
Sunday, May 31, 2015

This Week in Reading - May 31st

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nine Lives by Wendy Corsi Staub - A mystery set in Lily Dale which at one time was quite the place for psychics and mediums and the like.  This involves a woman and her son looking for a fresh start after the death of her husband and what starts as a temporary stay ends up becoming more when the owner of the hotel's death turns out to be murder (NetGalley)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll - This is my Reading Assignment for June.  Somehow I've managed to never read this one so I'm curious to see how the book differs from the movies (Library)

The Flesh Taylor by Kate Ellis - I read one of Ellis' books years ago, loved it and then never could find anymore.  Over the last few years I've built up quite a collection but so far haven't read any of them! (Paperbackswap)


Reading:  A Watery Death by Joyce and Jim Lavene, Trust No One by Jayne Ann Kretnz, and Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts

Listening: Not a thing and there probably won't be anything until school starts back in August.

Watching: I'm still watching a lot of Murder She Wrote from Netflix on my Kindle.  Last weekend J and I watched The Conjuring which was one of the best scary movies I've seen in awhile.  We had talked about watching Annabelle this weekend but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough quite yet.  Emma and I are also watching The Bachelorette in all it's train-wreckness. We've been watching together for the last year or 2 and this is the last season we'll be able to watch together for awhile as next time it comes on she'll be at college.

Off the Blog:

I have tomatoes!  Okay, they're marble sized green tomatoes but still!  My garden is fully planted and I have an assortment of tomatoes and peppers, straight neck squash, cucumbers, zucchini, this golden zucchini that looked interesting, a lima bean plant that the Tornado brought home from school, and a butternut squash that is far more enthusiastic than I expected.  Herb-wise I have a few different kinds of basil, parsley, oregano, 2 types of mint and some thyme that already looks like it's trying to die.

We finally made it to the big Farmer's Market here the other night.  It's once a week but since it opened in April the weather has been either raining or weirdly cold.  There wasn't much produce yet but I did manage to get some eggs and a jar of vanilla chai pear butter.  There's also a vendor that sells this amazingly addictive kettle corn.  I don't even really like kettle corn but I can't resist this stuff.

I haven't been cooking anything interesting this past week.  We're still adjusting to school being out and there hasn't been time to do anything interesting.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Trust No One - Romantic Suspense Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I'd Like to See as a Movie or TV show
Wednesday: A Watery Death - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring current book
Saturday: TBD but something food related

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I really enjoyed the trilogy that Blue Dahlia is a part of by NR. I listened to the audio and was entertained. It's great when your spring garden starts to come through. I have planted a few winter things in mine and was just thinking they are pretty slow to grow - silver beet and broccoli, celery and some parsley. Enjoy your reading this coming week.

  2. You know, don't think I've ever read the original Alice either. Huh. Maybe I should do that. Oh man, that sounds like a good garden. Zucchinis grow like crazy! Aw, your baby leaving for college is making me sad too.

  3. For the longest time I wasn't watching any shows, and now I have two that I'm into- hopefully they won't eat into my reading time too much! Enjoy your reads- I heard Trust No One was good.

    Tomatoes and peppers- love them fresh from the garden. They're the best.

  4. I've read the original Alice, then Through the looking glass, but it was... a long time ago ;) I couldn't believe that these had been written by a mathematician, I have trouble with that even now, lol. Your vegetable garden looks great, could we have some pictures, pretty please ? Enjoy your books and have a great week !

  5. I have never read Alice in Wonderland either. It is one of those books that I hopefully will read some time in my life. I loved Murder She wrote. I watched it a lot when I was younger LOL I was a strange teenager. I can't believe you have a daughter going to college :) I wish I could.grow a garden. Have a great week.

  6. I enjoy Krentz and Roberts' novels (as long as there's a good balance of suspense in them!). You've reminded me that I've read Kate Ellis in the past (I remember the name as I worked with someone of the same name) but I can't remember what, so am off to check that out!

  7. Congrats on the garden! Despite being the worst gardener ever, I planted a few things this year, and just waiting to see if I created a disaster. (lol) I just started back to reading Nora Roberts, and recently finished "Liar" . I heard she writes 2-3 books per year. Wow! I read Alice so many, many years ago, and wouldn't mind doing so ago. This is one to reread over and over again.

