
Saturday, August 22, 2015

My Foodie TBR

Two of my very favorite things are food and books so of course I have a TBR pile that's on the verge of toppling just crammed with books about food - especially nonfiction and mysteries though my cookbook selection is by no means small!

However, it doesn't matter how badly I want to read a book when I get it more often than not books I own end up getting pushed aside by newer shinier review books.  This summer I've been trying to refocus a little (and admit that I don't have any place left to cram a book) and try and read the books I have.  So after some digging around my bookshelves here's my Top Ten Foodie book TBR:


1. My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story (with Recipes) by Luisa Weiss - Despite my husband's love of all foods German (we even went to a German Restaurant on our first date) when I think food I do not think Berlin but this one has been on my radar (and my shelf) for awhile.

2. The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry: Love, Laughter, and Tears at the World's Most Famous Cooking School by Kathleen Flinn - I absolutely loved Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good by Flinn and have had this book and another one by her sitting on my shelf for far too long!

3.  Yes, Chef by Marcus Sameuelsson - I'm cheating a little with this one because I don't physically have a copy of this book on my shelf.  However, I'd gotten a digital copy from the library a couple of years ago when I first got me kindle.  Read about 25% of it, loved it and then got distracted and never finished it.  This was pre-Paperwhite days so I was doing all my Kindle reading on my big 9" Kindle Fire tablet which is really too heavy and bulky for me to read comfortably.  I'm really hoping to get a chance to finish this one.

4.  Consuming Passions: A Food Obsessed Life by Michael Lee West - I love a a good food memoir and this one involves travel as well!

5.  The Soul of a Chef: The Journey Toward Perfection by Michael Ruhlman - I've seen Ruhlman's name attached to better known (to me at least) chefs on tons of cookbooks but I know virtually nothing about who he is.  I'm hoping this will fix that.


6.  Pies and Prejudice by Ellery Adams - This is the first in the Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery series. I also have the second book in the series right next to it.  I like Adams' writing style and have been in a pie mood lately. 

7.  A Spoonful of Murder by Connie Archer - I read the 5th book in the series and absolutely loved it.  Great characters, interesting small town and absolutely delicious sounding soups!  I'll probably wait until it gets a little cooler to review this one so I can try out one of the yummy looking recipes in the back of the book.

8.  Cookie Dough or Die by Virginia Lowell - I love the idea of a little shop specializing in cookie baking.  Not so much a bakery but a shop full of flavorings and sprinkles and cookie cutters.  I could probably spend hours in a store like that.

9.  An Appetite for Murder by Lucy Burdette - One of my favorite things in a book is if I'm familiar with the series.  I love Key West and Key Lime pie!  This one may be coming up soon because now is the perfect weather for the pie!

10. Death by the Dozen by Jenn McKinlay - This is the 3rd in the Cupcake Bakery series.  I've read the first 2 and really enjoyed them and I love the rest of McKinlay's other series.   Not only do I have the 3rd book in the series but the 4th, 5th, and 6th as well.

This list could've gone on endlessly but these are my current top ten and I'm hoping to have reviews up for a few of them soon.  Are there any here that catch your eye?  Or any foodie book - fact or fiction - that I simply must read?

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. You know, I'm reading this and it's waaaay past my lunch time, so my stomach is making loud noises in the library ! *hides in shame*

  2. I had Yes Chef and loaned it to someone, never got it back. Aggravating. I will be visiting your other posts soon, almost out of Internet at home & hard to type on phone. Off to Starbucks!

  3. I will admit that each and every one of your fiction foodie books sound like one I'd like. I may even have a couple of them - probably at least the cupcake bakery one. I've gotten away from reading many mysteries that fit in the cozy section, but I think I'm about to cycle back there - at least in part. I'd read each of those. Well, I'd read the first book in the series first, but you know what I mean. Bring on the foodie mysteries!!

  4. I love the names for the cozy mysteries, they always make me chuckle.

  5. I love reading books about food and cooking as well and you have some great ones on your list! I really liked The Sharper Your Knife and I LOVE anything by Ruhlman. I was a little disappointed by Yes, Chef :( Happy foodie reading!

  6. Uh oh, a couple of these are new to me! I adore foodie cozy mysteries, and like Diane, the titles always crack me up.

  7. Cookie Dough or Die simply because of the name. Cookie Dough can only kill you because of its deliciousness.
    I hope you can through this TBR before the years out. I had big plans for my TBR books and now it's almost September and I've failed spectacularly. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  8. Have you read anything by Ruth Reichl? I've only read Tender at the Bone but I enjoyed it. You case you need even more foodie memoirs to add to your list. ;) I LOVED The Kitchen Counter Cooking School a few years ago and have been meaning to read The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry.

    Confession: I've never read a foodie cozy mystery! The titles are quite cute though. :)

  9. Yum yum yum! I'll just bookmark this, thank you! I LOVE food books.

  10. Okay girl, you got me to add three more - Flinn's two and Samuelson - to my TBR. I don't read memoirs often as I've posted before. But I don't mind reading about food. I already had the first of the cupcake series on my TBR, probably b/c of you.

  11. I haven't been able to get my hands on Burnt Toast yet - good list. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  12. I am not much of a cook but I still tend to get cookbooks in hopes of I like fictional foodie books too! :)

  13. Oh yes. Food and books. Two of my favorites too. I love the titles on some of these :D

  14. Oooh - what a great list! I didn't realize there was so much food-focused fiction! I've been hearing great things about the novel Kitchens of the Great Midwest, so I really want to read that one.


    Book By Book

  15. When I think of food I usually think of cookbooks. But I see some cute cozies on your list.

  16. The Key West series is great, you'll really like it. And I'm hoping to get to the fourth Cupcake Bakery book myself in a week or two.
