
Sunday, June 21, 2015

This Week in Reading - June 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

It was actually a pretty quiet book getting week and I only ended up with 2.  

A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup - A book about the poisons Agatha Christie used?  How on earth am I supposed to resist that??  The answer would be that I did not!  (NetGalley)

Book Clubbed by Lorna Barrett - This is the 8th book in the Booktown series which I always enjoy.  I'm a few books behind (big surprise I know) but I'm really excited to get my hands on this one!  (Giveaway win from Escape with Dollycas)


Reading: Dressed to Kill by Lynn Cahoon and Whispers and Lies by Joy Fielding

Listening:  Nothing and probably won't until school starts

Watching: I've been watching Food Network Star which I always enjoy.  There's a lot of good possibilities this season so I'm interested to see how it goes.  J and I watched Annabelle last night and while it wasn't nearly as scary as The Conjuring I'm very grateful we don't have any dolls in the house!  Oh and True Detectives starts tonight.  I'm excited to see where that one goes.

Off the Blog:

Emma is home from both Bonnaroo and college orientation and all went well.  Eleanor made a flying visit to pick up a dining room table last weekend  and Paul has been out with friends mostly so it's been fairly quite around here.

The Tornado and I have switched from hiking to swimming as the temperature and the humidity sky-rocketed.  My dad just bought a house with a pool so we've been going over there during the day and having a good time swimming.  I discovered on day 2 that my Irish skin was not designed for 4 straight hours in the sun without sunscreen and I ended up with a rather epic sunburn.  I've smartened up and hopefully that won't happen again.  I forgot how much that hurt!  All the swimming is possibly more exhausting than all the hiking and the Tornado has been sleeping well lately!

We bought a WiiU this past weekend and have been having a good time playing Super Mario Bros.  I'm almost as bad as the Tornado but it's been a lot of fun.  I'm hoping to get some new games soon though while I read this is compatible with Wii games it hasn't been quite as easy of an compatibility as I was expecting.  We always seem to need to go out and buy 1 more thing.

Today is Father's Day and we're pretty low key around here.  I'm mostly just cooking J one of his favorite meals and a Key Lime pie for dessert.  Other than that I don't think we'll be doing much.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Her Sister's Shoes - Fiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics
Wednesday: Dressed to Kill - Cozy Mystery Review + Giveaway
Thursday: A Season for Killing Blondes - Mystery Review
Friday: Linkups + Current Book Excerpts
Saturday: Stir - Foodie Memoir Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Is the Joy Fielding a new one? I think I've read everything unless there's something recent.

    Your dad's pool sounds like a godsend! Here in Australia most people now wear sun shirts (rashies

    1. Oops. Hadn't finished. Was GOING to say I wasn't sure what 'rashies' is an abbreviation of!

    2. I think it's an abbreviation for rash guard but I don't really know why it's called that! The Tornado wears one with his a bathing suit and there are definitely times I could use one!

  2. Enjoy the poisons book of Agatha Christie, I wonder how she did her research in those days without Google. Key Lime pie sounds yum, only heard of it in fiction books I've read!!

    1. The Key Lume pie was so good!! I'll post the recipe next week. It's definitely worth trying. We were talking the other day about life pre-internet! I don't know how we survived!

  3. I'll be reading Killer run by Lynn Cahoon this week ^^ I'd love to see that book on the poisons, Agatha Christie knew what she was talking about as a former nurse. I read a book on her many years ago, a big format with lots of pictures on Devon, the places she went to, her house, it was beautiful and oh so British :) Have a great, refreshing week in the pool Katherine !

    1. I have a few books of pictures of her homes and they're beautiful. I'd love to visit one day. I'm excited about the poison book!

  4. That's great that you easy access to a pool, hope you make the most of it! And reading beside a pool is one of life's great pleasures too :) That poison book sounds 'fun' :D

    1. I'm looking forward to the poison book! I'm loving having the pool access and definitely plan on seriously getting some use out of it!

