
Monday, September 7, 2015

The Last Lucky Harbor Trilogy - Review

The Lucky Harbor series by Jill Shalvis has drawn to a close *sob*.  Well to be honest it actually ended last October but I'm just getting over my denial about the whole thing and read the final three.  While I'm sad to say goodbye to Lucky Harbor I loved meeting these characters.

For starters, I absolutely love how Shalvis did this series.  I've read any number of long running series where all the books are very connected and every single character makes and obligatory appearance.  By the last few I spend most of the book trying to remember who Joe and Jane are and what book they're from and how they're connected to Mary and Steve.  Instead Shalvis broke the series up into loosely connected trilogies.  With each trilogy we get a fresh set of characters and while we may see characters from a previous trilogy (like Sheriff Sawyer from book #3 may pull over a character from book #7 for speeding or something else reckless or characters from book #9 may go into the bar owned by Jax from book #1) you don't actually have to keep track of everyone but it's still building a sense of community for the reader.  Seriously, it's brilliant.

In this trilogy we meet Sam, Cole, and Tanner.  Long time friends who have been together through thick and thin with a good dash of tragedy.  Along the way we also meet Becca Thorpe, Olivia Bentley, and Callie Sharpe.  All three women come very different backgrounds and have very different stories to tell and it's such fun to watch everything come together.

First up is Sam and Becca in It's In His Kiss.  It's hard not to like Becca.  She's so enthusiastic and just generally kind that it's easy to see why Sam is immediately drawn in.  He's a fixer by nature and is always the one in charge.  Cole and Tanner both tend to look to him for direction.  Becca and Sam are both used to taking care of others and it was nice to watch them start to lean on each other even though they both kept their secrets far too long.

It was absolutely lovely watching Becca become at home at Lucky Harbor and with how touched she was by the acceptance of the residents.  I loved how Sam really tried to see the value of herself for what she was doing NOW versus some past image.

I did wish they had both shared their issues earlier but it didn't affect my enjoyment of this book and I still got a little misty-eyed at the end.  Plus, we get introduced to the very mysterious Olivia and I can't wait to read her and Cole's story.  4 Stars

I was really excited to read Olivia and Cole's story and He's So Fine did not disappoint.  Olivia was the real star of this book.  She's tough and independent and absolutely does not like to ask for help.  She's impulsive and behind her tough exterior has a really soft hard and can't resist running to the rescue.  Watching their relationship grow is lots of fun - especially given Olivia's complete denial that it's happening.  I'm normally not a big fan of major secret keeping or extreme reactions but it really worked in this case.  Given Olivia's past and those who surrounded her it made total sense as to why she wouldn't share.  Not because she's actively hiding it from Cole but more because she's focusing on the present and trying to forget the past entirely.  Cole does have an over the top reaction towards the end but it also fits with his personality and his past.  We see more of Tanner in this one which I liked as he seems like an interesting character and we meet Callie - granddaughter of the famous Lucille.  I'm glad I have the next book because I can't wait to get started!  4 Stars

One in a Million by Jill Shalvis
If the Lucky Harbor has to end what better way to end than with Lucille's granddaughter?  Lucille has been one of the few characters that has appeared in every book and she's definitely one of the most memorable residents of Lucky Harbor.  However, we don't really get to know Lucille outside her outrageous antics. I loved watching Callie and Lucille interact and Lucille gets her own love story which is really wonderful.  It took me a little longer to warm to Callie and Tanner.  Between Callie's cringe worthy clumsiness and Tanner's problems with his son Troy.  However, once the book started going I was sucked in as usual.  The world of Lucky Harbor is vividly painted and it was such fun to spend some time in Leah's bakery.  I really enjoyed watching the relationship between Callie and Troy grow and thought his interaction with Lucille was especially sweet.  For the most part I really liked Callie and Tanner together and I really liked getting to know Tanner better.  However, towards the end Callie's behavior really started to get on my nerves.  She never communicates with Tanner at all about how she feels and then gets sulky when he doesn't respond the way she wants him to.  The last scene in the kitchen more than made up for it though.  4 Stars

It's hard to say which was my favorite trilogy of this series though I'm leaning towards books 4, 5, and 6.  I'm sorry to say goodbye to Lucille and all the rest but I'm looking forward to starting Shalvis's new series and catching up with her Animal Magnetism series.

