
Sunday, October 4, 2015

This Week in Reading - October 4

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Look Both Ways by Carol J. Perry - This is for a blog tour next month and I'm looking forward to it.  I love a good paranormal cozy and this one looks especially intriguing.  (Blog Tour)

Christmas at Evergreen Inn by Donna Alward - I love the Jewell Cove series and I couldn't resist this Christmas-y story. (NetGalley)

Heartsong Cottage by Emily March - This is another series I enjoy and I'm looking forward to reading Shannon O'Toole's story.  She's always been an interesting side character.  (NetGalley)

Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis - I was lucky enough to win a copy of this in a Goodreads giveaway and there may be been some rather awful dancing when I got the email.  I've enjoyed the later books in this series and am looking forward to seeing where the series started. (Goodreads Giveaway)


Reading:The Hidden by Heather Graham and Death in the Clouds by Agatha Christie

Listening: I finished The Cat Who Blew the Whistle by Lillian Jackson Braun (review Wed) and am listening to podcasts for a little bit.  I discovered one called Television Crime in which Wil Wheaton and Mikey Neumann discuss old shows.  The one where they talked about the episode of Beverly Hills 90210 where they go to the rave was absolutely beyond awesome.  

Watching: I'm a little nervous about my beloved NCIS!  There's lots of hints that Gibbs is going to go through some emotional crisis which I don't like at all.  Surely the man has been through enough!  I'm liking NCIS: New Orleans and am excited for the premieres of Criminal Minds and Elementary.  I've got the first few episodes of Rosewood recorded which I'm hopeful about.  I'm also loving The Great British Baking Show (or Bake Off - I've seen it listed as both) and have been watching The Supersizers Go on Hulu which I'm loving.  If you like food and history this is a fantastic show.

Off the Blog:

Thanks for all the kind comments about my neck pain last week.  I've been working on some stretches and using ice packs and that seems to be helping.

This week is going to be a busy one!  It's fall break for Paul and the Tornado so I'm taking them and heading south to stay with my grandparents in the country for a few days.  It's always a fun trip  and it'll be good to get away.  Poor J has too much going on at work to go but he'll have a quiet house in the evenings which I'm sure will be nice.  Obviously, I won't be around to do much commenting this week but I hope to get caught up my blog visiting next weekend.

I've hit kind of a reading slump which I think is because I'm coming off a couple of books I was kind of meh about.  I started a few but just couldn't get into them.  I'm starting a Heather Graham book because those normally help but if that fails I'm pulling out Barbara Michaels who is a guaranteed slump buster!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Fine Summer's Day - Historical Mystery Blog Tour Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Things I Need to Quit
Wednesday: Short Reviews including Reviews for Candy Corn Murders and a few other mysteries
Thursday: Beyond the Books: The Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
Friday: Linkups Featuring Excerpts from my current book
Saturday: My Cookbook Wishlist

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh Katherine I'm kinda depressed about Christmas-themed books already being out. Argh! No no no!

    However... like you I'm looking forward to Criminal Minds' return. (I think there are two new characters, is that right?) and Elementary. We'll be a little behind you guys unfortunately. For new and really popular shows we're pretty much just a day or so apart (to prevent illegal downloads) but for the less popular stuff, some of our networks take their time!

  2. I'm glad your neck pain is improving....enjoy your new books, and I am curious about Heartsong Cottage...thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  3. Look Both Ways looks perfect for this time of year! What is it about October? :) That podcast sounds fun, I've listened to a few podcasts and am always on the lookout for good ones.

    Enjoy your trip, and hope the slump is short lived! :)

  4. Hopefully Gibbs is fine. Hope you are enjoying the Hidden. I am glad Sleepy Hollow is back and cannot wait for The Originals to return. Doctor Who is back as well :) Oh I hope your slump passes quickly. I keep shuffling books around...not good.

  5. Nice win with Animal Magnetism, the first few books in the series I think are the best! I'm also looking forward to Heartsong Cottage, looks like it is going to be Christmassy and in general it's another series I really like.

  6. Leave Gibbs alone LOL I am glad your neck is feeling a little better and you have a good time out in the country :) I am really excited for fall shows to start especially Arrow and Empire starts this week in the UK. Have a great week.

