
Saturday, March 7, 2015

This Week in Reading - March 8

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week!

What I Got:

Haunted Plantations of the South by Richard Southall - I love ghost stories and couldn't pass this one up! (NetGalley)

Eating Rome by Elizabeth Helman Minchelli - This is basically a tour of Rome through food.  Through Minchelli we tour the city through food.  I can't wait!  (NetGalley)

A Kiss to Build a Dream On by Kim Amos - Former spoiled girl has come back to town to turn her old family home into a B&B.  Former first love is now a contractor. This one covers about 90% of my favorite plots.  Really if someone can find a diary hidden in the floorboards I'll be in heaven.

Crumb by Ruby Tandoh - This baking book looks delicious.  This is supposed to focus on more "everyday" baking and the flavor combinations look intriguing.(NetGalley)

Food52 Genius Recipes by Kristen Miglore - This is like an all star cookbook.  There's recipes from the likes of David Chang, Julia Child, Alice Waters and other James Beard nominated chefs.  (NetGalley)

Happy Ali After by Ali Wentworth - Wentworth is inspired by a tweet one morning which leads to an entire project that spirals out of control and sounds hilarious.  As someone who can make the simplest multi-step and usually involves color coded spreadsheets I think I can relate to Wentworth! (Edelweiss)


Reading: Hideaway Cove by Anna Sullivan and Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie

Listening: Yes Please by Amy Poehler and I'm loving it.  It's actually read by Poehler and she has guest stars.  Kathleen Turner is that negative voice in your head and Patrick Stewart reads a haiku about plastic surgery.

Watching: I watched CSI: Cyber the other day and am not sure how I feel about it.  The premise is fun and I like the supporting characters.  Plus it's pretty funny to watch Dawson be a kick ass FBI Agent.  I don't love Patricia Arquette but hopefully she'll grow on me.  One more episode involving selling babies and I'm out though.

Off the Blog:

I do not like this winter stuff.  We're in week 3 of interrupted schedules.  On Thursday we woke up to about 2 inches of little ice pellets which had the courtesy to melt just enough so that they could freeze into one sheet and turn my driveway into an ice skating rink for a few days.  However, it's supposed to be in the 50s and 60s this week so I'm hoping we're done with this whole winter thing.  We may end up ducking tornadoes but at least it will be different.

All of this out of school is messing with my blogging schedule and my exercising.  I signed up for barre3 on Monday and so far I'm loving it!  I've done 4 workouts and have really loved them all.  They've all been really easy to follow and hard enough that you're somewhat sore but not so hard that you're miserable.  Plus at $15/month it's about $80 less than a monthly membership at the Barre Studio a few streets away!

On the Blog:

What Happened:


What's Coming Up:

Monday: Heartbreak Hotel - Review
Tuesday: Books for Reader's Who Like Mysteries
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups featuring whichever book I'm reading at the time
Saturday: James Beard Cookbook - Review


  1. Wow, you were in a food mood! LOL

    Is barre3 like ballet? I've never heard of it.

    Winter can be over now; I'm so done.

    1. Barre workouts are kind of mix of ballet and Pilates. They're my favorite type of workout! I didn't realize how much foodie books I had gotten till I put them all together.

  2. I haven't watched CSI Cyber yet, and should check it out. I am loving that Haunted Homes book. My finger is twitching to go get it, but I have so many books on my If you love it then I will buy it.

    1. I have mixed feelings about CSI cyber. There was a lot I liked about it but if the storylines are as disturbing as last week I won't keep watching! I'm excited about the Plantation book but know what you mean about too many books!

  3. That book about haunted plantations looks definitely catchy ! If you like food and Italy, did you read those books by Frances Mayes about Tuscany ? I know they've been turned into a movie, but the books are so very good, I bet you'd enjoy them - if you haven't already ;) Haikus about plastic surgery read by Patrick Stewart : LOL !! Have a great week !