  5. Ummm....wear your sunscreen! This said my one who has had more than one incidence of skin cancer. Those of us with the fair skin - well, the sun does quite the number on us. LOL

    And Key Lime Pie - my favorite - although I would probably think it too sweet these days. We went to dinner last night with our daughter and son-in-law for Father's Day and dessert was shared by hubby and I. I had 2 bites of his peach cobbler. Since I've been doing Weight Watcher's, I haven't had much sweet stuff except fresh fruit. It just tasted way too sweet. Guess that's a good thing? Enjoy your week!

    1. I'm regretting not wearing sunscreen! My shoulders are seriously hurting! I really didn't have any idea we'd be outside so long.
      The Key lime pie was sooo good and easy too. I'll post the recipe next week!

  6. That poisons book could be dangerous. If it were a mystery show someone would be belly up and whoever was reading the book would become the prime suspect. My post:

    1. Oh I didn't think about that! I'll have to be extra careful.

  7. Scary movies are not for me especially ones with dolls in them. I hate creepy dolls especially China dolls. Glad your enjoying the summer even if your getting burned. I'm a Northern Irish Redhead so I burn to easily. Luckily we don't get a lot of Sun LOL. Have a great week.

    Megan @

    1. I'm definitely not find of dolls! Especially not now! I'm lucky that I don't burn too bad. I mostly turn a little red and then freckle. My dad and husband both turn a lovely shade of burgundy and then go back to being pale.

  8. I haven't read much Christie but bet a book on poisons could be really interesting - enjoy whilst lying by the pool (of which I am very jealous!)

    1. I'm loving the time by the pool! I'll send you some warm weather vibes!

  9. Sunscreen is an absolute necessity for those of us with fair skin and freckles! Intense sun is no friend of mine, and I'm sure you'll remember the sunscreen next time. So glad The Tornado loves his time in the pool :)

    Key lime pie is a favorite here, too. We're having a Father's Day dinner at my sister's later today. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole family.

    1. Oh yeah! I haven't gotten this roasted in awhile! The key lime lie was so good! I'll be sharing the recipe next week. Sounds like you had a great day!

  10. I liked Whispers and Lies...Joy Fielding is one of my comfort authors...I can count on her to deliver.

    Enjoy your reading and your are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I'm enjoying this book! I haven't read any Joy Fielding in a long while but I'm enjoying it!

  11. So much I could comment on, but here goes! The homes that we lived in when in FL had in-ground pools, so I remember fondly how even just treading water felt on a hot day. My kids learned to swim starting at age 2 or so. And Key Lime Pie...we had that also on special occasions when living there, the ones we bought from Publix were the best!

    Glad you found that Christie book-- I know you love you some A. Christie books, lol! Booktown-- a series I keep wanting to start. Joy Fielding: used to read every book she wrote starting from book one, but haven't kept up in last few years.

    Have fun with Tornado with Super Mario Bros; I used to play that with the kids on old-school Nintendo when my son was younger.

    Love to read your reviews, Katherine, and I like that you are indicating whether they are mysteries, MG, etc. next to the name, a little touch that saves time for we the readers :)

    1. Thanks so much! I LOVE Publix key lime pies. This one actually tasted pretty similar. I'm going to post the recipe next week. I LOVE their doughnuts too. I'm loving having access to a pool - especially since I don't have to do the maintenance!

  12. I hope you have a wonderful week, Katherine.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  13. wow, A is for Arsenic landed right away on my TBR! thanks

  14. Ow ow ow on the sunburn. Irish skin needs sunburn, no doubt about it. :(

    The poison book sounds fascinating! I got Book Clubbed from the library; here's hoping we like it.

    Have a great week. :)

    1. I'll be a bit more careful this time around with the whole sunscreen thing. Im so excited about the poison book!

  15. I have gotten behind of Lynn Cahoon's series..I just bought If the Shoe Kills the other day as I got Dressed To Kill coming on audio (which is how I read the first two), then I got Killer Run for review as well..I better get busy! :)

    Have a great week and enjoy your reads!

