
Monday, October 12, 2015

The Hidden - Review

The Hidden (Krewe of Hunters) by Heather Graham
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Can the same killer strike again - a hundred and fifty years later?
Estes Park, Colorado, is a place of serenity.  But it wasn't always so serene.  Shortly after the Civil War, Nathan Kendall and his wife were murdered there, leaving behind a young son.  The crime was never solved.
Now historian Scarlet Barlow is working at a small museum attached to a B and B, the same building where that murder occurred.  She recently came to Colorado, reeling after her divorce from FBI agent Diego McCullough.  Diego - who's just been asked to join the Krewe of Hunters, a unit dealing with "unusual" situations...
When Scarlet unwittingly takes pictures of people who've been murdered - just like the Kendalls a hundred and fifty years before - the police look at her with suspicion.  Then the museum's statues of historic people, including Nathan Kendall, begin to talk to her, and she knows it's time to call her ex-husband.  Diego heads to Estes Park, determined to solve the bizarre case that threatens Scarlet's life - and to reunite with the woman he never stopped loved.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Suspense

Why I Picked This Book: I always enjoy Heather Graham's stories and I really liked Diego's character from the previous book The Silenced.

My Impression:  The Krewe series is a very loosely connected paranormal romantic suspense series.  Each book features a crime with a paranormal element that is investigated by a member of the FBI Krewe of Hunter's unit.  You can jump in anywhere in the series without there being a problem.  We met Diego in The Silenced but you don't really need to read that book to understand what's going on.

The two primary characters - Scarlet and Diego - had been married before and both regretted the circumstances of the divorce.  I liked that these two had an established past and were both willing to own up to what they had done wrong in the relationship.  While insta-love is kind of the usual in a romantic suspense it was nice to not have that be the case.

The plot itself hooked me pretty much from the beginning.  I'd been kind of meh on her last two books but I really enjoyed this one.  The pacing was good and I was wondering what was going on until the very end.  There are a few discrepancies - an event happens towards the end that felt a bit to much even with the uniqueness of the Krewe and the logic that got to the solution was a bit of a jump.  However, I thought the paranormal aspect was well used and it had a good creepy feel to it.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:  Absolutely!  I have a couple of her older Krewe books and a few books from another series sitting on my shelf that I'm excited to read and I can't wait to find out where the Krewe ends up next.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Definitely!  While The Hexed is still my favorite this was a fun read.


  1. I haven't read anything by this author in years, but I always used to love her books. I'll have to give this series a try.

    1. I'm really enjoying this series! The history and ghost angles are pretty great!

  2. I loved the setting for this book and enjoyed the mysteries. I didn't love the book but did enjoy it.

    1. I did enjoy it though I often feel like I just want a little but more from her books but they're usually such fun I forgive her!

  3. I've been curious about Heather Graham's books for years and years, but never got around to reading any of hers.

    Also, ghosts! I love ghost stories. I definitely need to check this out. Glad you enjoyed this.

    1. Read her!! I think you'd like the ghosts and the plots. There are some flaws but they're fun so I know I'll enjoy them.

  4. I love Graham and I am slowly making my way though this series as I wanted to start at the beginning, now I am curious about The Hexed since it's your I am only on #3...sigh so far to

    1. Even though I've read the newest ones I haven't read the early ones. I own them of course so I'll get there!

  5. YAY, I am glad you enjoyed this one too Katherine.

    1. I really did! It was nice since I hadn't loved the last 2.

  6. Gah. I keep saying I need to read more Graham, but never get around to it. It's been a long time since I've read anything by her.

    1. She has an insane number of books and I'm so behind! I could do nothing but read her books for a month and still not been done!

  7. I like the sounds of this one. As you know I'm not a mystery reader, but this one sounds kind of cool. I think I always liked the unsolved cases in Criminal Minds the best. So I'm actually going to see if this is still on NG and give it a try if it is. We shall see. Lol

    1. I think you would like her because there is so much going on other than just a straight forward mystery. There romance and history and ghosts. I'll be interested to see what you think of her if you do get it or one of her other books.

  8. Not gone on the paranormal aspect as I've never read a mystery/paranormal theme before. The pacing sounds great though and if it weren't for the paranormal element, I'd totally add this one!

    1. I'm not sure if you'd enjoy this one. The paranormal is definitely a big one and it doesn't feel like the books you usually enjoy.

  9. I'm so bummed I've not read her yet. They sound really good and love that you can jump in wherever :)

    1. You need to read her! I think you'd enjoy her books and you can definitely jump in where ever you want!

  10. Great review, Katherine! I really enjoyed this one, too, in spite of some of the flaws you mentioned. As you say, they're just plain fun!

  11. I have this one to read and am looking forward to it. I like the idea of the couple in this one being already established as all the ones I've read so far are new to each other. It'll be a nice change.
