
Sunday, August 23, 2015

This Week in Reading - August 23

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

All I Want by Jill Shalvis - I didn't even read the blurb before I requested this one!  Shalvis is an author who always provides a good read and I really enjoyed the previous book in the Animal Magnetism series.  I was especially excited when I did take a break to read the blurb and found out it was about Zoe who was one of my favorite characters in the last book.  (NetGalley)

Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday Elegance by Jennifer L. Scott - I thoroughly enjoyed Scott's previous book (At Home with Madame Chic) and am looking forward to hearing what she has to say in this new venture.  I could definitely use some lessons in everyday elegance!  (NetGalley)

The Girl in the Glass by James Hayman - A thriller featuring murders committed 108 years apart.  I was really excited to be able to participate in the blog tour for this one!  Can't wait to get started reading it.  (Edelweiss)


Reading:  The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen and Threads of Evidence by Lea Waite

Listening: I finished Love in a Nutshell by Janet Evanovich which was cute but not especially memorable.  It's worth a listen if your library has it but not worth going out and buying.  I'm now listening to a radio drama of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None which I'm thoroughly enjoying.  Next up is a children's book called Christina's Ghost which I read about 1000 times when I was a kid.

Watching:  I'm catching up on last season's Criminal Minds before the new season starts.  That's a seriously creepy show!  I'm really excited about the spin-off featuring Gary Sinise.

Off the Blog:

We are officially back in school mode and it feels good to be back in a routine!  The house is finally clean again and I'm starting to make a dent in my rather mammoth To-Do list.  I've also been including exercise back into my weekly routine and I'm really enjoying it.  I have exercise-induced asthma and have a really hard time with high impact/high paced cardio so I tend to avoid it.  I've found an instructor who does more dance based pilates inspired workouts and I'm absolutely loving them.  Her name is Ellen Barrett and I've used about 4 or 5 of her workout DVDs.  They definitely get my heart rate up and I'm feeling a bit sore but they don't get me so out of breath that I can't recover.

A long with getting started with the routine this week has been the week of getting used to the new normal around here.  It's not that Emma was here all that much but now that's she's no longer living here it's really having an impact.  When Eleanor left we still had 3 kids and since both Emma and Paul had crazy schedules and neither were driving I spent quite a bit of time keeping up with their schedules.  Even when they both started driving there was a constant in and out.  But now that we're down to 2 it suddenly seems a lot quieter.  And next year we will be down to 1.  One of the many good things about being a reader is that books are always there.  To read, to think about, to plan, to discuss.  Going down to a single child family and then eventually to an empty nester is definitely bittersweet but for now I'm focusing on the sweet.  Though with the Tornado just starting kindergarten we've got awhile till that happens!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Plantation Shudders - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on My Syllabus
Thursday: Beyond the Books - I'm really excited about this week's topic
Friday: Linkups with my current book
Saturday: TBD but something foodie!

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I really must try something by Jill Shalvis...I see her books everywhere. I also had a similar reaction as you to Love in a Nutshell.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I love Shalvis! They're just great contemporaries. The Nutshell was a good listen but definitely won't be on my top ten list anytime soon!

  2. Ah routines...adjusting is so hard! I really need to add Jill Shalvis to my reading list, I have a feeling I will love her books. I loved And Then There Were None. Hope the week is a good one!

    1. I think you will love Jill Shalvis! Her books are so fun with such great characters.

  3. The Girl In The Glass sounds really interesting! I hadn't heard of it before but I'll definitely be checking that out.

    I'm taking part in The Sunday Post too, for the first time :)

    1. Welcome to the Post! I'm excited about The Girl in the Glass. It looks really fun.

  4. It's always nice when you get to read more about a favorite character! And a radio version of Christie- seems like that would be kinda cool. Maybe add a little atmosphere to it- if I were going to read more of her that would probably be the one I'd go with.

    Karen's meme looks fun... I'll have to check it out. I've seen some fun posts here and there...

    1. And Then There Were None is fantastic and Iiked the radio production though I definitely recommend reading the book first. The production is a bit condensed and it could get confusing.

  5. Radio version of Agatha Christie sounds good, reminds me of when I was young sitting around the radio (pre TV!!) and listening to books on the radio. I love the Animal Magnetism series, still have the previous one to read and also have this one from NetGalley. Must make time for both!

    1. I really enjoyed the Agatha audio and really wish there were more. I enjoyed the last book in the Animal Magnatism series. The characters were great and really unique.

  6. Ahh, gotta love those authors you love enough to not even read the blurbs for their books. I know how you feel. I only have one child, but now that he isn't around ... it's weird having a routine that doesn't totally involve him. Enjoy your books and have a great week.

    1. It is! It's taking some shifting to get used to less kids and next year when we are down to one is going to be crazy!

  7. Ouch, my long com just vanished in the air ! I'll be reading Jill Shalvis soon, can't wait. I've never watched Criminal minds but now I think I will - and I love Gary Sinise ever since I saw him in Of mice and men. Enjoy the weekend with the Tornado, with a nickname like that, he should keep you busy ;) Have a great weekend !

    1. Oh I hate it when that happens! The Tornado is nicknamed the Tornado for a reason. The boy is all energy! I like Criminal Minds though they've had some beyond crazy episodes and I'm a big Gary Sinise fan as well.

