L. Sayers and Patricia Wentworth

5.  Keep track of the locations of the books I read because I did that some in 2015 and enjoyed it but my stick to it wasn't so great.

6.  Cut back on NetGalley requests and try and clear out some of the backlog to get my ratio up.  Ideally I'd like to hit 80% by the end of the year but as long as it's higher than it is now (70%)I'll be happy.

7.  Read a few books that are outside of my comfort zone

8.  Make a list of authors I want to read more of or just read in general and make some progress on the list.

I think I'm going to lower my Goodreads Goal number because I just barely made it this year and that way I can focus on quality not quantity and I'm not signing up for any challenges this year which was really hard!

What are your reading goals for 2016?


  1. I am so with you on #3,6,7! I so need to read the millions of books I own. I get very distracted with bright and shiny new ones. Which is a reason I need to cut back on NG - also to bring up my ratio. I really want to read more non fiction this year. I always like them but tend not to reach for them. Great goals!

    1. Thanks! I'm the same way about getting distracted by new and shiny books which is why my shelves are out of control and why my NetGalley ratio is so low!

  2. I think your goals sound great. Especially the one about reading your own books. How many of us make that goal over and over? I know I have, but I've not been very good about keeping it. I'm really, really going to make an effort this year. I love hearing about the new books, but sometimes I long for the days when all I knew about was what was in front of me on the library shelf. I read more narrowly, but I wonder if I liked it more. Something to think about.

    Glad to hear your Christmas went well. I'm looking forward to getting back to blogging and chatting in the new year.

    1. I know what you mean about the smaller circle of books. I love having lots of books and NetGalley is amazing but sometimes feel too out of control. I'm definitely hoping to get at least some of the books on my shelves read this year!

  3. Those are some awesome goals! I want to read the Lunar chronicles this year too.... I can't believe I've put them off this long! This way though I guess we won't be waiting for the next book to come out!

    1. I'm so excited about the Lunar Chronicles! I've heard amazing things!

  4. This year has been a really good reading year for me. I read so many wonderful books, and not too many books I disliked. There were some, of course, but much more amazing books. But I also didn't read outside my comfort zone at all this year. I think lowering your GR goal is a good idea. So that you can focus on reading and not on the numbers.

    Also, heck yeah to the Lunar Chronicles! :)

    1. I'm so looking forward to the Limar Chronicles! I'm hoping that lowering my goal will get me reading some of the chunksters I've been wanting to read.

  5. Good luck with your goals. I'm going to try and read more of my own books, too, beginning with the TBR triple dog dare. Still haven't decided whether to set a goodeads goal or not in 2016.

    1. Good luck with the triple dog dare! I love the idea of it but am not sure I'm strong enough!

  6. I was tentatively considering adding classic reading to my list of goals for this next year, but in the end decided against it. I think five is a reasonable number. I hope to read The Lunar Chronicles this next year as well. :-) I hadn't thought about tracking location in the books, but I like that idea! I think 2016 will be a great year. I really want to clear out some of my NetGalley backlog as well.

    I can't decide if I want to actually set a GoodReads goal this year or be silly with it like I was this year. If I had my way, I would read a lot more books than I do. Unfortunately reality always seems to get in the way . . .

    1. I really wanted to say 12 classics but if I'm being honest it's probably not going to happen and I'd really like to clear up my backlog of review books and the massive TBR. Good luck with Triple Dog Dare and I hope we both love the Lunar Chronicles!

  7. Some great goals and I share with you the Lunar Chronicles goal which I so want to start. I also won't be amping up my Goodreads total because like you its quality not quantity. Er... still can't resist the challenges though! However have cut back!

    1. I've held strong on the challenges but it's been so hard! I'm really looking forward to the Lunar Chronicles!

  8. Great goals, I need to do most of them myself. 😃

    1. So many books to read! Hopefully we will get some of them read this year!

  9. My two biggest goals Complete all my Challenges with no crossovers and keep track of everything!!

  10. Are you going to sign up for the NetGalley challenge? It could help you clear your backlog and get your ratio up. Good luck with all of your goals!

    1. I didn't but I should! I desperately need to make some progress one'll those old NetGalley books and the massive TBR!

  11. Great goals! I'm not doing any challenges either although several sounded really fun, it was hard not to sign up! :) I should read more classics, and the locations thing sounds fun too (I think there was a challenge for that ), it would be neat to go back at the end of the year and see all the places I read about...

    Have a super week!

    1. There was a challenge for the settings and I failed miserably! I'd figured I'd give it a try with just a notebook instead of a linkup.

  12. Very good plan! I also want to read more of the books I've purchased...and try not to request very many review books until I'm more caught up.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm definitely hoping to make some progress on all my backlogs. They're definitely getting out of control!

  13. I am working on not requesting so many books from NetGalley as well. I am horrible when it comes to that site and my self control. LOL! I haven't decided if I am participating in challenges yet or not. I usually end up reading what I want to read anyways but I still might sign up for a few :) Good luck with your goals!

    1. I have no self-control when it comes to NetGalley but I'm working on it! Hopefully this will be the year we get our ratio up!

  14. Oh Netgalley - so easy to get carried away and then so often I can't even access the books by the time I get to them. It's a killer for my ratio!

    1. NetGalley kills me! Just as I think I have self control some publisher releases a bunch of books I can't resist!

  15. I lowered my NG this year near the end and it definitely made me feel better and less stressed so I'm doing that again in 2016. Yay for reading outside your comfort zone and the NG %. You can totally do it!

    1. I'm looking forward to reading some books out of my comfort zone. I may be coming to you for shape shifter recs!

  16. Your goals sound terrific and I was independently thinking along much the same lines: Cut back on NG & Edelweiss requests and improve my percentage; read more books that I own but haven't read; read more books from my TBR list; and read more of authors/series I love that I haven't finished yet. Let's go for it!

    1. I do feel like I'm neglecting some books and authors that are favorites but I keep getting distracted by shiny new books! I'm hoping this is the year I get things a bit more under control!

  17. I am also going to try super hard to cut back on my ARC requesting, from all mediums. My owned TBR is getting out of hand. And I really haven't touched a lot of the books I wanted to read in 2015 because of review books or shiny new releases. I need to get out of that mentality. We can do it! We can resist the urge!

    1. This is the year we get our TBRs under control! Really it is!