    1. I've only read the first one but did enjoy it. Patrick Stewart reading haikus is just as amazing as it sounds! Definitely recommend you listen if you get the chance!

  4. Oh I'm done with the winter. Mergs. The cookbook sounds so good! I love that it has multiple cooks in it. Very neat.

    1. I am definitely ready to send this cold weather somewhere else! We are supposed to stay in the 60s this week and I'm so excited about it!

  5. A few of your books I want to check out. Especially The haunted plantations one. New follower

    My Sunday Post

    1. Oh thank you! I'm excited about the plantation book! I love a good ghost story!

  6. I watched CSI-Cyber as well. Dawson - yep he was there. And there's something odd about Patricia Arquette's teeth. Anyway, I'll give it a bit and see how it goes. And I hear you on the winter thing. Bring on the spring. Storms are a given. That's OK.

    1. Yes! Something was just odd about her. The show had potential though. At this point I'm choosing storms over ice. I might change my mind when we are on our tenth tornado warning but right now I'm tired if being cold!

  7. Rome IS delish! Actually most of Italy is really, really delicious. The haunted Plantations book is interesting - after reading THE INVENTION OF WINGS, it's hard to imagine they aren't ALL haunted.

    1. I haven't been to Italy yet but I have a feeling this book is going to have me raring to go! I haven't read The Invention of Wings but I definitely agree about plantations being haunted! If they aren't they probably should be!

  8. All of your new books sound appealing to me. I also watched CSI Cyber, but was very disturbed by the plot. Not sure if I'll tune back in again.

    My recap:

    1. The plot definitely disturbed me. I'm going to watch next week because I liked a lot about the team dynamics but they're definitely on probation!

  9. Oh, the cover of the Haunted Plantations book is great - spooky and pretty at the same time. And both Happy Ali After and A Kiss to Build a Dream On sound like fun, for different reasons.

    I love snow, but after several significant (for Virginia) snowfalls, I think I'm finally ready for it to be spring. It's 53 today and I'm looking forward to a week of 50s and maybe even reaching 60. And SUN!

    1. Yay for warmer weather! I'm so sick of cold I could just cry! I'm excited about my books this week. The Ali Ever After sounds pretty funny!

  10. I am curious about Happy Ali After....and that Haunted Plantations of the South. Hope you get Spring soon...meanwhile, I am enjoying it here, except for the allergies...LOL.


    1. I think spring has sprung here too - or atleast my allergies think they have! I don't like allergies but I am glad not to be cold!

  11. The haunted plantations book looks very interesting as does Food52 Genius Recipes. Hope you get a break in the weather this week.

    1. The weather is warmer. Of course it's raining non stop but it's warmer so I'm happy!

  12. I am looking forward to some warmer weather this week too!! I am beyond ready for it at this point! My youngest asks when spring is coming at least once a week (this is because he knows spring is when soccer starts but still). It looks like you had a pretty great week in books! I'm hoping to really buckle down this week and get some reading finished as my NetGalley books are starting to really pile up. Have a great week!!

    1. I definitely need to buckle down on netgalley books! I'm not very good at it but I desperately need too!

  13. Haunted Plantations sounds like it would be a really fun and creepy read. Of course this wimp is currently only reading Pet Sematary with the lights ON! :) And yes--PLEASE bring on the warm weather! It's raining here today and tomorrow but later this week it'll be in the 60s and 70s. HURRAY!!

    Have a great week Katherine!

    1. This wimp isn't reading Pet Sematary at all but I'll be looking for your thoughts on it! We have warm weather! It hasn't stopped raining but it's warm so I'm happy!

  14. The audio of Yes Please is insanely good. There were moments that made me really stop and think and if I were reading it would probably cause many tears.

    I rant about weather too today, although it's about how crap it is in the UK.

    Have a good week x

    1. Yes! I had to stop listening to Yes Please in car line today because I got to the part where she visits Haiti and I was about to start weeping.

