
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters I'd Like to Check In On

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is the Top Ten Characters I'd Like to Check in On.  I'm lucky that most of the series that I'm ready are still ongoing or if they're not I'm so behind I haven't gotten to the end yet!  However, there are a few I'd love to see how they're doing!

1.  Rilla Blythe from L.M. Montgomery's Rilla of Ingleside - We watch Rilla go from spoiled immature girl to a woman who has endured many things and carried on with grace.  I'd love to see how her life turns out.

2.  Grace from Forever and a Day by Jill Shalvis - I loved Josh, the doctor with the world on his shoulders, but it was Grace I really connected to.  I'd love to see more of her and learn more about her past.  There were hints of things that I really wanted to be explored more.

3.  Sophie, Josh, Reilly and even Tula from The Unpredictable Consequences of Love by Jill Mansell - I just finished this book a few weeks ago but I miss them!  

4.  June Anderson from Goodnight June by Sarah Jio - After the endings to end all endings in Goodnight June I'd love to see what June does.  How does she go on from there?  

5.  Aidan and Maddie from Snow Angel Cove by RaeAnn Thayne - This was my favorite Christmas book I read in huge stack of Christmas books and it was primarily because of the characters.  Okay, it was primarily because of Aidan but Maddie was good too.  They were just such likable characters I really want to see how they're doing.

6.  Beth and Lincoln from Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - This is one of those books that has aged very well for me.  When I first read it I enjoyed it but wasn't blown away but it's never quite left my memory and I find myself thinking about Beth and Lincoln even though it's been almost a year since I've read the book.

 7.  Evangeline and Gabriel Starke from City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn - This is a book that the feeling of the book really stayed with me.  The characters were so glamorous and the situation was so bad.  I'd love to see them wandering around Paris or London having happier adventures.

8.  Bundle and Bill from The Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Christie - I adore Bundle and Bill.  There personalities work so well together and they just seem to have such fun.  I'd love to see them a little older and see how they're doing.

9.  Shawn and Brenna from Tears of the Moon by Nora Roberts - No real reason for wanting to revisit them other than I just loved them.  Both characters, the setting, the friends to more romance - I just really enjoyed this book.  And now I want to reread this book! 

10. Esmee Hamilton by One Little Sin by Liz Carlyle - One Little Sin is one of my favorite historicals even though there is a bit of an ick factor (it does get resolved un-ickaly though).  I loved Esmee.  She was tough and fiercely protective of her little sister.  She'd had a bad time of it but still maintained her sense of humor.  I'd like to see how her life turns out.


  1. I did Rilla too! I really want to see how her relationship with Kenneth turned out!

    1. Rilla is such a great character! I'd love to see more of her!

  2. What a nice list, although I've only read the Christie book. Don't you love the name Bundle - can't remember her real name. I've read Deanna Raybourn's series, but I have not read this one. And I've not read that Sarah Jio book yet. More books to add to the list. :-)

    1. I think Bundle's name is something like Frances or something equally respectable. I would love to see more of her! She's such a great character. I like Raybourn's books and this was a little different from the Lady Julia books .

  3. Great list some are familiar to me but most are not.

  4. I totally agree with you about Evangeline and Gabriel Stark! I actually re-read that and kept hoping for a longer ending the second time around.

    1. I heard there was a novella about them that I need to go check out. They are so fascinating!

  5. Ooo, Beth and Lincoln! I'd love to check in on them too. And i Loved Grace from Forever and a Day. That is one of my favorite Shalvis stories.

    1. I loved Grace! I thought she was the most interesting of the Shalvis women. I'd love to find out more about her.

  6. I haven't met any of these characters yet :(

    1. I'm not sure you'd like most of them but I do think you'd enjoy Goodnight June. It's so wonderfully bookish!

  7. Beth and Lincoln from Attachments is a must for me as well. I'd love to see RR write a novella, at least. Come on, satisfy your readers! :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Oh a novella would be great! We should start a letter writing campaign or something!

  8. You've got some great choices, Katherine. There are a number I haven't read, some I've meant to read and some I hadn't thought of. Always fun to see what people come up with.

    1. This list has been terrible for my TBR! I keep seeing all kinds of interesting reminders of books I need to read!

  9. Rilla is one of my favourite characters ever. I would also love to see what Anne is up to :)

    1. I love Rilla! It's one of my favorite books of the series. I'd love to see more of Anne though I'm kind of glad we don't live through World War 1 through Anne's eyes. It would've been a hard read.

  10. Oh, Shawn and Brenna, another series I need to re-read. I haven't read most of your choices but they sound good.

    1. I'm dying to reread Shawn and Brenna's story now! I had forgotten how much I loved them until I started on this list!

  11. I picked Rilla as well! I also picked a character from an Agatha Christie novel. When you think of all the books Christie wrote, and the fact that we each picked a somewhat minor character is kinda neat. Her one-off characters are so interesting and well written, we'd like to know more. If only she could have written another hundred books.

    1. Oh I know! I could write this list just on Agatha's side and one book characters!

  12. I haven't read any other L.M. Montgomery's books besides Anne of Green Gables. I hadn't realized there were so many books in the series. I must read them.

    1. Oh you must read the rest of the series! Rilla is amazing as is the some of the other books.

  13. I haven't read Rilla, but I adore Anne by the same author. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. You must read Rilla! It's such a fascinating and heartbreaking look at World War 1 home front.

  14. Oh my gosh. I LOVED Grace! That, I think, was my favorite of the series :)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved Grace! She was such a great character!

  15. I love that Rilla heads your list! Rilla of Ingleside is one of my favourite of LM Montgomery's books. It always, always makes me cry, and I never tire of watching Rilla mature into womanhood.

  16. I feel the same way about ATTACHMENTS. It has stayed with me even though, when I think about it, it doesn't seem that memorable. Weird.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  17. Oh, yes to Rilla! And Bundle and Bill as well - The Seven Dials Mystery is one of my favorite non-Marple Christie books (along with The Secret Adversary.) You'll probably get a chance to see the characters from Snow Angel Cove as minor characters in Redemption Bay. I hope so, anyway!