 If you enjoy a good contemporary romance don't let the number 12 scare you.  With the way the series is set up just pick whichever book appeals to you and you won't have any problem catching up and if you enjoy your visit to Lucky Harbor half as much as I enjoyed mine you won't regret it!


  1. That's tough when a series ends, I love getting to know the characters and you feel like you actually do know them.
    Did you change your site format? It looks a but different but I am on a computer today instead of a tablet. Sometimes the mobile version make a difference.

    1. The mobile version is definitely different. I noticed that the other day and am not sure what I'm going to do about it. I love this series! She's definitely done a great job building a community with great characters.

  2. Ahh, I love when a series has that sense of community. I didn't realize that the series broke up like that, but that's a really cool idea. I have a few of her books that are just scattered throughout the series.

    1. It really is great that you can pick up anywhere in the series and it works. I hope you really enjoy this series when you get a chance!

  3. This is probably my favorite trilogy in this series. I love Becca and Sam's story the most, I think. Those two just found special places in my heart.

    1. I loved them too though I think Olivia was my favorite character though I didn't like that book quite as much. Definitely one of the most solid trilogies.

  4. Heard about this series but not read any of this authors work. I am not a huge contemporary romance reader but I do read it from time to time. (Anything by Debbie Macomber being one of I will have to put this series on my list to try some time. :)

    1. Shalvis is a bit hotter than Macomber but she does a good job portraying friendship and community like Macomber does.

  5. I have Simply Irresistible on my kindle now, not yet read. I was saving it for closer to the holidays to start the series (it has a holiday theme to it), but I don't know, your enthusiasm for the series has me rethinking that. Or maybe I should start another series by Ms. Shalvis first :) Your love for the series is contagious and I want to read a Jill Shalvis right now, lol.

    1. It's been a long time since I read Simply Irresistible but I so remember enjoying it. I think the series gets stronger as it goes along. I had forgotten about the holiday theme on that one but it is good!

  6. I used to read Jill Shalvis all the time and think she's a great author. I've been reading suspense and thrillers, and am behind with my romance, but plan to definitely catch up with this series soon. Love your review! Hugs...Ro

    1. Thank you! I've been in a suspense mood lately as well and have been mixing in more mysteries and thrillers. I think Shalvis has only gotten stronger. I don't think you'll be disappointed when you revisit her.

  7. I'm so glad to read this post. I read the first trilogy in the series a couple of years ago. Just checked Goodreads and saw I have the next trilogy on my kindle. Since you liked them so much I need to make time to read them!

    1. I think the trilogy you have was one of my favorites! The Chocoholics were really fun. I hope you enjoy them! This is definitely a series I'm sad to see end!

  8. That's cool that series is set up like. I agree it can seem daunting. I believe Abbi Glines does this with her two huge ongoing NA series'.
    Great review! I will definitely be trying out a Shalvis book this year as I have one off of NG. I think I'm going to enjoy it. I love a good romance. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I think you will enjoy them even though they're definitely more Contemporary than NA but the characters are so easy to relate too.

  9. I haven't read any of Jill Shalvis, but clearly she's in the same vein as Robyn Carr, Sherryl Woods, and Susan Mallery - which means I really should try her. Sometime in 2016, hopefully! Incidentally, Mallery does a similar thing with the series-within-a-series with her Fool's Gold novels.

    1. She's a little steamier than Woods but I think you'd really like her. The characters are just so great.

  10. That's an interesting set up to the series and it seems like jumping in anywhere would be easy. I have Head Over Heels sitting on my Kindle and her Animal Magnnetism books on my wishlist.

    I completely understand about being in denial over a series ending; there's one series it took me several years to get to the final book because I kept putting it off. "It's not over if I don't read the final book!" LOL

    1. Lol! I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes into series ending denial! I'm sad to see this one go.
      If I remember right Head Over Heels is about Chloe and is a great one. She has asthma and she actually has it instead of it just being mentioned occasionally. I think you'll like it.

  11. This is a series I forgot to put on my top five/ten list this week. I knew I'd forget some. I really do want to read all the books.

    1. You must read them! I was happy with how strong the series ended. I don't think this series ever disappointed me which is nice and a bit unusual.