  15. My husband watched CSI Cyber last night and he wasn't liking it very much but maybe one more episode will change his mind, he just said it is kind of forgettable.
    Warmer weather would be nice, I think the entire US is just tired of this weather already :)

    Have a great week! Happy Reading!

    1. Yes I'm so tired of being cold! I'm going to get CSI Cyber another try but it's definitely on warning!

  16. Yes, seriously let winter go away! These disruptions to our schedule are messing with me too. What's Barre3? I'm thinking ballet, but not sure. I do like the ballet type fitness classes for sure.

    I'm glad you're enjoying. Yes Please by Amy Poehler - that's one I've been thinking about for a while. I love when they have guest speakers in the books!

    Have a great week!

    1. Barre3 is like ballet inspired Pilates. I love it!
      Definitely get Yes Please on audio! It's fantastic!

  17. Oh, man. I feel you. I am SO DONE with winter! Thankfully, we haven't had any snow or anything yet but I'm really sick of the cold in general!

    My Sunday Post!

    1. Oh definitely! I'm tired of cold I'm tired of ice and all the rest! I don't necessarily want summer just yet but spring would be lovely!

  18. Great haul! I have not heard of any of these until now but Thank you for bringing them to my attention. I really need to check out Amy Poehler's book! I hope you enjoy everything and have a great week. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Definitely check out Amy Poehler's book! It's so fun!

  19. You have another great haul this week and A Kiss to Build a Dream on sounds good! The weather has been warm here in California but we really need the rain. I hope it warms up for you this week and you enjoy all your new books! Have a great week!

    1. I'm excited about. Kiss to Build a Dream in. It's a new author for me so I've got my fingers crossed.

  20. I watched CSI: Cyber this week and I think I'm going to like it. Haunted Plantations of the South looks awesome. I live in the Gulf Coast and would love to read it.

    Happy reading and glad to hear the snow will finally be melting.

    My Sunday Post -

    1. I'm excited about the Plantations book. I'm on North Alabama so I'm curious to see where they talk about. I'm hoping CSI Cyber is good. There was a lot I liked but no more babies!

  21. Eating Rome looks interesting, as does the haunted plantations book. We had a relatively nice day here - my cat ate my lighter pair of gloves (kind of like My Cat Ate My Gym Shoes - haha!) so I went out with no gloves and was fine. I'm hoping it will last!

    1. I had a dog who pulled out the cashmere lining in a pair of gloves but have never had a cat eat anything! Glad it was warm enough that you didn't need them!

  22. Oh my, so many delicious-sounding cookbooks! Can't wait for your James Beard review. I love his writing style.

    1. I really like the James Beard book. I'm normally not a big fan of the huge cookbooks but I enjoyed it.

  23. Ugh, I am with you, no more winter! I just can't anymore. Enough! I am very, um, anti-cooking (meaning I hate it, I enjoy when other people do it for me though haha) so the books probably wouldn't appeal to me ;) I hope you enjoy all the new books and have a great week!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. If you don't like to cook I can see where cookbooks wouldn't be something you enjo! No worries I'll take your share!

  24. oooooooo, Haunted Plantations of the South and Eating Rome sound good! My husband would love the first one. He loves ghost stories too.

    1. I love these kinds of true ghost story books so I'm really excited about it!

  25. I hear you ... just in the opposite season. I'm over the heat and humidity. Nice book haul, I love cookbooks, Crumb is calling to me and I'm curious about the 'all-stars' cookbook. Happy reading :)

  26. A Kiss to Build a Dream On sounds like something I would really like. I hope it's good! And now I know I have to listen to Yes Please! I wasn't too interested in that one until you mentioned Kathleen Turner and Patrick Stewart.

    I hope the warmer weather lasts for you (with no tornadoes). It's supposed to be 90F here this weekend. Might have to turn on the sprinklers and let Mouse play in them. Maybe I'll join her.

    I hope you have a great rest of the week!

  27. I'm working hard to exercise more as well. I bought myself a fitbit zip and challenging myself with that is helping me to get moving more.
    Hope you have a good week.