    1. Cahoon is really putting the books out! I'm hoping quality doesn't get affected. So far I've really enjoyed them!

  16. Ooh, lucky you and Tornado! I was raised as a water baby and so are my girls. Last summer's holiday it was Legoland or the pool and guess what they picked? I love swimming and how it gives you a whole body workout. Yes! Pls wear strong sunscreen. I don't know how old you are but for me, after my mid-30's the sun damage came out. I have sun spots on my face and hands.

    1. There is sunscreen in my moisturizer so I haven't burned my face but I know I need to be more careful with the rest of skin. I'm 35 so it's definitely time to be more careful!

  17. I'm behind on the Booktown series too and I really want to get back to it. I enjoyed Dress to Kill.

    Hope you have a great week.

    1. I'm so glad you liked Dressed to Kill. I'm enjoying it as well. I think I'm about 3 books behind on the Booktown series. It's always a good read though!

  18. I love summer and time in the pool and my skin isn't fair but because my mum died from melanoma I have an added risk so I'm super super careful.
    key lime pie is one of my favourites, after anything chocolate of course lol. Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. I can imagine having a personal history like that would make you be extra careful. I just didn't realize how long we'd be outside and never thought about it. Won't make that mistake again! The key lime lie was so good! Recipe next week!

  19. My son has a tendency to run ahead of me in Super Mario, Killing me always. But it is fun, You need to get Mario Party 10 you and the little guy will LOVE it and its like a board game and you have to get to the end before Bowser gets out of his cage. The kids and I have a blast playing it.

    Ouch Sunburn! I have dark italian skin so I don't get read I get very dark but my sister gets REALLY RED and it always looks so painful! PUT ON THE SUNSCREEN!!! :)

    I want to see Annabelle but with the kids always getting up I never get the chance to sit and watch it. My aunt had those big dolls in her house, TONS of them and we slept over one night but I didn't sleep at all, they just all watch you and it was really creepy. I told my mom never again! I would rather stay in a hotel :)

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

    1. The movie will definitely not make you any fonder of dolls! It was creepy! Not as creepy as The Conjuring but still pretty scary. I will definitely be more careful with the sunscreen from now on out. This is not fan. Thanks for the game rec! Mario Party has been on my radar but I wasn't sure about it. It sounds like a lot of fun!

  20. WiiU sounds like fun. We still have the old Wii version and haven't played with it in a long time. It sounds like you and the Tornado are having a great summer. I'm addicted to the Food Network and I love watching even the rerun episodes. I can't wait to watch the new shows. Have a great week!

    1. We had a Wii as well but so far I'm liking the WiiU better. It's a lot of fun! So far the summer has been good though I'm not being super productive. I'm definitely a Food Network addict. I'll watch any competition.

  21. I am glad to hear the college orientation for Emma went well. I hope Tornado is enjoying swimming. We had some pretty hot and humid days here too. I'm sorry to hear about your sunburn! Ouch! You've reminded me that I need to make sure I take sunscreen for tomorrow's swim lesson. Maggie never did get to go to her classes last week. She ended up having Walking Pneumonia. She finished her last round of antibiotics tonight.

    Have a great week!

    1. Oh no walking pneumonia sounds awful! Poor little one. Definitely bring sunscreen! Sunburns are no fun. I'm good about putting the stuff on my kids but no so good about putting it on me!

  22. Oh ouch on the sunburn! Hate when that happens. I rarely burn but when I do...yikes. Glad yall are having fun with your new games :D

    1. It's been a good summer so far. I was a little worried how it would go but so far so good though I'm not being particularly productive. I guess I can make up for it when school starts back!

  23. Every year you get that big sunburn, which I feel is the real start to summer. And every year you say what is wrong with me? But nothing will change. :P
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Yep sounds about right! I now have a burn on the new skin after the peel and I'm going back out tomorrow!

  24. OH MY! A is for Arsenic looks awesome! I really need to get back to reading Agatha Christie!

    Ah sunburns are the worst. I luckily rarely get them (Asian skin, hee), but sometimes, and they definitely suck. It doesn't help that you radiate even more heat after a sunburn, haha! Hope your skin is feeling better!
