
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Yes Please - Review

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: Library (audio)

Description:  In Amy Poehler's first book we get a luck at Amy's personal life and professional life.  We learn about her childhood and her love of TV, her beginnings with improv and her time on Saturday Night Live and everything in between.

Genre: Nonfiction

Why I Picked This Book:I had read Mindy Kaling's book - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?  and was struck with how much Mindy liked Amy and then I read Tina Fey's book so obviously I had to read Amy's.

My Impression:
Pro: I wasn't sure what to expect going in.  I've seen bits of Parks and Recreation and some of Saturday Night Live and sometimes I found Amy absolutely hilarious and sometimes it just wasn't for me.  After reading it I still don't think some of Amy's humor is for me but Amy is in the running for my new book best friend.  She's so genuinely nice and funny and self-deprecating you can't help but like her.  She's got an awareness of herself and the world around her and the absurd that's pretty great. I lost track of everything that made me laugh because it was so much.  I had to turn off the chapter on her boys and her visit to Haiti because I was in carline to pick up the Tornado and figured if I was openly weeping that might look a little strange.  She does mention a lot of famous names but to me it didn't feel like name dropping because she seemed honestly excited to be in the company of these people and so I was kind of excited for her.

Con: There is some strong language so if you're listening to the audio (which you should) than it's not really a family friend car listen.  We're not talking Anthony Bourdain level language but it is there.  It took me a chapter or so to really connect with the book but once I did I was hooked.

Overall:  I really enjoyed this book.  So many things Amy talks about remind me of conversations I've had in my own head or are things I really could connect with.  Plus Amy's just funny. There is a nice depth to the book that keeps it from being just fluff.  Even if you're not familiar with Amy's comedy this is worth reading.

Audio Note: Get this on audio!  Amy reads it and is absolutely fantastic.  This doesn't feel like her reading a book but almost like a comedy act.  Plus there are guest stars!  We hear from Amy's parents, Carol Burnett, quite a bit from Seth Meyers and Patrick Stewart does some random chapter headings and reads a haiku on plastic surgery.  Oh and Kathleen Turner is the voice of doubt that lives in your head.  Seriously - get the audio even if you don't like audios.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely and definitely try to get the audio version!

Challenges Met? Alphabet Soup (Y), Library Challenge


  1. I just read this too! Or rather, I just listened to it too. And I wish I could have described it as well as you did. I agree with everything you said. I loved the book.

    1. Oh thank you so much! I really loved this one and listening was such a fun experience! I'm definitely an Amy Poehler fan!

  2. My daughter loved this, too, even in print. I'd definitely have to listen!

  3. I am not too familiar with Amy Poehler other than her stint as Hilary Clinton on SNL. I do like Tina Fey though and so have been tempted to listen to Poehler's book. The way you describe it, I really must give this one a try.

    1. That's kind of how I was on Amy. I've seen her on SNL but only a little. This was fantastic! I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  4. I like books like this, like you I did watch Parks and Recreation just to see what it was about. Really only seen her on the E channel! I will I think listen to it at some point rather than read it on your recommendation.

    1. I'm definitely not a die hard fan but after listening to this I really like her. I hope you enjoy it as much ax I did!

  5. I still need to read Tina Fey's book! But I love audio books so maybe I will give this a listen!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen at YA Romantics

    1. I liked Tuna Fey's book but I actually liked this one more. I'm going to have to get BossyPants on audio if Tina reads it.

  6. I enjoyed this one on audio too. It was a lot of fun.

    1. Wasn't it great! I really enjoyed this one as well.

  7. I love Amy Poehler! I might have to just go ahead and give this a try. She's great!

    1. Yes go get this now! I loved it. It was just such fun!

  8. Oh this sounds good and yeah I imagine this would be very colorful. I saw her do a stand-up comedy show and yep...I will need ear-buds!

    1. You'd definitely need earbuds but it doesn't feel like the language is that bad. She's just talking and you realize she's got some serious language going!

  9. I listened to the audio version of this, and I loved it! And I haven't even watched Parks & Recreation! She just seemed so genuine - and funny, but without the humour coming at the expense of others. I absolutely agree, get the audio version - I think I really got a lot out of it because I listened to the audio version.

    1. I've only watched 1 a parks and Recreation but I definitely plan on watching more. I so enjoyed this! It's definitely one of my favorite audios so far!

  10. I bought a second hand copy of this a couple of weeks ago and I'm looking forward to reading it even more after your lovely review. I find Parks and Recreation really funny, we are just about to start watching series 6 on DVD, it gets better, I haven't seen Amy on tv in anything else over here though (in the UK).

    1. I've only watched an episode or two of Parks and Rec but did enjoy it. Other than SNL I'm not sure Poehler has been in too much TV wise. I hope you enjoy it!