  8. I've read that trilogy that Blue Dahlia is part of. It's not my favorite one, but it's still good. I think I've mentioned that I like the Three Sister Island one best and then probably the Key one. Kate Ellis - are your books the ones that have the archaeology tie-in? Think I read one of those and meant to get back to the series. Enjoy your garden! I have a 'black' thumb and can kill almost anything. Plants and I do not mix. LOL

  9. I met Wendy Corsi Staub at BEA this past week and got copies of 2 of her books: Nine Lives and Blood Red. Hope you have a great reading week...

    My recap:

  10. I hope you love all your new books this week. They look fabulous indeed. I hope you love all of them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  11. It's so much fun sharing a television series with your daughter! We used to watch Desperate Housewives when my oldest was in high school... still have such fond memories. We've watched Downton Abbey together whenever we could, too. It will be bittersweet for you when The Bachelorette starts a new season...

  12. Your farmer's market sounds like fun, Katherine. I've been to one a few times in our area, but haven't found too much local produce. Your vegetables sound great!

    I hope you have a great reading week. Enjoy your summer!

  13. I don't have a farmer's marker by me :( I have always wanted to go to get fresh fruit and veggies.

    Love all the vegetables in your garden, I don't have any veggies yet but the plants have gotten very big and I am really excited to see them start to sprout.

    Have a great week Katherine and Happy Reading! ox

  14. What a great week you had! Congrats on the gardening-- nothing better than your own produce. I wish I could have a garden here but my yard turns to sand and dirt in the summer from the extreme sunshine, so only an indoor garden would do and then my cats would eat get the picture :)
    I used to read every single Wendy Corsi Staub out there, and then she wrote a trilogy of which I read 2 books and didn't care for them and forgot to look for her new books. I'm willing to give her another try now though. I read that this Lily Dale is the first in the series for adults, the other Lily Dale series is YA. It is based in small part on a real town, in FL (?) that is populated by psychics.
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week with the kids and your books.

  15. Nine Lives looks good!

    A few years ago, I did an Alice in Wonderland Challenge, and enjoyed rereading Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, as well as several Wonderland themed books. Have fun!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. Oh yea, Alice Adventure's in Wonderland is just as weird as expected. But I guess that's why people love it. Lol.
    I don't do scary movies. At all. So good on you.
    We just started planting our garden last weekend. So we won't be seeing tomatoes or anything for a while. But that must have been exciting. Like every year you see the tomatoes or vegetables start to appear and you know it'll be alright. Lol
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  17. Our farmer's markets started up this month as well. I haven't had a chance to visit yet as I've been out of town or too busy with other things. I hope to make it a couple times next month.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  18. Tomatoes, nom! I'm almost all the way through Murder, She Wrote on NetFlix. :) I've actually found a few episodes that I hadn't seen before and some that I'd seen only a few times.

    The Staub book looks good;she's a new to me author though I've seen her around for years. Happy reading!

  19. Nine Lives looks so good. I never watched Murder She Wrote. I should really binge watch on Netflix. I'm sure I'd love it.

    Have a great week!

  20. Great job on finishing your garden. And those little green tomatoes will grow fast and then you cae have some fired green tomatoes! I love tham and got a great recipe from a friend. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. LOL Wendi's new book sounds awesome. I've been reading her books for years and never read one I didn't enjoy.

    My Sunday Post -

  21. Nine Lives sounds good! I hope you enjoy all your new books. Your garden sounds wonderful, Katherine!

    I hope you have a great week!

  22. I talked to Wendy Corsi STraub at a party one night. She was fun, but I haven't read her. Your garden sounds great. I have a lot of thyme and find it often benefits from a haircut. I'm here:

  23. Hope the garden continues to grow nicely. Have a good week and enjoy all the books.

  24. Nine Lives sounds really good and I hope you enjoy it. Congrats on the garden! We didn't plant any vegetables this year but our flowers are looking beautiful (thanks to my mother-in-law). I hope you have a great week!

  25. I've read several of Ellis's Wesley Peterson books, Katherine. Really enjoyed them. And reading about your garden made me miss mine! Now that we're in a condo, there's no room for growing much of anything (our balcony is teeny tiny). :(

  26. Now that school is out I need to start cooking more and getting back into the habit. HOping that will help me start losing weight and saving money. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier!
