
Sunday, October 11, 2015

This Week in Reading - October 11

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Road to Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson - So there may have been some dancing when this approval came through.  I've been reading Bryson's books for years and while not all of them have landed on the Keeper Shelf I always enjoy reading them. (NetGalley)

Some Kind of Wonderful by Sarah Morgan - I enjoyed her previous series set at ski resort in Vermont and while I have the first one in the Puffin Island series I've yet to read it so now I have the 2nd one to give me some added encouragement to pick it up.  (NetGalley)

Empty Nest by Marty Wingate - This is another 2nd in a series where I haven't read the first but I have read another book by Marty Wingate and really enjoyed it.  I have the first in the series coming up soon and the premise of this one sounds fab. (NetGalley)


Reading: Dead Bolt by Juliet Blackwell and The Crime at Black Dudley by Margery Allingham

Listening: I'm still listening to the Podcasts and am loving them!  I've been listening to The Readers and have enjoyed that and found the Afterbuzz Station and have loved listening to the Dancing With the Stars discussions.  I don't know anyone who watches the show so it's kind of like talking it over with friends.  I've also found a few others I want to try.  I'm hoping to listen to You Must Remember This which talks about old Hollywood secrets and histories and Spilled Milk which is food related and Molly Wizenberg is one of the hosts.

Watching:  I've been gone all week so I didn't watch much TV.  J and I are watching The Middle and loving it.  We've watched for years and always enjoyed it but I'm extra loving it this year.  I also have been watching Scorpion which goes under the guilty pleasure category but so far it's fun.  And also football, lots of football!  Oh and Doctor Who!

Off the Blog:

Whew!  It is good to be home.  We had a great vacation.  My car was making a funny noise so we decided to rent a car for the drive down especially since J wasn't going with us.  It was fun to drive a new car and a car at that since I drive a pretty large SUV.  The actual renting part reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry tries to rent a car (You know how to TAKE the reservation but not HOLD the reservation which is the most important part OF the reservation).  Even though I made the reservation about 2 weeks ahead of time when I got there they weren't sure if they had a car for me and the didn't end up having one in the category I requested.  I finally got a full size sedan (I was going for a premium or luxury) which ended up working perfectly.  While everything worked out it annoyed me that it was so crazy.  I made a reservation with a major car rental place so I expected it to be a little more organized and them to actually have the car.  Crazy I know.
The vacation itself was nice.  We spent some time with my grandparents which is always good.  The Tornado and I did some crafts and Paul and his friend explored the land and swam in the river some so a good time was had by all.

Now I'm trying to get caught back up on laundry and sleep and getting ready for Halloween.  I'm still holding strong on not reading any Christmas books until after Halloween but I did slip and buy a decoration or two the other day!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Hidden - Paranormal Romantic Suspense
Tuesday: The Canterville Ghost - Fiction Review
Wednesday: Either a review for Dead Bolt - Paranormal Cozy or The Crime at Black Dudley - Classic Mystery.  It just depends on what I finish first.
Thursday: Beyond the Books: 5 Things I Just Can't Handle
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD but probably something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Glad you enjoyed your vacation....and your book Empty Nest sounds tempting. I haven't read Bill Bryson, but now I''m curious.

    Have a great week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Thanks! We had a lovely time. I enjoy Bill Bryson's books for the most part though he can get a little rambly. I think my favorite is a Walk in the Woods.

  2. I have a Bryson book I won in a giveaway but haven't read it yet- I've heard good things. Glad you had a great vacation! It's funny how in this day and age there can still be so many snafus with somethnig that shouldn't be an issue- like a reservation. :)

    There are a lot of good podcasts out there and I've been meaning to try some, but haven't really yet. I've dabbled in a few... if I could get off Netflix long enough! Have a super week!

    1. Right! Seriously it seems like the internet would fixed some of the problems. I thought she was joking when she said she wasn't sure if she had a car.
      I'm enjoying playing around with podcasts. I've found a few I love and a few that were more okay but I've enjoyed trying different ones. Now to fit them in with everything else!

