
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books for Readers who like Mysteries

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books for Readers Who Like mysteries.

with a little baking:

I love foodie books and I love mysteries and when those two things can be combined I'm a very happy reader!  Sometimes you have to suspend belief a little about why the person is actually investigating but when it works it's such fun!
Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander - Jules is a pastry chef and after reading the description of her food I would stand in a pretty long line outside her bakery, Torte, to try one of her creations.

Farm Fresh Murder by Paige Shelton - okay so not so much baking but all the jams and jellies and other farmer's market goodies will definitely have you wanting a snack!

with a little romance:

If you want a mystery with a little romance go to your local library, find the Heather Graham section and proceed to read.  
The Hexed by Heather Graham - The mystery isn't flawless but Graham knows how to do creepy atmosphere and fabulous settings.  The Hexed takes place in Salem and involves witches, the previous book, The Cursed, took place in Key West and there were bunches of ghosts.  Next up we're going to Sleepy Hollow and I can't wait!
The Case of William Smith by Patricia Wentworth - William Smith came back from the war healthy and strong but with no memory of who he was.  The mystery itself is well done and the romance is a very sweet but not over the top.  

with a British accent:

There's not much I love more than a British mystery!  Classics or new these are my favorite comfort reading.

A Bleeding of Innocents by Jo Bannister - This is a nice clean British police procedural.  The characters are interesting, the mystery is well done and the pacing is great.

A Share in Death by Deborah Crombie - if you like British mysteries and you haven't read any Crombe than fix that immediately.  Normally I don't worry too much about series order in mysteries but this is one that should be read in order of maximum enjoyment.

with a touch of history:

I love historical mysteries and I love mysteries that involve present day characters solving a mystery from the pas.
Ammie, Come Home by Barbara Michaels - There's ghosts, a dash of romance and a mystery stretching back to the Revolutionary War.  There's also a follow up called Shattered Silk that involves gorgeous vintage clothes.  Both are fun reads.

Death at Whitechapel by Robin Paige - I really enjoy this mystery series set in late Victorian and Edwardian time periods.  This is a series you can jump in basically anywhere and I always enjoy the books.

by Agatha Christie:

And Then There Were None is probably the most recommended Agatha.  I love it and I think I discover a new little detail every time I read it but I don't really feel like it's a true representative of Agatha's work.  The tone and the level of action is a bit different.  If you want to get to know Agatha and her primary detectives - Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple I recommend:
1. Tuesday Club Murders (or The Thirteen Problems)
2. Poirot Investigates
Agatha is the master of the mystery short story and these two will give you a good taste of each detective and the way they work without bogging you down in too much Miss Marple dithering or Poirot's gray cells.


  1. And Then There Were None is great! I always thought the most unique of Christie's novels was Murder on the Orient Express! That one had me so confused right up to the end! :)

    1. Murder on the Orient Express is one of my favorites. There are so many issues to discuss with that one.

  2. Heather Graham ! I kept seeing her everywhere on blogs, so I recently grabbed Phantom evil to start with ;)

    1. I forgot to add : I'm with you on Patricia Wentworth, Deborah Crombie and Agatha Christie - I don't know the others so I'm glad you suggested them, there's matter for good discoveries :)

    2. I love Heather Graham! I hope you enjoy Phantom Evil. I hope you review it since that's one I haven't read yet. I love Wentworth!

  3. Heather Graham is one I have meant to try for AGES! I bought a few of them over the years but then get distracted.

    1. You haven't read Heather Graham??? You must go fix that immediately!

  4. I used to read mysteries a lot, but I don't read them much anymore. But if you really like British mysteries, you should look into the Flavia de Luce books. They are so much fun!

    1. I've just started listening to the first Flavia and am really enjoying it. It's so unique!

  5. Great list Katherine! I think Poirot Investigates is next one up for me in the Poirot books, looking forward to it. There are lots of authors here I'd like to try after reading your suggestions, especially Bannister, and Crombie.

    1. I really like Agatha's short stories and it feels like she experiments a bit more with them. Definitely try Crombie! She's been a favorite for years!

  6. I typically don't read a lot of mysteries but some of these sound interesting. Ammie, Come Home has really piqued my interest.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. OK, let's talk mysteries. I know, you're shocked that I want to talk mysteries. And, by the way, my Top Ten also includes mysteries. LOL

    You've got some good ones listed here. First, Agatha Christie. Yes, this one is unique and not really my favorite, but many have read it. I agree with Lois - MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS. Lovely.

    Yes, yes, yes on Deborah Crombie. Love them. And you have AMMIE COME HOME here. Such a favorite of mine. SHATTERED SILK is also good and did you know that STICHES IN TIME is also sort of a sequel? Just saying. ;-)

    Lovely Top Ten!!

  8. I like the sound of that Jo Bannister book. British mistress our favorite of mine.

  9. I read a mystery recently and really enjoyed it so. So your list is really helpful. I have wanted to read Meet you baker for a while. I picked amazing romances.

    My TTT

  10. What a great post, Katherine! And some great choices! Heather Graham is a good choice for mysteries for romance, especially if you like paranormal mixed in. Deborah Crombie is an author I really need to explore more. I haven't tried Jo Bannister yet.

  11. Excellent suggestions! I loved And Then There Were None.

  12. Great tips here for a mystery reader, which I am! I've read 5 of the above-mentioned authors but not these titles, except for And Then There Were None. Glad to pick up some new-to-me titles to check out.

  13. I love mysteries. And Then There Were None is one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels. Nice list of books for this week's TTT post!! Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  14. I love mysteries, so this is the perfect list for me. I haven't read Jo Bannister yet - I definitely need to check out her books.

  15. As C.S. Lewis once said, "“Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.” Such a wise man!

  16. I haven't read any of these, but I love the idea of the ones with some history! (And well, romance too, if I am being honest!) Wonderful list, I am going to check some of these out.
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  17. I need to try your two AC recommendations as I haven't read either of those yet. My fav so far is And Then There Were None but I have bought Murder on the Orient Express recently so that's the one I'll be reading next. But maybe after that..
    And I'm afraid that Meet Your Baker would sabotage my diet! :O

  18. I'm looking for something different to read from my usual. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Great recommendations here. Our local Sisters in Crime group recently had a tea in honor of Dame Agatha. We wore hats and had tea and scones and finger sandwiches. Great fun. We had a quizz on Agatha to see who knew her the best. I came in second only by virtue of a recently read short bio! What a life she had!

  20. I've actually read a few of these but taking notes on the rest. :)

  21. You can never go wrong with And Then There Were None, in my top five books of all time. I love Patricia Wentworth, but haven't read that one yet, so it's going on my wishlist.

  22. Good picks! I will have to look into the ones I haven't tried yet.

  23. Of that list, the only one I've read is And Then There Were None. I have Meet Your Baker on my TBR pile, but no clue when I will get to it.
