
Sunday, September 6, 2015

This Week in Reading - September 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat by Jen Mann - I really enjoyed her previous book that came out last year so I'm excited for this one and am hoping I enjoy it as much.  Plus, I have a feeling I'll need some comic relief when I'm in the middle of all the Christmas romance reading.  (NetGalley)

Lowcountry Bordello by Susan M. Boyer - I really enjoyed Lowcountry Boneyard and couldn't resist picking up the newest book in this series.  This one involves a murder in a bordello that's located in a historic home.  How could I pass that up?  (NetGalley)

A Cold Creek Christmas Story by RaeAnne Thayne - So this looks like a revisit to an older series but it's a new Thayne book so I automatically requested it.  I've been wanting to read some of her older books and this looks like a good way to be introduced to a past series.  (NetGalley)


Reading:  Gone but Knot Forgotten by Mary Marks (which is fun) and The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising by Marie Kondo (mixed feelings)

Listening: I'm just about done with The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall which I've enjoyed.  I'm not sure what I'm going to get next but am leaning towards The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty if it's available when I'm done with this one.

Watching: Still not much.  I'm finishing up this past season of Criminal Minds and have been trying to clear off space on the Tivo for fall shows.  Football season started Thursday so that will take up a lot of TV time!

Off the Blog:

Not much to report this week other than I got sick which means I ended up doing just about nothing interesting and kind of slogged through the rest of the week in a fog.   I'm not one who can read when I'm sick and I couldn't taste anything so I was mostly just surly.  I got seriously behind in my blog visiting and comment replying but I'll be catching up this week.

I am doing some baking today as we're celebrating my mother's birthday and it's my job to bake the cake.  As well since she has absolutely everything I tend to bake fun stuff as a gift instead of buying anything.  I'm making a banana cake with hot fudge frosting and am hoping it turns out as yummy as it sounds!

One thing I did make this week were these Hot Italian Sandwiches from Wonky Wonderful.  I customized mine a little by leaving out the salami (J isn't a fan) and just using ham, pepperoni and provolone.  I also added a little extra seasoning and drizzled them with a garlic- vinaigrette.  I love that they make a whole bunch of sandwich at one time.  With the leftovers I just wrapped up the sandwiches individually in foil and when it came time to heat them up you could just throw them in the oven for a few minutes.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Review of the last trilogy in Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series
Tuesday: Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished
Wednesday: Gone But Knot Forgotten - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Worst Reason I've Ever Read a Book
Friday: Linkups with excerpts from current book
Saturday: Something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Sorry to hear you've been sick Katherine - I have trouble with the change of seasons so tend to get sick then.

    I LOVE the 'Spending the Holidays...' book - I love that all you can really see is the 'People I want to punch in the throat' bit - hilarious. (My sort of humour!!!)

  2. Aw hope the mama had a great birthday. And oh my word that is the best book title!

  3. Hope indeed the cake was as yummy as it sounds - love banana cake. Sorry you've been sick it puts me off reading too. First time I've heard of The Chaperone by LM. Must look it up.

  4. OK I'll be trying those sandwiches- I clicked over there and they look delicious. I have a weak spot for a good samdwich... Spending the holidays looks fun, I love that title

    Yay for football! I'm not sure what fall shows I'll be watching, although I am looking forward to Blindspot.

    Have a great LAbor Day weekend!

  5. Yikes, everyone seems to be sick this week! Hope you are feeling better by now and how miserable that you don't want to read when sick. That's the only good part of being sick for me!
    Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat by Jen Mann sounds fun, I bet we all pictured someone in our head when we saw that title! :D

  6. That book title is so funny :) There's been a lot of buzz recently about Japanese organization, I've bought a book about that myself - let's declutter and have a zen surrounding ! Happy birthday to your mother, have fun together :)

  7. Oh I would so like to read that book by Jenn Mann. Perfect for me, as I don't have family here and it's always the I laws and all that family. I didn't want to dread holidays but.....I kinda do.
    Sounds like you are feeling a bit better, I'm glad. I have trouble concentrating on reading if I am sick, too

  8. That sounds like a Banana Split cake! delish. The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up has been a huge hit. I figured it would just make me feel inadequate. my post is here:

  9. Will be curious to hear your final thoughts on Life Changing Magic... for me it was good motivation, but not a great book. The Chaperone is very good on audio, so I hope it's available when you're ready.

