
Sunday, November 1, 2015

This Week in Reading: November 1

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Sayers Swindle by Victoria Abbott - There's a classic mystery author's name IN the title.  How could I pass that up??  This is the 2nd in this cozy mystery series and I already have the first sitting on my shelf.  (paperbackswap)

No Ghouls Allowed by Victoria Laurie - While this series definitely has it's share of flaws I always enjoy a mystery with a ghost hunt in it!  (paperbackswap)

Off Kilter by Hannah Reed - This is the first in the Scottish Highlands Mystery series.  I haven't read much set in Scotland so I'm really curious.  (paperbackswap)

A Copper Ridge Christmas by Maisy Yates - I've been wanting to try this author and the blurb interested me so I figured I'd give it a try.  (NetGalley)


Reading: Evergreen Springs by RaeAnne Thayne and Death in the Clouds by Agatha Christie

Listening: The Super Serials podcast because it's such fun.  This week's podcast was a double header discussing Sweet Valley Twins and the Curse of the Ruby Necklaces as well as a Goosebumps book called Werewolf of Fever Swamp. I'm also listening to Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo

Watching: I don't know what's going on but I'm not watching nearly as much TV.  I seriously need to get caught up.  I am watching Poirot on Netflix while I'm cooking dinner and stuff and really enjoying them.

Off the Blog:

We have survived a very wet and soggy Halloween!  It's rained most of the week here and decided to really come down right about trick or treating time today.  On top of that for the first time ever the Tornado had to be picked up from school because he was sick.  He spent most of Friday with a fever around 100 and just absolutely miserable.  Luckily, it was gone when he woke up Saturday though he was definitely not 100%.  We went to his end of the year soccer party which was a costume party and then went to an event at the Space and Rocket Center where he ran into a Jedi to battle!  He made it about an hour before his energy just left him so we ended up leaving, picking up take out and heading home and skipped the actual trick or treating.
I hated for him to miss Trick or Treating but he really wasn't feeling it and had gotten plenty of candy at the event and his school party earlier in the week.  Plus, getting home and spending the evening curled up on the couch in warm cozy clothes wasn't too bad!  We watched Room on the Broom which is such a cute Halloween story an involved a grumpy cat which totally cracked the Tornado up.  After that we watched some Halloween Wars from Food Network because he's my child and I've convinced him that food shows are fun.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic - Nonfiction Review
Tuesday: Evergreen Springs - Contemporary Romance Review
Wednesday: Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat - Nonfiction/Humor Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Bad Habits
Friday: Linkups featuring Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week!


  1. Oh, I LOVE your Halloween costumes!! It's too bad you weren't able to do trick-or-treating this year, but I'm sure he has plenty ahead of him! Have a fantastic week!!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  2. Oh, so sorry your boy was sick but it sounds like he still had a great time and got to dress up. (That pic is very cute!) And I love that you've convinced him the Food Network is fun. Hilarious!

  3. Ooohhh so many books I now need to add to my wishlist! I love a good mystery book this time of year :) We thankfully didn't get the rain here until after all the trick or treaters had finished visiting houses. I hope "The Tornado" feels better soon!

  4. Sounds like a cozy time spent at home, and that's good too! We had a wet Halloween too, it rained all day and didn't have too many kids as a result. A pretty quiet one. Your new books look good, especially that first one- I've heard of that series and was curious about the mystery writer angle, plus they just look fun. Hope they're good!

  5. Poor Tornado. Hope he is feeling better. Too bad Halloween got rained out. We watch Poirot on BBC Masterpiece Mystery and enjoy it. Looks like you snagged some great mysteries. Have a wonderful week!

  6. I'm so sorry for the Tornado, I was like him this week so I can relate. But being warmly curled up on the couch definitely has its perks ! And maybe you're going to make a chef out of him ;)

  7. I'm glad the Tornado felt better yesterday so he could participate in his party, Katherine!
    Your new books look really good, and I hope you'll enjoy them.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  8. Fun costumes! Poor Tornado, it wasn't a great time to be sick as he missed out on some of the fun but hopefully after an evening on the couch, he is feeling better today. I love the BBC Poirot, not sure if they are the ones you are watching?

  9. Sounds like a good week. Sorry your kiddo was sick, but it also sounds like he got to have some spooky fun this week anyway. Several of the books you got look promising. Enjoy!

  10. Hope your little boy feels better. He does look cool as a Jedi though!

  11. Sounds like a great week despite the kid being sick! Your costumes were great! You got a great haul and it makes me want to go browse paperback swap as I haven't been on there in a while. :)

    I have been watching lots of TV! Glad you are enjoying Poirot as I have tried it but his mustache weirds me

  12. I hope the Tornado is feeling better, what a bad time to be sick! Room on the Broom is so cute, I love it!

    Have a great week!

