
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Japan

Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Japan by Vasudev Murthy

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: I've really been enjoying the BBC show Sherlock and more Sherlock Holmes has been on my TBR for awhile.  Plus the cover is pretty!

My Impression:
Ok - confession time.  I really only have a very limited exposure to Holmes.  I read Hound of the Baskervilles 20 years ago in school and since then have seen a few movies, BBC's Sherlock and the American version Elementary.  I want to read more of the original Holmes stories but somehow it's never happened.  I have plans though!  So that being said I can't attest to the accuracy of Murthy's portrayal of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson and all the rest of the characters.
All that aside, I really enjoyed it. It was told in the same format from what I remember of the original stories.  We're seeing this  story from Dr. Watson as he's recounting events in the past as well as letters or accounts from the people Holmes interacted with when he and Watson weren't together.  I liked seeing the way Holmes's mind worked and watching all the little threads come together.
This wasn't the easiest of reads.  It could be a little dry and sometimes if I put the book down in the middle of someone other than Watson's narration it took me a few minutes to figure out who was speaking.  It was a story that I found I really had to pay attention too which in my limited knowledge of the original Holmes feels about right.  Through out the book it felt like the author was respectful of the characters and kept them fairly true to form. The setting was all over the world on boats and trains and any other thing they could think of.  It was fun to armchair travel with this one!
When I finished this one the first thing I wanted to do was go dig out my copy of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.  I call that a success!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes, I enjoyed this and would be curious to see what else the author does with Holmes.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes, I'm curious to see what Sherlock Fans would think of this.

Challenges Met?


  1. Hmmh dry doesn't appeal to me. Like you I love the BBC series and for now I think I prefer to get my Sherlock fix that way. I love Sherlocks mind like you but I just find the TV series more entertaining I do agree that cover is fab though!

    1. Isn't the cover gorgeous! I've heard that each episode of Sherlock is based on an original story. If that's the case I'd love to read the story than watch the show.

  2. I have only ever read Hound of the Baskervilles of the original series too. I am curious about this one, but it sounds like maybe I should have more Holmes under my belt before I do give it a try.

    1. I think that'd be better. I think if I had been a big fan of the stories I really would've loved this.

  3. I haven't read Holmes in years and years! I love a good British styled mystery though. Have you read the Agatha Raisin series by M.C. Beaton? I love those, she is no Dherlock but entertaining all the same,

    1. I love Agatha Raisin! I hadn't read one in years but I read the latest one a few months ago and now want to go on a big reading binge.

  4. The Sherlock homes book can be dry at times too..but still worth the read. I adore both shows..ooh and listen to Tina I have read all of the Agatha Raisin books..what a fun, meddling old woman

    1. I love Agatha Raisin! And yes I love both shows. They're so different but they're still so Holmes-y.

  5. I haven't read any Sherlock books. I used to watch Elementary, but I grew bored with it.

    1. Elementary definitely hit a rough patch but I like the direction the show is going now.

  6. I hadn't heard of this one! Although I do have difficulty with dry. I do love the BBC Sherlock series, though! I got the annotated Sherlock Holmes short stories for Christmas, but haven't had a chance yet to dive into them.

    1. I love Sherlock as well! The annotated book sounds interesting. I'd like to read the actual Holmes books.

  7. There's a lot of Sherlock Holmes books popping up nowadays. I have a limited experience with him as well. I only have seen the movies and the BBC show. I would expect a book that has to do with Sherlock Holmes would be tough to read. As long as you got excited to read more Sherlock Holmes than it really was a success but I don't think I'll be reading any classic Sherlock Holmes anytime soon.

    1. I've thought about reading the Holmes stories with each of the BBC shows that it was based on. But I just need a little more free time!

  8. It's been years since I read a Homes story so I might not notice the differences but the dry story-telling and the difficulty in figuring out who is speaking would annoy me. I'll probably skip this one.

    1. It felt similar to the Holmes that I do remember reading but it's definitely a bit dry!

  9. I love Holmes, but for whatever reason, I find a lot of authors have a hard time writing him. They either completely change his personality, or make a caricature of him.

    1. If be curious to see what you think of this one Ryan. It felt pretty true to me but I might miss some of the subtleties.

  10. Good review, Katherine! Interesting that both this author and Laurie King have recently set a Holmes story in Japan - it's the sort of place that might indeed have appealed to Holmes. As for the style, even Doyle's stories can occasionally come off as a little dry, especially if one isn't used to Victorian writing styles, but it's too bad that it felt that way. However, I will keep this book in mind!

    1. I thought the same thing about the King story. I haven't read it yet but I'm very much looking forward to it. I kind of remembered Holmes being a bit dry as well so I was disappointed by that.