  3. I'm glad you had a nice vacation and - other than the laundry - it must be good to be home.

    I've actually never read Bill Bryson... But I don't really read non-fiction, though I have many friends who love his books.

    1. It is definitely good to be home!
      I like Bill Bryson though the man can definitely ramble but then I enjoy non-fiction as long as it meets certain criteria.

  4. Went off on a tangent when I saw you mention the second Puffin Island book by Sarah Morgan, so loved the first one. I've just asked for it on NetGalley so we shall see. Glad you enjoyed your holiday and I don't think your expectations of the rental co were unrealistic.

    1. I haven't read the first Puffin Island one yet! I was so excited as I've loved her other books but then just somehow never got to it. Hope you get it soon! The rental car thing was just madness. Either have your website say I can't have the car or give me the car! Not rocket science!

  5. It sounds like your holiday was a nice break. Have a great week :)

  6. Glad you had a good vacation apart from the frustration of the car rental. I am super excited for Christmas I need Halloween to hurry up and be done LOL have a great week. Happy Reading.

    1. I'm pushing off any thoughts of Christmas until after Halloween but come November 1st it is ON! I already have all my books lined up.

  7. I haven't heard of The Readers podcast before but I've downloaded a few episodes now so I can give it a go. I love bookish podcasts. Sounds like a stressful start to your vacation with the car mix up. That happened me one time in Scotland too, I was mad and I ended up with a huge big car not the tiny Nissan Micra I had requested. But I was super happy in the end :) Glad you had a relaxing time.

    1. I hope you like The Readers. I've listened to 2 of them and have really enjoyed them. They seem to be able to have different opinions without arguing about it which is nice. Part of the problem with the car business is that I absolutely had to have a full size car because of the passengers so it got a bit stressful. I can imagine going from a tiny car to a big car was a bit of a shock as well!

  8. Glad you had a good vacation. I hate coming home and having to deal with unpacking and laundry though!! Have a great week!

    1. The laundry always surprises me. I don't remember packing half of what I end up washing!

  9. I love Bill Bryson but I am a couple of books behind so going to wait till next year to get this one!

    I love The Middle, I can relate to a lot of their family stuff!

    Have a good week!

    1. The Middle kills us. It's way too close to real life!
      I like Bryson's books but I can definitely understand about being behind.

  10. Glad you enjoyed your vacation. The Seinfeld reference for your car rental experience had me laughing. I do remember that episode--and how so many moments in life are Seinfeld-relatable.

    You've got some great new books--I wasn't aware of Bryson's new book, so I'll be on the look out for that. Happy reading!

    1. I was so tempted to make a reference to that scene but I doubted the clerk would get it and even if she did I wouldn't have appreciated that in her shoes!
      Bryson's book just came out on NetGalley! I'm really excited about it.

  11. I liked your review of the Candy Corn Murders. - I felt similarly and I like how you state your reasons. I thought the thing with the police was ridiculous.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one who had issues with the police portrayal. It definitely affected my enjoyment of what was otherwise a pleasant read.

  12. Christmas!!! So far from my mind right now. ;) Hope the new Bill Bryson holds up! I've enjoyed the few books that I've read/listened to by him and am always looking for other great recommendations!

    Glad the vacation was a good one. Sounds like everyone had a great time...though I know that feeling of neverending laundry when you return home!

    1. I'm pretty sure laundry grows in suitcases. I end up washing far more clothes than I remember bringing. I've got my fingers crossed on the Bryson. Sometimes I really love him and other times not so much.
      I'm refusing to admit Christmas exists until after Halloween. Then I'll be all about it but not until then!

  13. I hate funny noises! They rarely bode well. lol And omg, I totally pictured that Seinfeld scene in my head! bwahahaha! Glad you had a good time. :)

    1. I was picturing the Seinfeld scene the whole time! It was so hard not to quote it but the clerk was niice and I doubt she would've appreciated it if she had gotten it. I think I know what the funny noise is so it doesn't bother me too much. A random clank is definitely scarier!