    Megan @

  7. It's great that you won a Jill Shalvis book as I know you're a big fan. Hope the neck continues to improve, I think rest and ice seem to be the cure to so many aches and pains. I'm still doing the same here but with my heel.

  8. Have fun visiting with your grand-parents, Katherine! I'm sure you'll have a great time, and maybe being away from blogging and reading will get you right out of that slump, too :)
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  9. Hope your neck keeps getting better. Sorry about the reading slump - that stinks! Hopefully something will pull you out of it soon!

  10. Have fun with your grandparent, it is always nice to get away! I hope your neck is better too!

    Have a good week!

  11. I've been devouring Anthony Bourdain's travel/food shows on Netflix recently. I do love shows about cooking and food. My favorite is Good Eats.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  12. It's funny I have been sent umpteen Heather Graham books but I have never read or reviewed them - nor requested one. I don't know why they continue to send them. But, I guess I should check one out.

  13. I can't wait to get Look Both Way for audio review! I liked the first two! I have been taping lots of shows and I need to start watching them or it's going to get out of I have seen the first episode of Rosewood and I thought it was good and humorous. Always loving my NCIS and NCIS:NO! :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  14. I don't have Hulu. Does it have lots of different stuff from Netflix? And yeah we don't want more happening to Gibbs (though I'm not caught up with NCIS yet). Can't wait to see Elementary again.

    I hope you find some really good books to read, Katherine. It's frustrating when you can't find a book you really enjoy. Hope you read some great books this week!

  15. Enjoy the visit with your grandparents and hope your whole family gets to relax there and have fun!
    Neck pain is one of the worst- feel better and keep resting and icing and not stressing.
    I see you had an influx of books that are the type you read, so I do hope they break your slump!

  16. Enjoy your vacation in the country! Maybe that would help get some rest for your neck.
    Being in a slump sucks. I always feel re-reading helps. Or like you, pulling out a favourite author. This time of year is hard because of ALL the new releases I have to review. It gets overwhelming and I really just want to read other books. Even though the new releases look good too. #bookbloggerproblems

  17. September seems to be the month of slumps. I was having one too.
    My husband watches NCIS everyday because they have them on TNT. He was very excited about this season, I Love Gibbs. I hope they don't change him to much.

    Love the cover of look both ways!

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  18. I've not watched NCIS yet, but we're getting there. Once we finish our Buffy/Angel run that's up next. Woot! I also want to watch Criminal Minds and Elementary. Heard good things about both shows. I hope your neck pain goes away and you enjoy the time away. :)

  19. Look Both Ways looks great! I am just getting into the cozy genre, but haven't tried a paranormal cozy yet. I only have read one book by Jill Shalvis in her new series, but I really want to try out her other series too. Congrats on winning Animal magnetism. I hope you have a great week and get out of your reading slump soon.

  20. Look Both Ways by Carol J. Perry looks like so much fun for this time of year!

  21. I just finished The Hidden and was very pleased!

  22. I've got the first two books in the Eternity Spring series waiting patiently for me, I didn't realise there were so many in the series already ... just not enough hours in the day. Animal Magnetism is my favourite out of that series, hope you love it too. Have a wonderful time with your grandparents and happy reading :)

  23. What are "cozy" books? I keep asking on Twitter, but no one answers me. Are there new Supersizers Go episodes? I had watched all of them about three years ago and then they were all repeats. I had forgotten about that show. I adored it. Yay, another Beyond the Books! And a cookbook wishlist? I will be reading that for sure. Have a wonderful week and enjoy your trip. :)

  24. Have a great trip! I always say I'm going to read a Jill Shalvis book, but have yet to pick one up. I've got a bit of a reading slump with one of the books I'm reading. It's a good one, but it's not a speed through read. So I'm working on it as I can. Thanks for visiting my STS earlier!

  25. There's an NCIS New Orleans now?! Hub and I stopped watching the show when Ziva left. Well--he did. He couldn't get over her leaving and since I only watched the show casually with him, I haven't watched it since then either. But agree that poor Gibbs shouldn't have to go through anything more! Hope you have a wonderful trip to the country!!

  26. Oooo, nice book haul and congrats on the Shalvis book! I'm not thrilled with NCIS so far but I'll keep watching. I agree, Gibbs has been through enough. He needs to let go of the past. Enjoy your trip and good luck getting over your reading slump.

  27. Woohoo for the Shalvis win and for your neck feeling better :D