    The cake sounds amazing! Sorry you were sick this week :(

  10. Sorry you were sick this past week! Hope you're feeling better. I love the look of that Jen Mann book. I haven't heard of her before, but I'll have to check her books out! Hope you have a better week!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  11. Hope you feel better soon! Being sick is the worst....enjoy your new week. I like the look of that first book about the holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat. Should be hilarious.

    In studying your list, with the one set in the Lowcountry, I realize that I've been spending a lot of time there via reading (lately); in fact, all three of my reads this past week were set somewhere in the South. I guess I love visiting there in the summer, especially.

    Enjoy your week...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  12. Hope your cake for your mom is a delight!

  13. Glad you're feeling better! Your cake as a gift sounds like a yummy and fun project!
    I've read other James Hayman books and didn't know he had a new one out. I like his stories because I used to live in Maine and still miss it, and I enjoyed Portland and he bases his characters there.
    I didn't enjoy The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, but hopefully you will have better luck with it. Have a great week ahead!

  14. Sorry to read you got sick. You just reminded me we'll need to get flu shots soon. Were you the one who hosted The Collector by Susan M. Boyer giveaway? I found out I just won a Kindle copy! Pls post a pic of your mum's cake and what it looks inside. It sounds yummy. Last night I made the dough for these cookies that have white chocolate chips, dried cranberries, and pistachio nuts. You have to chill the dough which I did overnight. Will bake them off today. My ohana is coming over to celebrate my birthday which is Monday. We're doing an Asian potluck so I'm making fried rice with seafood and pancetta + veggies. I was tired of cake so we're providing the banana split sundae bar with toppings.

  15. Oh, I'm sorry you've been sick! I hope you're feeling better now.

    I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and I had mixed feelings, too. There are some good ideas in there, but it could really have been boiled down to a long article... and a lot of it is similar to other books I've read. Still, it's been effective for some people so more power to it!

    I hope you enjoy the RaeAnne Thayne book; I'll be reading it too. I liked the one in that series that came out last year (The Christmas Ranch), and she's usually good.

    Have a great week, and feel better!

  16. Sorry you were sick, Katherine. Never fun. I hope you're feeling lots better. So nice you're making a birthday cake for your Mom. You'll have to let us know how it turns out. Spending the Holidays with People I Want to Punch in the Throat sounds very funny. Have a great week, Katherine.

  17. I hope you're feeling better and happy birthday to your mom! That cake sounds yummy. That holiday humor book looks like one I should read. :D I'm interested in hearing more about the decluttering book as I am a clutter queen.

    Feel better!

  18. Hope you are feeling better and just to let you know I am on my way to get some of that cake!!! It sounds seriously delicious!

    Have a lovely week!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

  19. That banana cake sounds so good. I read Mann's People I want to punch in the throat but I couldn't connect with her at all. Weird since I was stalking her on Facebook for a while before i read the book. Oh well. I hope you enjoy all of your new reads. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Nothing is more important than your health, that is especially obvious after you get sick. Have a great week!

  20. I hope you enjoy your new reads! :)


  21. I've been wanting to read the Susan Boyer books, but I haven't had a chance. Have a great week!

  22. Love the title of that book. Sounds like fun. Enjoy!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  23. That book title cracked me up. Sadly I know some people that I'd like to...LOL Just kidding, kind of. I hope you feel yourself soon and have a lovely holiday:)

    My Sunday Post -

  24. Hahaha .. oh man, I need to read that first book. That stinks about being sick, hope you feel better. Have a great week.

  25. No fun being sick, I hope this week is better. haha that title cracks me up (sometimes there's a little bit of truth in it lol) I think I need to read it. Have fun celebrating your mum's birthday, the cake sounds delicious. So do the sandwiches ... now I want one :)

  26. Hope you're feeling better this week! I'm sure your mother loved her gifts and cake. The sandwiches sounded yummy :) Have a good week!

  27. I hope you feel better now! Sick in the heat is absolutely awful.
    I would like to send me some of that cake. It sounds delicious! Did it turn out super yummy?
    Love the title and cover of the throat punching one. I don't have a large family but I think the time of year just makes me hostile. So I'll be watching for your review. Hope the books hilarious!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  28. I hope you are feeling better! And that your mom has a nice birthday.

    I've spent a little too much time on NetGalley and Edelweiss recently. Too many new books added to my already overflowing TBR collection. I'm really curious to know what you think of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up when you finish. Mixed feelings so far, eh? I hope you do read The Chaperone. I've been wanting to read that one for awhile now.

    Have a great week!

  29. Those sandwiches sound great - will have to give them a try! How'd your cake turn out?
