
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sheet Pan Suppers - Cookbook Review + Recipe

Sheet Pan Suppers: 120 Recipes For Simple, Surprising, Hands-Off Meals Straight From the Oven by Molly Gilbert (Amazon Link)

I love the concept of this book.  Chop some stuff up and roast it for a delicious, simple, and relatively tasty dinner.  There are some tasty looking recipes - Fresh Tomato Bruschetta, Crispy Chicken Strips and Biscuits, Cheesy Herb Focaccia, Ham and Swiss Pastry Braid, and Banana Cinnamon Toast are a few of the ones I have marked to try.  However, I wasn't quite as inspired by this cookbook as I wanted to be.  There were some delicious looking recipes bit there were a lot more that didn't really appeal to me or I knew wouldn't work for my seriously picky family.  Recipes like Spaghetti Squash "Noodle" Bowls,  Portabella Cap Pizzas with Garlic Knots, and Roasted Fennel Panzanella would probably cause a mutiny among my family.  It'd be a quieter mutiny now that we're down to 4 with the 2 girls at school but I think they could take me.  There's also a good number of seafood dishes which don't appeal to us.  So while this didn't work for me I still think it's a great cookbook - particularly if you enjoy seafood - and the concept is awesome.

For the recipe I immediately knew which one I had to share!  This Chicken Parmesan is a game changer!  Chicken Parm is one of my favorite meals but I've always disliked making it at home because the frying makes such a mess. This sheet pan version is very good and you still get all the crispy chicken goodness without nearly as much oil.

1 1/2 cups panko bread crumbs
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons oregano
2 tablespoons sweet or smoked paprika
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 large eggs
4 to 6 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut or pounded to about 1/2 inch thick
1 jar (24 ounces) good quality marinara sauce
6 to 8 slices provolone
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

Preheat the oven to 400 with a rack in the upper third.  Generously mist a sheet pan with cooking spray.

Stir together the panko, garlic powder, oregano, paprika, and 1/2 teaspoon of the salt in a large bowl to combine.  In another bowl whisk together the flour, remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, and teh pepper.  In a third shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs.

Dip each chicken cutlet first in the flour mixture, shaking off any excess, then in the eggs, and finally in the panko mixture, patting to coat thoroughly on both sides.  Place the breaded chicken cutlets on the prepared pan.  Mist the chicken with cooking spray to lightly coat.

Bake the chicken until panko has browned and the cutlets are almost entirely cooked through(they'll no longer feel squishy when you poke them), about 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven.  Top each chicken cutlet with about 1/2 cup marinara sauce and the provolone and Parmesan and return to the oven.  Bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly, an additional 10 minutes.

My Changes: I used an Italian seasoning blend because I was out of straight oregano and I thought that seemed like too much paprika so I cut that down by quite a bit - I think to just a heaping teaspoon.  I used mozzarella slices instead of provolone and I forgot the Parmesan because somehow I never noticed that part until today when I was typing out the recipe!  I also used only a few spoonfuls of the marinara and that seemed to cover the chicken really well and I still had some left over for the spaghetti.

My Results: Yum!  They're crispy and cheesy and everything that Chicken Parmesan should be.  Plus this method is just crazy simple.

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. I just bought this cookbook and I thought exactly the same thing!

  2. This is an excellent cookbook, I check it out if the library often. Maybe I should buy it, huh? I like the recipe you chose to represent this book, a family pleaser.

  3. I LOVE this cookbook! But I'm not feeding kids, which definitely makes a difference. I haven't tried this chicken, I'll mark it for later this winter.

  4. I just checked my library to see if they had a copy so that I could browse it, but they don't. Boo!! The chicken parm sounds really delicious but I have trouble getting nonsoggy cutlets when I oven bake chicken (tops will be crispy but bottom is soggy mess).

    And honestly--some of this dishes you mention don't appeal to me as an adult! I'm definitely a fan of more classic dinners.

    1. Circling back around. Went to Sam's, saw the book for $9 and couldn't resist...I mean, it goes towards my grocery budget rather than book budget (not that I have a book budget). ;) I haven't had time to flip through it yet but looking forward to trying that Chicken Parm!

  5. I do my version of sheet pan dinners, did one with fresh ahi last night, but could probably get some inspiration from this book. Loved the Chicken Parmesan version.

  6. Like you, I was drawn in by the concept of 'all on a sheet pan' cooking. And I bought the cookbook. However, I've found that my husband does not like the results nearly as much as I thought he would (and I don't either actually). I really burnt him out last year with roasted butternut squash. He won't even talk about it this year. My cooking has really taken a hit with my new way of eating. It's gotten really, really simple. And we've actually eaten out a lot more than did for a while and have been travelling. Oh well.

  7. Lovely dish! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  8. This sounds fabulous! Will try ASAP. We also make "fried chicken" in the oven - coat the chicken pieces, place them in a paper bag in the oven, fold the bag and bake. The paper soaks up all the fat.

  9. Sounds great! I am all for things I can throw together since I really don't like to cook and I love seafood, so might check it out. :)

  10. That recipe sounds yummy, and I'm all for easy. But I'm a picky eater too and it sounds as if there would be a lot of recipes I wouldn't like. I might see if my library has it and browse through it.

  11. Thanks for the recipe. I am a pescetarian, so the only meat I eat is fish, but my son eats both fish and poultry, and I do cook it for him once a week. This sounds fab, and simple as you said. This book might he something I would like. I make Bruschetta a lot. :)

  12. Yum, that dish sounds delicious. I am alway looking for easy dishes and would enjoy this cookbook.

  13. I've eyed this cookbook off since seeing it on Weekend Cooking posts a few months ago ... we'd love spaghetti squash and the other mutiny-inducing recipes you mentioned lol but that chicken sounds delicious. Does the breast stay nice and moist?

  14. I don't really buy cookbooks at all any more. Nowadays I just google or search pinterest for recipes.

    But I loved the one you shared. It sounds so simple and I'm a fan of just bunging everything in to the oven and then forgetting about it till it's cooked :)

  15. this is the best way to cook. Easy and all the flavours come together.

  16. Chicken parm is delicious. Also kind of a comfort food. Yum!
    I don't like seafood either. I'll pretty much eat a bit of salmon now and then or the small shrimp. But I definitely would never have a craving for it.

  17. I must buy this cookbook, I've heard such good things from everyone.

  18. I love this cookbook, but can see where the recipes you mentioned wouldn't work for picky eaters. The roast chicken with mustardy potatoes is delicious!

  19. Hmm, I was one of those who was raving about wanting to buy this cookbook since I saw it mentioned several times on Patty's blog. Even though my kids are young adults they (especially my youngest, who is home every night for dinner) wouldn't enjoy some of these recipes. Dang, oh well.

    Good chicken recipe! We only eat chicken, turkey, and fish for now and so cookbooks intimidate me since we don't fit into any exact category.

    Thanks again for pointing out the flaws of this book so I don't ask for it for my birthday in Nov. Not slamming it, sounds lovely, but not a good match for my family.

  20. I so love the idea of this too. I had put in for one of her others on NG and got my first decline. Thinking that's not a bad thing now. Great idea but really doesn't sound like it would be the best cookbook for a veggie. Thanks for the heads up!
