
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: New to Me Authors in 2014

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten New to Me Authors in 2014.  There are so many authors I could put on this list!  It's really hard to narrow this down to 10!

1.  Kathleen Flynn - Now I've had Kitchen Counter Cooking School and The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry on my shelves for years but Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good is the first one of hers that I've actually read.  I know a lot of people were underwhelmed by it but I loved it.  I'm really excited to read more by her.

2.  Sarah Morgan - I read the first book in Morgan's O'Neil series this summer and loved it!  I've gone on to read the other 2 in the last few months and have really enjoyed them.  Can't wait to see what you comes out with next!

3.  Lynn Cahoon - I've read 2 in her Tourist Trap series this year and am halfway done with the 3rd one.  I love finding a new cozy series!

4.  Susan Vreeland - I don't think I've ever had such different feelings about a book than I did with Lissette's List.  About 15% in I was ready to just DNF it because I didn't connect with it at all.  A little while later I literally couldn't put it down.  I ended up doing a read/listen to it because I didn't want to step away from the story.  I'm really looking forward to reading more from her.

5.  Sarah Jio - Goodnight June might have had the most contrived ending I've ever come across in adult fiction but I'm not sure I've ever loved an ending more.  This is another author I'm really looking forward to reading more from.

6.  Santa Montefiore - Secrets of the Lighthouse was beautiful and Montefiore drew Ireland so vividly that it's almost a full blown character in the book.  She's got a number of other books so I'm looking forward to seeing where she takes me next.

7.  Molly Harper - Better Homes and Hauntings was one of those books that was exactly what I wanted to read when I read it.  I'm pretty new to paranormal and I've heard that this was one of her weaker books so I'm excited to read one of her better books!

8.  Rachel Bertsche - I loved her book Jennifer, Gwyneth and Me.  It was probably one of my favorite nonfiction books of the year and it was just fun!

9.  Hannah Dennison - Murder at Honeychurch Hall was everything I think a cozy should be! I'm just hoping there are more to come.

10. Liz Trenow - Have you ever gone into a book with high expectations and the book actually lived up tot them?  That was The Forgotten Seamstress for me.

I'm sure there are tons more new-to-me authors for this years but these are the ones that definitely stand out.  Have you discovered any new authors this year?


  1. Hannah Dennison made my list, too! And I've got both of the Sarah Morgan Christmas books; I hope to get to at least one before Christmas.

    1. Definitely read Sleigh Bells in the Snow! It was a lot of fun!

  2. Molly Harper's books are just so much fun. I highly recommend listening to them, because the narrator for her books is perfect. I haven't read all her books, but the ones I have read where just what I needed.

    1. I will keep that in mind! I've been getting into audios lately so that would be great!

  3. Well I've never even heard of any of the authors on your list. So they are absolutely new to me. Lol.
    But it's great reading new authors. Especially when they become favourites and go on your auto buy list. Great feeling. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. It is fun to discover new authors! I figure if I've read more than one book by a new author it's a pretty good sign

  4. I haven't read any of these authors, but lots of their books are on my TBR list. Too many books, too little time!

    1. Oh I know! I need at least 2 extra days in a week just for reading

  5. Oh I just adore Molly Harper! She's one of my favorites though I just couldn't read that one of hers for some reason. Morgan is one I really really want to try out in 2015. Her's look so good!

    1. You must read Sarah Morgan! Loved her O'Neal series - especially Sleigh Bella in the Snow

  6. Kathleen Flinn's book is on my shelf and I hope to read it soon. Sarah Jio's The Violets of March was really good, too. Great list!

    1. I think you would really like Kathleen Flinn! I'm really looking forward to trying The Violets of March. I lived Goodnight June

  7. Nice list...these authors have written some good books.

  8. Never heard of any of these authors, but that' why I rely on you for info! Keep shooting me these books. Hopefully I'll have time to read them some time!

    1. LOL! I hope you find some you enjoy. I think we should get a few extra days a week JUST for reading

  9. Now I'm totally curious about Goodnight June. That was on my list to begin with but I need to read it soon now!

  10. I think the only author on this list I know is Molly Harper. The Forgotten Seamstress looks interesting.

    1. I really liked The Forgotten Seamstress. It was a fascinating book. Looking forward to reading more of get books

  11. Oooh Oooh Oooh! Kitchen Counter Cooking School is a great one! I think about it every time I hold my knife to cut an onion. ;)

    1. I absolutely HAD to have Kitchen Counter Cooking School! So much so I bought it new in hardback. At least 2 years ago. Have yet to read it!

  12. Sarah Morgan and Molly Harper were also new to me authors, well I discovered Sarah in November of 2013..but so glad I did. Did you see her new series book one is on Netgalley?

    1. I did! I'm very excited about it. I'm just hoping it's as good as the O'Neal series!

  13. I was crazy about Kitchen Counter, so I think I need to get this new book a look-see. Thanks for sharing this one and your others!

    1. I own Kitchen Counter but haven't read it so I can't compare but I lived Burnt Toast!

  14. Burnt Toast looks great, I like the idea and am going to go check it out. :) Sarah Jio I keep hearing good things about, and Murder at Honeychurch Hall looks good too. That cover appealed to me and I thought about reading it, but have not yet.

    1. I think you would enjoy Honeychurch Hall. You reviewed Murder at the Brightwell not too long ago and it kind of reminded me of this one.

  15. I haven't read these authors, but from your description Goodnight June sounds very interesting.

    1. I loved Goodnight June! It was so bookishly wonderful!

  16. these are all new to me

  17. Better Homes and Hauntings was not one of Harper's better books so if you like that, you'll love her others. I have a book by Jio but haven't read it yet and I liked the Sarah Morgan book I read. Your other authors are new to me so I'll watch your blog for them. :)
