
Monday, April 6, 2015

A Fright to the Death - Blog Tour Review

A Fright to the Death by Dawn Eastman
Rating: 4 Stars
Source:  Publisher

Description:  When a blizzard ruins their Mexican vacation Clyde and Mac end up snowed into a castle like hotel with most of Clyde's family, Mac's mother, a hotel full of knitters, a ghost, and even a corpse.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: This series just looked really fun.  I love the mix of paranormal, humor and cozy mystery!

My Impression: If I had to use one word to describe this book that word would be fun.  The setting, the characters and the mystery were all very much enjoyable.  It kind of reminded me of a modern day version of Agatha Christie's "Mousetrap" with a snowbound house and a victim who more and more people had a motive to kill.Clyde is a police officer on leave and Mac is an active officer which makes their investigation make sense which always makes me happy.  I loved the characters.  Cyde's family has got plenty of crazy antics without being too ridiculous and what's even better is Clyde herself.  We see her wrestling with what she's going to do both professionally and in her relationship with Mac.  At one point she and Mac actually have a mature discussion about what their plans are and I wanted to reach into the book and hug them both.  They psychic elements are fairly mild and just add a little bit of interest.  Plus, at one point there's a mastiff riding on a snowmobile which is an image I will be forever grateful to have in my head!

While this is the third book in the series this was the first book I read and I had no problem connecting to the characters and understanding what was going on.  If you like cozy mysteries, dogs or knitting this is a must read!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes as well as reading the first 2 in the series.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  I think most mystery readers would enjoy this one - especially those readers who like cozies.

Challenges Met?  Reading Road Trip (Michigan)


  1. "At one point she and Mac actually have a mature discussion about what their plans are and I wanted to reach into the book and hug them both." This made me laugh because I completely understand you and can relate. I liked book two, I'll have to read this one also.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading more of this series. It makes me giddy when characters actually act like grown ups!

  2. I'll admit to the cover being quite frightening right now. I don't want to see snow! LOL!
    I am all for mature discussions between couples. I read so many romances(NA) nowadays and the worst thing is the immaturity and secret keeping. Just talk out your problems, why is this so hard?! So yes, when that actually happens the book automatically gets a higher star rating. Lol.
    This one sounds like a good wintery read. I like the sound of the setting, snowed in at a castle.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I can see why you wouldn't want to see anymore snow! You've had quite a winter! Yes all that secret keeping and miscommunication drives me crazy! I was so happy when they actually communicated!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, it does look fun :) But I admit I was shivering when I saw the balls of wood in the snow, I was dying to pick them up and dry them ! (the dogs don't need drying ;) )

    1. I think the dogs were fine. They were pretty funny! This is definitely a shivery book. I'm glad that I don't have to deal with that much snow!

  4. Hi Katherine,

    This one sounds more like a cross between a cozy mystery and a mystery caper! It is the genre of book I would read if I wanted a filler between more serious books, but is not necessarily a storyline I would be rushing to read, despite the fact that you say it contains a "hotel full of knitters", which would be the next best thing to a hotel full of readers for me!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this book, anything which is comparable in style to an Agatha Christie can't be bad :)


  5. Thank you for hosting today! And thank you for reading - I'm glad you liked it.


    Dawn Eastman

  6. This definitely sounds like a fun read! I don't read too many cozy mysteries but I always like the fun ones the best.

  7. Sounds like so much fun! Also, points added for beautiful cover :)

  8. Loved the first two in this series and look forward to reading this one soon!

  9. What a cute cover! Always love a good cozy, thanks for the great review.
