
Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday Linkups: Shadow Spell

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is more important to you when you are deciding to read a book?'

My Answer:
While I love a pretty cover and a good title will make me give a book a second look what really makes me want to read the book is the blurb.  If that doesn't grab me than the other 2 don't matter.  The only exception is when it's an author whose work I love.  Then all it takes it the author's name on the cover.

Nora Roberts is one of those authors.  I've read everything she's written and some are really bad (I'm still trying to get some of her books from the 80s) but most of the time they're the ultimate in comfort reading.  When I read the first in this series I was a bit underwhelmed so I was a little hesitant to start the second.  But I'm loving it!  Plus it takes place in Ireland and there's not much that will make me pass up an Irish setting.

"Autumn 1268
Mists spiraled up from the water like breath as Eamon rowed the little boat.  The sun shed pale, cool light as it woke from the night's rest and set morning birds to their chorus.  He heard the cock crow, so arrogant and important, and the bleating of sheep as they cropped their way across the green fields."

My thoughts: 
The book starts on a flashback as most of the book happens in present day.  We didn't get to know much about the original brother in the first book so I'm glad to see a little more of him now.  Having a little boy myself make this part a little heart wrenching.

From Page 56: 
"A fine thing it was to give someone the lingering glow of memories.  Connor did his best to do the same with his final client of the day - but nothing would quite reach the heights of Taylor and his da from America."

My thoughts:
I'm a bit past this part but I liked the quote.  In the first book Connor comes off as a good guy but a little shallow.  The first part of this book kind of fleshes out his character so that we understand him better.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  And what makes a book make it off your TBR and actually onto the Currently Reading?


  1. I still haven't read this series but it's good to hear that she fleshes out one of the characters. I like seeing that. "the lingering glow of memories"- I like that phrase, the image and feelings it conjures up. Nora Roberts is a comfort read for me too.

    1. I wasn't in love with the first book but the 2nd one was really good. It was definitely a comfort read!

  2. I haven't read a Nora Roberts as yet. Time I got to it I think. Thanks for this review

    1. I love her though not all are great. I can't resist witchcraft and an Irish setting though!

  3. I really like some of Nora Roberts' trilogies. The Three Sisters one is my favorite but I also like the Key one and the Circle one. I also like MONTANA SKY and a few other standalones. I tried the first book in this series and was kind of 'meh' about it. Have not read beyond that point.

    1. The Three Sisters series was great. I love Three Fates and the Gallaghers of Ardmore trilogy. I was meh about the first one but this was much better.

  4. I find Roberts to be hit and miss today. Sounds like you are enjoying this on so the series must be a hit.

    1. I haven't loved the last few either so I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this one.

  5. I've read and enjoyed the first two books in this trilogy. Haven't found the time yet to read book three.

    My Friday post:

    1. I didn't love the first in the trilogy but I really enjoyed this one. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the 3rd one soon.

  6. I'm a cover girl all the way (sometimes titles). I never read blurbs though.

  7. I love Nora's books and would pick them up any time.
    sherry @ fundinmentalFriday Memes

    1. I'm a Nora fan as well but I didn't love the first one in this series. This one was really good though!

  8. I'm with Sherry. I love her books and the movies too!

    My 56 -

    1. Oh I forgot about the movies! Those are such fun!

  9. I enjoyed Dark Witch, primarily because of the Irish setting...and I have decided to continue with the series eventually. I actually enjoy Nora's romantic suspense novels more, but I love the magical elements of this series. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine: “WHERE THEY FOUND HER”

    1. I do love the romantic suspense! I really enjoyed The Witness and Three Fates!

  10. I like Nora Roberts and I really want to read this series, so many books!! :)

    Friday memes

    1. I know! There's so many books I want to reread and there's so many new books!

  11. I enjoy Nora Roberts too, but I haven't read this series. The opening lines really establish a mood. I'd keep reading to learn more.
    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog today.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. I didn't love the first one in the series but this was really good. The romance itself was especially good.

  12. Nice answer.

    A blurb and the genre are important to me. The genre would be the first thing I look at.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. The genre is really important to me as well. Every once in awhile I go outside my comfort zone but only with a strong recommendation from blogger friends.

  13. I haven't read Nora Roberts in a long time. This series sounds interesting to me, though. I'll have to look for it.

    1. This was a fun series. I haven't loved all of her latest books but this one was really good!

  14. I just finished the third - Blood Magick - and I liked the way it wrapped up the series spoilers here. Love
    Gallaghers of Ardmore and the Donovan Legagy among others...but I also like her J.D. Robb books and have read them all at least once.

    1. Oh I love the Gallagher books! I'm not sure I've read the Donovan books but I'll have to go find out!

  15. I've never read a Nora Roberts novel. I always seem to have a project book I'm working on and don't make time for purely pleasure reading. Happy week-end and thanks for dropping by my blog.

    1. Oh I know how you feel! I set aside a little time this month for pleasure reading and really enjoyed it.

  16. This sounds pretty interesting and I really like the cover.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've just finished this and really enjoyed it!

  17. It sounds lovely! I do love descriptive writing!
    Happy weekend!

  18. It's been many years since I've read one of Nora Roberts' books. I always enjoy her work.

    1. I enjoy her books though I think I got a little saturated in them as I was kind of eh about the last few. I enjoyed this one quite a bit.

  19. I like the author's descriptive writing in the beginning snippet. The cover art really draws you in. Nice post!

    1. She's so descriptive! I really enjoyed this one!

  20. Comfort reading is underrated when all you need is a book to give you all those good feelings. Happy reading and have a lovely weekend!

    1. I love some good comfort reading! I haven't done much of this lately so this was a nice break!

  21. I read at least one Nora Roberts trilogy growing up - it too was set in Ireland. I completely forget the name now - something to do with a moon? I do remember learning a lot about food and sex. Pretty sure my grandma tried to hide the books from me a few times. ;)

    1. Lol! She's fairly mild but there are definitely some scenes! Tears of the Moon is the one I think you're talking about. I loved that one! The first in the series is great as well!

  22. I’m almost always hesitant in reading a blurb, only because I like to go into a book without any preconceptions, but I the first paragraph does have to grab me. Otherwise, I put the book down, but if it is a known author, I make exceptions :P

    I’ve heard of Nora Roberts, though, I have not read any of her work, but Shadow Spell looks promising! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

    1. The blurb can definitely get you in trouble. Sometimes it can have spoilers and sometimes they're so misleading! I love Nora!

  23. The cover does catch my attention but the blurb does have to sound really good.

    I still haven't read this series. I do have all the books (I got them while they were on sale) but I need to make time to read them. It does sound good so I hope you ended up enjoying this.

    Have a great week!

    Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I was unimpressed with the 1st in the series but I loved this one. Now I can't wait to read the 3rd. The blurb is definitely the key for me unless it's a proven author.

  24. The blurb is what ultimately makes me decide whether to read or not to read a book (unless, like for you, it's a favorite author). I have a friend who refuses to read the blurb telling what a book is about and I always wonder how she knows she wants to read it then.

    Shadow Spell sounds interesting. I haven't read anything by Nora Roberts other than one of her In Death books written under J.D. Robb. I want to give that one a try again. I didn't like it the first time I read it, mostly because of the heavy romance thread. Now that I am back to reading romance, I want to see if my opinion has changed about it.

  25. This was a fun series and I adored the setting :)