  14. I'm glad you had a nice vacation! Car rental companies are as bad as airlines. Working as a travel agent taught me to never trust any reservation. Seriously, I'd triple check car rental reservations to make sure they didn't auto cancel because that's happened. But at least it worked out well for you in the end. Although I hope nothing it seriously wrong with you car. :S

    1. I can imagine how maddening it would be to have to deal with car rental companies professionally. It just can't be that hard to make it work - especially not for reservations! I think the primary reason I was stressed was because I needed a specific size of car and for awhile it didn't look like it was going to happen.

  15. I'm hoping to get Empty Nest, but not been approved yet. I have the first one that I need to get to but I love her other series. :) Enjoy your new reads! :)

    Week in Review

    1. Fingers crossed on the approval. I'm requesting this one on the strength of the other series as well. Hopefully it's just as good!

  16. I liked the first Puffin book but the premise of this one doesn't appeal to me. I hope you like it! I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation despite the rental glitch. Welcome home and happy reading!

    1. Is it bad that I have no idea what the premise is for the new Sarah Morgan? I just saw her name and requested it without reading the blurb!

  17. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. It's crazy about renting cars. What's up with that? You reserve it and then they don't have it unless you reserve it again and again. I do like a rental while on road trips.
    I'll check out Bryson. Not heard of the author before and that book has me curious.
    Here's my Sunday Post -

    1. I'll probably do a rental from now on on trips - especially if it's just me and the kids but seriously!
      Bryson can be very funny so I'm looking forward to this one!

  18. You made me chuckle with the Seinfeld comment. Yep, I remember that. The most important part of the car reservation is Better for you than if it mirrored the episode where Jerry can't get the B.O. out of the car after a "smelly" valet used it-- cracked me up!

    My husband has read Bill Bryson but I haven't. That one looks like one I would enjoy, as it features Britain. Sarah Morgan and Marty Wingate are also two authors on my radar I haven't picked up...yet. Good selections.

    As for TV watching, I used to watch Everybody Loves Raymond, and Debra in that one is the mother in The Middle. Though I haven't seen that show, I was curious if I would like it. Glad to hear it's a good one.

    Fun post today, Katherine, and glad you had fun with the grandparents!

    1. Thankfully I didn't have a BO issue though there was an empty wine bottle under the drivers seat. I don't even want to know.
      I think you would enjoy Bryson. I enjoy his books though he can get a little rambly.
      I really enjoy The Middle! Sometimes it's so close to true it's almost not funny! I'd be interested to hear what you think.

  19. I haven't been on a lengthy car trip in ages. I think the last time was when Sebastian was small. I should convince my sister we need to go somewhere. How wonderful to spend time with your grandparents! I haven't watched the last three seasons of dancing with the stars. I have realized since my son doesn't watch tv with me anymore that I don't watch it much myself. I can wrangle him in to watch a movie now and then. I need to get Netflix so I can sit down and binge watch things. I had to physically go in to work everyday last week because my boss's TA was ill and he had me doing some crap work. I read a lot of blog posts, but didn't have time to comment, so I need to get back around for that. Have a wonderful week. :)

  20. Glad you all had a good time away and thanks for the reminder to always check those kind of reservations, glad it worked out though. I barely watch TV some months but lately I have so many series to catch up on it's ridiculous, when will I find time to read lol. Have a great week and happy reading :)

  21. Glad you enjoyed your trip. I love The Middle! It's one of my favorite sitcoms. Scorpion is also a good one.

    Hope you have a great week!

  22. I HATE renting cars. There is ALWAYS an issue. The Seinfeld allusion says it perfectly. I'm glad it worked out for you in the end. I'm hoping to go on weekend staycations this fall. :)

  23. A Walk in the Woods is good but the 2nd half drags a bit. I love Robert Redford! I can't even count the number of times I've rewatched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. One of my favorite movies ever.

  24. I caught myself on NetGalley again tonight and had to quickly leave before I tried to request something yet again . . . I really need to stay away from that site. I am glad you had a good vacation! I'm trying not to read any Christmas books until after Halloween too.
