
Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Peach Keeper

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
When you read a book that isn't for review, do you still feed the need to write a review of it?

My Answer:
Yes and no.  Helpful right?  For the most part it depends on the book.  If it's a read that's not especially memorable in any way than I probably won't.  The audio book I'm listening to right now I'm probably won't write a review for because I don't have much to say about it.  I'm enjoying it but it's not something that's going to stick with me.  But, in general I do write a review.  Partly because it helps me remember the book itself better and partly so I'll have some reviews on standby so I'll have something to post if a week gets away from me!

This week's book is The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen.  Allen is one of those authors I've been wanting to read since pre-blogger days (mostly because of her painting-like covers) but just never got too.  A little while ago I was in the library with the Tornado when a book entitled The Peach Keeper caught my eye.  During the summer I have a hard time resisting anything peach - the fruit, baked goods, scented items, etc - so I knew I'd be picking up the book and I was even more delighted to see that it was by an author I'd really been wanting to read.  I'm planning on starting this one tonight as I just finished the print book I was reading so I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

The Beginning:
The day Paxton Osgood took the box of heavy-stock, foil-lined envelopes to the post office, the ones she'd had a professional calligrapher address, it began to rain so hard the air turned white as bleached cotton.

My Thoughts:
I'm quite curious what is in the envelopes that involve good stationary and a calligrapher.  Wedding invitations maybe?  The visual of the rain turning the sky white is interesting.  I'm not sure I've seen it rain that hard but it does make me visualize a super heavy rain.

The 56:
It'd been much longer in high school, and she's always worn it in a messy braid.  Actually, he really didn't know if she'd always worn it like that, it was just how he remembered it the last time he saw her, walking out of the school.

My Thoughts: 
Since it doesn't sound like these two knew each other very well (if at all) I'm curious why he remembers the last time he saw her so vividly.

So have you read this?  Any authors that you really want to read but for some reason just haven't?  Is the better question how many authors do you really want to read but haven't?


  1. I've heard of this one, but I'm not familiar with the author. I've seen rain that looked exactly like that two days ago - It rained 0.2" in less than five minutes...

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

    1. That is some rain! I hope you were somewhere nice and dry when that happened.

  2. I've read this one. It was good.

    1. So far I'm really enjoying this one! I'm about 60 pages in.

  3. The Peach Keeper was my first book by this author, and I liked it enough to read another of her books recently (Lost Lake). I actually enjoyed Lost Lake more...

    While I have been reviewing everything I read, I am beginning to think I could stop doing that. LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's MY BOOKISH FRIDAY POST

    1. I think your review of Lost Lake was what reminded me that I needed to try her books! So far I'm really enjoying this one and can't wait to read more!

  4. This is a great book. I hope you enjoy it!
    I review almost everything I read, even if it is just a few sentences on Goodreads.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I need to get better about reviewing on Goodreads. I've let that slide lately.

  5. I think of my blog as a journal for what I read, so I review everything I read with only a few exceptions.. The only exception might be a health related book. The other exception is perhaps that I didn't write a formal review of Jane Eyre when I re-read it. I think I covered my thoughts on it pretty well without having to do that.

    I have wanted to read something by Sarah Addison Allen for ages now. Now that you're reading her book, I maybe I should too. :-)

    1. I liked your discussion about Jane Eyre! I think with classics like that a discussion is far more interesting than a straight review.

  6. I do like to chat books so I was reviewing books both off line and on long before I knew I was a book blogger. I usually review everything I read, the only ones I sometimes do not are the DNF's.

    1. I never quite no what to do with DNFs. I don't like slamming a book but there's a reason the book didn't work for me that I normally want to share. I love bookish chat! That my favorite thing about this online world.

  7. I definitely do not review everything I read unless it's a review book.That's why I started doing weekly wrap-ups, so at least I can say a few things about the books I won't be reviewing.
    I really want to read a Sarah Addison Allen book this year. I'm not sure where I want to start. But I'll definitely borrow whatever book I go with from the library. See if I enjoy her writing or not first.

    1. I'm really enjoy on this one so far. The characters are really well developed and the storyline just kind of envelopes you. I'll be curious to see what you think of her books.

  8. Lovely cover and I like the writing in the snippets. I have yet to read anything by the author and these snippets tell me I should change that. Happy Friday!

    1. I couldn't resist the cover in this one! So far I'm really enjoying it. There's a real magical feel to this book.

  9. It sounds like a really cute book. Did you say you were in the library because of a tornado?

    My Friday Quotes

    1. LOL no sorry! The Tornado is what I call my 5 year old because of his energy level! We do have tornadoes but so far none have chased me into a library.

  10. Such a lovely cover. I'd have picked it up too:) And I like the quote and beginning. Both have me curious.

    Here's my 56 -

    1. So far I'm really enjoying this one. It's living up to the cover!

  11. This is one of the few books I've re-read. SAA is great because her books are real, but have a little magic or paranormal in them. I hope you love her writing as much as I do.

    1. I'm only about 60 pages in but I'm loving it! Just the atmosphere she has developed is magical.

  12. I've heard of this book and I think I may have come close to checking it out from the library more than once. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

    1. You should definitely give it a try! I'm really enjoying this one.

  13. I have this very book on my shelf and have I read it? No, not yet. Sarah Addison Allen is one of those authors that I've meant to read each and every time a new book comes out. I should go pull this one out and put it where I can see it to remind me.

    I try to review almost all my books. I've gone through periods where I didn't, but I do keep my reading log, which lists all the books I've read.

  14. That's a gorgeous cover. I'm curious about the envelopes too, and I immediately thought they must be wedding invitations. Then I hoped the heavy rain didn't mar the beautiful calligraphy! This sounds like a book I'd like.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  15. Sounds like the makings of a beautiful story.
    Happy weekend!

  16. I love this author, Garden Spells is by far my favorite but love them all.

  17. I read a book by Sarah earlier this year and I loved it, it was so cute and the characters were fab. And I have so many authors I want to read but haven't yet got around to, I can't even put a number on it! And like you my answer for reviews for non review books is yes and no. If I have something to say, I'll write a review. If not I won't. Also if I'm too backed up with reviews to write for review books, then I might not bother either.