  13. Oh, sorry your little guy has been sick, but it sounds like he had a good time anyway.

    A Copper Ridge Christmas looks tempting...and so does the RaeAnne Thayne...I still have an unread book of hers from last year...I need to add it to my list of reads between now and Christmas.

    Enjoy...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  14. So hard for our kids when they're sick and then to add a holiday like Halloween into the mix, but at least he was feeling well enough to go to some fun activities. The rain probably would have made trick or treating not so much fun. We had lots of snow once when our kids were trick or treating. That wasn't too bad since they could put on more clothes.

    And it is so fun to watch shows with our kids when they're little. We used to watch Iron Chef with our son he was about the Tornado's age.

    I have to check out some of your books, Katherine. You've got some good ones! Have a great week.

  15. Sorry to hear your son was sick and missed trick or treating but I'm glad he was able to get out and have some fun at the event anyway.

    I am behind on that RaeAnne Thayne series. I read the first book and liked it and I loved her Hope's Crossing series.

    I love Poirot and Agatha Christie mysteries. David Suchet's Poirot is my favorite. I need to catch up on the episodes. Glad they are on Netflix!

  16. I think I have Evergreen Springs off of Netgalley too. I don't think I can mentally start any Christmas-y type book until December. I just can't deal. Lol.
    Poor little guy. I'm glad he got to have some fun Saturday though! Even if he didn't T&T. Did it rain Saturday night though? Because it was raining pretty hard here. Poor kiddies. At least it wasn't snow. Because that's happened a few times when I was growing up.

  17. Food shows are fun!!! I love Halloween Wars, we still have to watch the last one probably this week.
    Sorry he wasn't feeling good, I hope he gets better quick. I thought my kids would want to trick or treat all day but after about 45 minutes they were totally done and I was fine with that lol. We had our pizza and just relaxed the rest of the night it was the perfect day!

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  18. I'm sorry the Tornado was sick, but at least he got to have some Halloween fun. I love the Stormtrooper/Jedi battle photo!

    Your new books have me envious - three mysteries I want to read, right in a row! I agree there are flaws in the Laurie series but they are indeed fun. The Abbott series is one I really want to read; ditto the Hannah Reed series. Enjoy them! I look forward to your reviews. Have a great week!

  19. Oh I loooove the photo! Did you get shot? :)

  20. Aww poor Tornado - it's never fun being sick and especially not during holidays :( hope he's feeling much better - love the costumes! We had a rainy Halloween too, although it thankfully stopped for us to trick or treat. Hope you have a great week!

  21. Aw, man, that sticks. It sounds like it turned out to be a nice evening, even though he wasn't feeling well. Hope he feels better soon. I haven't been watching much TV either. I've fallen behind on everything except The Walking Dead. Have a great week.

  22. I'm sorry to hear that Tornado wasn't feeling well. I hope he's doing better now.

    I'm way behind on my TV and my DVR is filling up fast.

    The Victoria Abbott books look good and are on my list to read, too.

    Have a great week!

  23. Maybe my tv watching habits have rubbed off on you? I can go weeks sometimes without watching a single thing. People truly don't believe me when I say that. lol Sorry to hear about the Tornados illness. But at least he got to dress up and did get some treats. Plus, couch time in cozy clothes. That's always the best. :)

  24. Sick on Halloween? Oh my! That's terrible. Hope he's back to normal soon.

    (BTW, I gave up tv in 2003 and never looked back. So much more time to do the things I really love.)

  25. Awww, sorry to hear about The Tornado; I hope he's better today. You got some good books I hope you like them. We got the rain today so it missed the trick or treaters, luckily for them.

    Have a good week!

  26. Poor Tornado, too bad about Trick or Treating but it sounds like you had a nice weekend anyway. I'm giggling over his Food Network viewing ... too funny. Curious about the punch in the throat book ... how could you not be with a title like that haha. Have a good week and happy reading :)

  27. Hope he's feeling better today. Glad you got in some fun despite rain and sickness.

  28. Hope your son is feeling better now... too bad her missed trick-or-treating. LOL that he thinks food shows are fun!!

  29. Sorry to hear Tornado wasn't feeling good. That just sucks.

  30. RaeAnn Thayne is one of myfavorites!

  31. Aw poor kidlet! :( Rain held off here for Halloween but hit full force for us today. It's nasty out. Whew!

  32. I have Evergreen Springs to read too. :-) I hope we both like it! I hope Tornado is all better. I'm sorry for the rain and him being sick for Halloween. That's no fun for the children. Isn't Room on the Room great? It's our favorite Halloween book--although Mouse doesn't care for the show. She thinks it's scary. It's the same exact story . . .

    I hope you have a great week!

  33. Looks like some good books added to your TBR pile this week! Love the Halloween costumes. We didn't have rain here, thank goodness, but it was a little cool. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier!

  34. My goodness, I had forgotten about the end of the soccer season Halloween parties. I miss those. I am happy to hear The Tornado was okay without trick or treating. Great costume. :)
