
Saturday, April 4, 2015

This Week in Reading - April 5

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Henrietta Who? by Catherine Aird - I've read one Catherine Aird and she quickly was put on my list of authors whose books I need to hunt down.  So I was thrilled when I stumbled on this one on NetGalley.  I'm hoping this means Open Road is going to be re-publishing all her books! (NetGalley)

Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - So I may not be done reading Great Expectations which is my March book but I'm not going to get behind.  Eight Cousins will be finished by the end of April.  It's not nearly as intimidating so I'm not too worried.  (library)

Once a Duchess by Elizabeth Boyce - I read a review of this one awhile ago that sounded really interesting so I'm pleased to finally get my hands on it.  Boyce is a new to me author and this is a 2nd chance romance so I have high hopes (Paperbackswap)


Reading:  French Coast by Anita Hughes and finishing (hopefully) Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Listening:  When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris  I on the waiting list to get The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie back and this one was available.  I either find Sedaris hilarious or annoying and so far this isn't changing that opinion.  Luckily he's been mostly on the hilarious side so far.
Watching:  I just discovered Crossing Lines on Netflix and have been really enjoying it.

Off the Blog:

Happy Easter everyone!  Yesterday we went to an Easter party at the Tornado's school that he's been looking forward to for weeks.  As usual, they did a great job.  This year's theme was around the world and they had booths set up to represent different countries.  He had so much fun!
Emma's birthday is this week.  She'll be 18 which is incredibly hard for me to wrap my mind around.  She'll also be graduating from high school in just over a month and going away to college in 4 months but I'm trying not to think about that!  Also, I finally picked up her senior pictures this week.  She, of course hates them but I think they're pretty good.
Paul has done well his first week driving.  He's gotten himself to school, soccer practice and work and I'm enjoying not having to worry about his schedule!  So far we've only let him drive with his girl friend or Emma in the car and he's done pretty well.
Eleanor came home Friday night for a visit.  She made it almost all the way before her car died.  J went out and got her and the 2 narrowly beat a tornado warning getting home!  Luckily only minor damage locally from the tornado and an alternator that needs to be replaced in her car.  I'm relieved that there's nothing majorly wrong and hoping that this year's tornado season is a mild one!  Despite all that we had a nice visit!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Fright to the Death - Blog Tour Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Characters I Want to Check in On
Wednesday; French Coast - Fiction Review
Thursday: Still the One - Romance Review
Friday: Linkups with current book
Saturday: Cookbook Review

Happy reading and have a great week!


  1. That picture of Emma is beautiful! I don't really like classics, but Great Expectations was the very first classic I ever read and I have good memories of it.

  2. Beautiful picture of your daughter. You guys have a lot going on and I too hope that the storm season is mild. You know Eight Cousins has a sequel - Rose in Bloom. Just saying. :-)

    Oh, and we've enjoyed Crossing Lines as well.

  3. Of course that's a good picture of your daughter! And I'm glad that there was only minor damage from the tornado. I'm not familiar with most of the books you mentioned, but I hope you enjoy them!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  4. Beautiful picture of Emma! And how amazing that she is turning 18. I had the same feeling in February when my two GRANDDAUGHTERS turned 18. How did that happen...LOL.

    I loved Eight Cousins years ago....and now I want to reread it. I did a LMA Challenge a few years ago, and reread most of her books...but couldn't find that one, somehow....Hmm.

    Enjoy your week! Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  5. Emma looks beautiful in her grad picture! Is Paul feeling comfortable behind the wheel? Seems like it.
    Tornado season already? Wow! I hope it's a calm year for you guys.
    I keep wondering if Alan Bradley's books would be a good fit with me. I'll definitely look out for your review. Especially to see if the audio is worth it.
    I think I've read all of JLA's published works now. But Don't Look Back is one of my favourites. Fantastic stand alone mystery/thriller. I think you'd really like it as well. Good intro to JLA and her writing. Here's my review if you're interested. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  6. Congrats to your daughter and wow, off to college! You have had an eventful week!

  7. That is a beautiful picture of your daughter. Your kids keep you busy, even if you are doing less chaufering. Happy reading and happy Easter!

  8. Your daughter is gorgeous! Hope your husband has a shotgun! Maybe someday the Tornado will go around the world for real! I well remember the first week my son drove himself to school - I added a bunch of gray hairs and missed him, but then really liked being FREE, well free to drive my daughter to school. She learned to drive when he left for college and inherited his car. It's a milestone, Mama...hope you are having a chocolate bunny Easter.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Experiencing a tornado would freak me out like how nonnative San Franciscans freak out at an earthquake. In glad you and your loved Ines are safe. Emma is beautiful. She looks poised and stepping over that threshold to young adulthood.

  12. That photo of Emma will be a classic, timeless photo for years to come. And glad to hear everything worked out in the end with the tornado!!

  13. Your daughter is beautiful ! Brittany is right, Don't look back is a great book :) Have a great week without tornado !

  14. What a beautiful picture of your daughter! Hard to believe so many life changes are ahead for her... definitely an exciting (and stressful!) time. Lots of good books there, too... have a great week!

  15. Beautiful photo! Great senior picture. It sounds like you and your family are very busy. Glad first week of driving went well and so good J and Eleanor missed the tornado. I so hope it's a quiet tornado season, too. I hope you enjoy Eight Cousins. It's one of my daughter's favorites. Have a great week, Katherine!

  16. I haven't read 8 Cousins, so I'm curious to hear what you think!

    What a beautiful picture, I agree with you it turned out great! Wow, I don't want to think about when Franky is ready to graduate - we just celebrated his 15th birthday yesterday and that's enough!

    Glad the car wasn't too serious and the tornado damage was minimal - crossing my fingers for a weak tornado season! So scary 😓

    Have a great week!

  17. Even though I love LMA, Eight Cousins was one I started and never finished. It's so long ago, I can't remember why exactly but I know I was really disappointed after loving all The Little Women series so much.