  8. When I see a favourite author, I just grab their books too without a second thought for what the book is about! Your dance dvds sound fun.

    1. I'm liking it a lot! Thanks for the push to get back to exercising. It feels great to be trying to get back into shape.

  9. Oooh I love And Then There Were None, it's a great read. Have a great week!

    1. It's one of my favorites and listening to it has been really fun.

  10. Glad you're enjoying being back in a routine! I know that feeling!

    I'm the same with certain authors - I'll read almost anything they write. Their novels might only be solid 3-stars but I know I can count on them to deliver something entertaining and sometimes that's all I need!

    1. Exactly! I have a few mystery authors that I know I'm going to enjoy it. They aren't perfect and some have had some plot holes but they just work for me.

  11. I really want to read more Janet Evanovich books I have read a few in a series of hers which I just can't remember what it was called but really enjoyed them.

    Happy Reading.

    Megan @

  12. I always request any Jill Shalvis I see. I always enjoy the small town dynamic in her stories. My post:

  13. I haven't read Jill Shavis - ok, putting it on the list.
    So, we have been empty nesters (as we are called) for 6 years now. It's great. Well, it's great if you have a good relationship with your spouse, which I do, and you can do so many other things together without adhering to a school schedule. I know some women at work who complain they have nothing to do since their child went off to college. It's sad they don't want to spedn time with their hubby....depends on your relationships :-)

  14. And Then There Were None is one of my very favorite books by Christie! I think listening to it would be a really great experience. I also have Threads of Evidence waiting on my kindle but I haven't gotten to it yet. Just so many books and not enough time. Hope you have a great week and enjoy all of your current reads!

  15. Oh I can't wait for the routine and a clean house :) I still have a week my little one starts on the 2nd and the big one starts on the 8th. It will be nice to be home now and not have to head down the shore every weekend, not that I am complaining, but it is a lot to pack up and leave and come back just to go to work.

    I wont have empty nest for quite sometime but I am not looking forward to it, I rather enjoy the chaos.

    Have a great week, Katherine and Happy Reading! ox

  16. The Christie radio drama sounds really interesting, I would love to hear your thoughts on it once you finish it. I'm hoping it won't be too hard for me to readjust to a new schedule when school starts up again for me at the end of the month. Have a great week!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

  17. LOL you didn't even read the blurb. I love it. It's fantastic when you have an author that you love and trust that much.

    Your house really is emtpying out but you'll have the Tornado for a while yet.

    Silly question, but do you use your albuterol before starting your exercise? It should be used 10-15 minutes prior to exercising, unless your doctor has said otherwise.

    A routine and a clean house, those feel so good, don't they? Enjoy!

  18. Glad you are enjoying the Agatha Christie radio drama. Here's hoping that your audio experiences are all good ones. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite shows. My husband prefers NCIS, but I like the profiler stuff. Looking forward to seeing what Gary Sinise can do the FBI angle too. Have a good week!!

  19. School mode... urg... I cringe just to think about it :) A mammoth To-Do list... yup I can relate LOL. Sorry to hear you suffer from exercise-induced asthma I hope you enjoy pilates! an empty nester... I start sniffing jut to tjink about i so I'm glad you are focusing on the sweet good that Tornado will be around for a while :)

  20. The Girl in the Glass sounds great, it's going on my list. I love Criminal Minds and I can't wait for the spin off too! :)

  21. Jill Shalvis books are always fun reads. I'm listening to Second Chance Summer now. The pilates sounds great! We've had an empty nest for a while so I'm used to it. I think once you get there you'll be ready :) Have a good week!

  22. I have to come back for your Shirley Jackson review. You catch things on Negalley that I never see. I need to be more observant! My mother had my little sister when I was 16, and if it makes you feel any better, by the time my sister was graduating from high school, my mother was strongly ready for her to be off to school. Ha ha. I am also going to try and get back in focus with my walking now that the temps, and most of all the humidity, are down. have a wonderful week. :)

  23. I don't watch tv at home but when I visit my folks, I usually watch with my mom. She watches Criminal Minds (among other shows like that) and I was seriously worried about my mom becoming a serial killer b/c she loved that show! Now there's a spin-off, ugh! She probably loves Hannibal... I'll have to ask ;) She's a quirky one, that mom of mine!!!

    Have a great week!

  24. I always see Jill Shalvis books, but have yet to try one. Hope you have a great week coming up!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  25. I hope you enjoy the Shalvis book! The Girl in the Glass sounds like it will be really interesting.

    It's good that you are getting back into the exercise routine again--I need to do that as well. I seem to have more starts and stops than any consistency. I feel so much better when I do exercise regularly. I just need to remember that.

    I'm looking foward to no more swim lessons this week. LOL We also saw the end of the soccer season this past Saturday. Mouse has decided she wants to try something different, and so we'll see how that goes. I think we're all excited about the change though. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

  26. Oh, Criminal Minds. It's definitely a bit creepy.
    Great that you found an instructor that works for you. :)

  27. I know how you feel about being back in school. I requested All I Want by Jill Shavis and we'll see if I get it. I really need to increase my percentage on NG of reviewed books. Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  28. Oh The Peach Keeper. Definitely look out for your thoughts on that.
    I'm glad you're able to find a exercise routine that works for you. It can be really hard to keep on top of exercising. So finding something you enjoy and gets you moving is important. :)
