
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

2015 Reading Challenges

I discovered reading challenges last year and quickly fell in love.  I signed up for a bunch and then promptly forgot to do much about them.  So now that we're wrapping up 2014 (please somehow tell me how that's possible) I've decided I'm going to be far more organized this year!  I loved all the challenges I signed up for and I actually accomplished most of them but because I wasn't really paying all that much attention I missed out a bit on the fun.  So 2015 is the year of getting my act together on challenges and I'm starting with this post.  The information will also be available on my Reading Challenges page in the next week or so.

There are so many challenges out there and I really want to do all of them but I'm trying to actually try moderation for 2015 (which will be another slogan for the year) I decided to limit myself to 5.

1. The Foodies Read Challenge hosted by Vicky from I'd Rather Be At the Beach

Any food related book - cookbook, memoir, fiction, nonfiction - count towards this.  I'm going to go for the Chef de Cuisine level which is 14 to 18 books.

2.  The Library Challenge hosted by Sheila at Book Journey

This is a new challenge for me but I've been wanting to use my library more so I'm excited about this one.  I'm going with Intermediate Level which is 12 to 16 checkouts.  It counts regular books, audio and e-books so I'm hoping I can get it done!  It'll be fun to try!

3.  The Alphabet Soup Challenge hosted by Escape with Dollycas

This is the challenge I'm the most nervous about completing!  This involves books of any format but you try to read at least one book that starts with each letter of the alphabet.  She does give us a little gift and for Q, X and Z the letter just need to appear in the title.  I'm taking the first option which involves filling in as you read versus starting with a list.

 4.  Reading Road Trip hosted by She's Got Books on Her Mind

Even though I love a really gorgeous setting I don't often pay all that much attention to the actual location of books.  This challenge is about traveling to as many states as possible with books but only 1 state per book.  So if I'm reading a road trip book where they're driving down the East Coast if I counted that book for South Carolina than I couldn't count it for Virginia.  I'm really excited about trying to get as many states in as possible.  I'm going for challenge level - Wayfarer which is 21 - 30.  I'll need serious luck on this one!

5.  And finally from the lovely ladies behind COYER is The 2015 Reading Assignment Challenge hosted by Berls at Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle at Because Reading.  Because I'm chicken I'm signing up for Level 2 which is 12 books or 1 book/month.  Here's my list:

January: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
February:  Whose Body? by Dorothy Sayers
March: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
April: Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott
May: Frenchman's Creek by Daphne du Maurier
June:  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
July:  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
August: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
September: Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
October: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
November: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
December:  Treasure Island by Robert Lewis Stevenson

And 1 extra because it's not a full year challenge and therefore doesn't count!

The Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge for March of 2015 hosted by Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

This challenge runs from March 1 through March 31 and focuses on clearing off the groaning shelves that can't possibly hold another book.  I attempted this challenge this year but didn't do as well as I wanted but I'm on top of it this time!  I've limited my review books for March and am going to do some serious TBR reading.  Really because it's either that or I have to buy another house to keep the books in and I don't really have the budget for that right now!

So please excuse the very long post but I'm very excited about all of these!  What challenges are you signing up for this year?  Any of these?


  1. Some great sounding challenge. Especially like the library one, as it is my main source of books and the alphabet soup one. Good luck...might join you on some of them. Emma

  2. 2015, the year of moderation. AGREED! On so many different levels.
    I also signed up for a few 2014 challenges that I failed to actually participate in. I'm not 100% if I'm going to sign up for those same ones in 2015 or just stick to the goals I'm setting for myself. Which are challenges also. I have one challenge going live tomorrow that I'm super excited for though. :)
    I wish you luck in all 5(6) of these. Hopefully 2015 is the year to stay on top of everything blog and book wise. Lol.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. This will be our year of moderation! I have one I'm doing myself with Agatha Christie's books. Good luck to both of us!

  3. I'm doing two so far :) One with Delighted Reader (finishing a series challenge) and then hosting one and doing it for "New To You" reads. So first in series, debut books, first in a new to me genre, new to me authors, etc.

    1. Oh a new to me challenge! That sounds awesome! This is not helping my year of moderation!

  4. Good list of challenges! If you have not considered doing the first book of the year challenge, pop over and take a look at it. Its easy and I thin you would enjoy :)

    1. I knew I had forgotten 1! I'm looking forward to picking my book !

  5. This one too!

    1. Ok that looks really great too! You're a terrible influence :)

  6. That's a lot of challenges! Have fun and good luck!

  7. Phew, you'll be busy! They all sound like a lot of fun and should make for a diverse mix of reads. Good luck and enjoy.

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to trying to push myself a little.

  8. Welcome to the reading Road Trip Challenge! I basically failed on most of my challenges because I wasn't paying attention to them too. I'm just doing the challenges I feel I will be able to accomplish this year. If you ever need help looking for books for the challenge let me know.

    1. I'm really excited about the Road Trip Challenge! I may very well be looking for help soon! Especially in November!

  9. Oh, yeah, those TBR challenges are the ones I really need to jump in on. Good luck!

  10. Ohmigosh, there are some challenges in your post I haven't heard of before. I kind of wasn't very organized in 2014 either, but am working to get it better in 2015.

  11. You are very brave to be doing so many challenges! I'm also doing a TBR challenge - but for 3 months from Jan to March (excepting any ARCs for review). Wishing us both lots of luck and fun!

  12. I got distracted and didn't finish all my challenges this year, so I'm going to take my time deciding which I would like to do, then stick with them. Good luck to you!

  13. I'm still trying to decide which 2015 challenges to join, so I liked seeing yours. Thanks for visiting my WoW post.

  14. I signed up for the Reading Assignment but the other challenges sound like a lot of fun, especially the Foodies Read Challenge. Good luck with all these challenges!!

  15. Book challenges are so tempting and addicting. I joined a few myself. Good luck with yours. Grapes of Wrath is on my list for 2015 too. I'm planning a readalong if you want to join in March.

  16. I haven't figured out my reading challenges yet, but I like the sound of several you have chosen--especially the library challenge. I've enjoyed the challenges I did this year so am looking forward to more for next year.

  17. Moderation is good. :) I cut back on the year long challenges for next year so I could focus more on the short term ones like COYER and Take Control of Your TBR Pile. Good luck with yours!

  18. These look like fun challenges! I'll be joining you for Foodies Read.

  19. In addition to my own insane extreme reading challenge (Read Your Library Challenge, literally reading my entire local public library one shelf at a time, at least the adult fiction & nonfiction) I'm doing the Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge so I can keep my library reading from completely taking over this month. My TBR shelves are easily a few years' worth of reading even at a book a day now, so reading some of those books seems like a timely idea. :)
