
Saturday, December 26, 2015

This Week in Reading - December 27th

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Murder in Thrall by Anne Cleeland - I don't remember who recommended this series about 2 Scotland Yard detectives - 1 an Irish redhead and the other a Lord turned cop - but I'm looking forward to reading the first in the series.  (Paperbackswap)

Perfectly Matched by Heather Webber - This is the 4th in the Lucy Valentine series about a psychic who is able to locate lost items.  I've really enjoyed the last 3 so I'm looking forward to seeing what trouble Lucy gets into next.

That's all I've gotten this week but I do have some Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket and we're going out to do some errand running today so that may change!  We will be in the vicinity of a bookstore :)


Reading:  Find the Good by Heather Lende and finishing up Sea Glass Sunrise by Donna Kauffamn

Listening:  Not much time for lots of listening this week so I've mostly stuck with podcasts - especially old episodes of Super Serials (the Sweet Valley Twins/High episodes were great) and Happier from Gretchen Rubin.  This week's Super Serials episode is the first Harry Potter so I'm really looking forward to listening to that.

Watching: We actually have been watching a good bit of TV.  I've been watching a lot of Hulu since I was doing so much cooking and got addicted to the last season of Top Chef.  J is off work so we've been staying up too late and are rewatching Firefly and planning on tackling all the Daniel Craig James Bond movies and who knows what else.

Off the Blog:

We had the usual craziness on the week leading up to Christmas.  It's always lots of fun with lots of good food but I somehow managed to get sick last Sunday.  I have a suspicious it was more that I never got well after I was sick after Thanksgiving instead of being sick AGAIN.  I did manage to get everything done and had a good time but my energy level is a bit on the low side.  We had had a nice lazy Christmas day with Santa presents in the morning and the rest of the day the Tornado and I stayed in our pajamas.  Emma had to work in the afternoon and the other 2 went to their mom's family so it was a quiet day.  It's definitely fantastic to relax after being so busy.
This week is the Tornado's birthday (he'll be 6!  Not sure how that's possible), New Years Eve and New Year's Day.  Other than that we're trying to tackle a few projects around the house and I'm trying to think of some resolutions both bookish and otherwise for 2016.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Looking Forward - 2016 Reading
Tuesday: Most Anticipated 2016 Releases
Wednesday: Find the Good - Nonfiction Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Best Advice I've Been Given
Friday: First Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and a happy New Year!  Happy reading!


  1. You need to rest and get better! Happy birthday to The Tornado. :)

  2. Murder in Thrall sounds like the kind of book (and series) I enjoy. Thanks for sharing...and I hope you feel better soon. Happy birthday to the Tornado. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. My eldest and I remained in pajamas on Christmas day too :) I have Murder in Thrall, too, I hope it will be good ! I know a lot of people who are tired these days, we should hibernate and spend winter comfy in our bed... Take care and have a great week :)

  4. Happy Birthday to Tornado and hope you get better soon :) What a fruitful week and keep up the fantastic work :D Merry Belated Christmas!

    Natasha @ My Sunday Post

  5. Oh man on getting sick. Sounds like a great Christmas even with that. Hope you're on the mend for 2016!

  6. I so know all about that being sick thing...I just can't get rid of it. They say you don't get sick from a flu shot but I tell you what since few days after I got my shot I have been nothing but sick and can't get rid of it. :( It's my voice and a cough that is lingering and I need my voice for my job. :( Hope you get better soon!

    Went to go check out Murder in Thrall and guess what I bought it back in March, this is why I so need to start reading my own

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  7. Hard to believe The Tornado will be 6!! Sure hope you get some time to rest and fully recover this week, Katherine... take care.

  8. If I hadn't had to drive and go somewhere for Christmas, I would have stayed in my PJs too! It stinks that you're still sick. Get some good rest!

  9. Your book sounds interesting! I am excited to read your review. I really hope you feel better soon!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings Enter my 2nd Annual Blogoversary Giveaway

  10. That's the pits being sick on the holidays and hope all is a little better today. Kudos on following one of my all time fave shows - Top Chef. Happy Birthday - 6 years old - yay!!!!

  11. oh I hope you feel better Katherine. Nothing like a nice quite Christmas with the kiddos right? Happy 6th birthday to the Tornado and Happy New Year :)

  12. I hope you're feeling better. Heh, I spent Christmas day in my pj's too, it was great. Have a great week :)

  13. Why is it that we always seem to get sick during the holidays?! Hope you get a chance to rest up and get your energy level back to normal.

  14. I'm sorry you got sick, but glad you had a good Christmas anyway. Take care of yourself, rest up, and get better!

    I didn't spend Christmas in my PJs, but it was a pretty relaxing day anyway. :-)

  15. Rest up and feel well! Happy birthday to The Tornado. Have a wonderful last week of 2015 and a fabulous New Year. :)

  16. I have been binging on Hulu as well. I have been on a big documentary kick so my husband is seriously weirded out by my constant watching of crime docs! He thinks I'm crazy! Happy birthday to the tornado!

  17. Sorry that you are still sick. Hope this week finds you feeling better.

  18. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you get better soon.

    Have a great week and Happy New Year!

  19. I'm excited to see what you and other people say are their most anticipated 2016 releases because, honestly, I'm weirdly unaware of much that's coming out in 2016 beyond a couple of books. So I'd to learn about more new books!

  20. I really enjoyed Murder in Thrall. Some people didn't though. Ah well. I have book 2. I just need to get to it. Story of my life. LOL Ok, I need to get serious about Firefly. I started the 1st episode and had to stop halfway through it, but I will get back to it soon, dagnabit! lol Sorry tohear about the sickliness. Jammie days are the best days imho. :D I hope you have a very Happy New Year!

  21. I'm glad you had a good, relaxing Christmas! Enjoy your new books! :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  22. Glad you got a relaxing Christmas, sounds like you need more R&R to get well. Happy Birthday to the Tornado. Have a great week and happy reading :)

  23. I am sorry you were sick, Katherine! A lazy Christmas sounds really nice. Ours was a bit hectic with all the grandparents and an uncle there, but I was able to sneak away for a little while for some much needed quiet time. Mouse kept everyone busy and entertained. Happy Birthday to the Tornado! How exciting! Have a great week, Katherine.

  24. I look forward to hearing what you think of Murder in Thrall. I have had my eye on that for the longest time, but haven't gotten to it yet. Happy New Year.
