
Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Linkups - Murder on the Half Shelf

It's Friday and I love linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Question:
What is your favorite part about reading a book?  Figuring out the plot ahead of time, the feeling of the actual book, experiencing the plot unfold, getting to know the characters, or something else entirely?

My Answer:
This is a tough one!  For the most part I like like watching the plot unfold.  I read a lot of mysteries and I always enjoy the trip!  For romances or fiction I'm probably interested in getting to know the characters.  I have found that for me great characters can make up for a weaker plot and vice versa however the book has to have one or the other!

I've been reading this Booktown series by Lorna Barrett for a few years now and I always enjoy them.  Even when Tricia annoys me (which she frequently does) all the bookstores and the normally pretty well done mystery always makes for a good read.

Book Beginnings:
"The overloaded luggage trolly bumped along the sidewalk, following Tricia Miles like an overgrown puppy."

My thoughts: It sounds like Tricia has gotten herself into a situation she's not super pleased about.  This isn't the first time!

The 56;
"Tricia couldn't seem stop blinking.  Where was this conversation going, anyway?  "You did?""

So what do you think?  Would you keep reading?


  1. I read the first book in this series and I enjoyed it. I've been wanting to get back to it but, of course, haven't had time.

    1. I have enjoyed this series. It's not perfect but it's fun!

  2. I do love a series with a character I enjoy....I need to check this one out! Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “WALKING ON TRAMPOLINES”

    1. This is a fun series especially if you like cozies!

  3. It seems like almost everyone is sharing a cozy mystery today. And of course cozy mysteries is a weakness of mind. I already have too many to read! I hope you enjoyed this book - it looks like a good one. Girl Who Reads

    1. I love cozies! It is funny how that's what we all seem to be reading!

  4. This sounds like a fun cozy series. I like the comparison of the luggage cart to an overgrown puppy. Clever!
    My Friday post features HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT.

    1. Even when I don't love the characters I always enjoy the writing in this series!

  5. I haven't read any of these but in a cozy I prefer to like the lead character. I do like the cover for this one. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. I did enjoy it. I like the writing and the mystery enough to get past the issues with the characters.

  6. Hi Katherine,

    I couldn't read cozy mysteries exclusively, as I do enjoy my murders with a bit more intensity and violence, however from time to time they do make a pleasant change.

    This definitely sounds like a series to bear in mind, especially as there are multiple bookshops in Stoneham ('Haven't Got A Clue' is a great name, isn't it?).

    The plot sounds a bit complicated between Jon (Harry) and Tricia, so I am wondering how that is going to progress.

    Thanks for sharing, your 56 lines are certainly intriguing.

    Have a great weekend,


    1. This is an interesting series though it definitely qualifies as a cozy! It's nice to mix in something lighter with the dark.

  7. I enjoy getting familiar with the characters. I leave the plot to the author. :)

    I just enjoy the book I am reading. Characters are very important to me.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I like that about leaving the plot to the author!

  8. I'm kind of curious to know how Tricia annoys you. There are always those characters that can be frustrating, but no matter how much you shake your head, you still can't stop reading.

    1. She's just prickly and defensive but I always love the mystery.

  9. Keep reading, this one seems interesting!

  10. Just being immersed in a book is a great feeling. :) The Booktown series seems interesting. I might give it a try. :)

  11. Your Friday 56 book definitely looks like its full of surprises, I like a good mystery!!

  12. Maybe it's just me but no matter how many times I read the 56 I just don't get it.. lol.
    Looks like a good cozy though.
    Happy weekend!

    1. That's all right I think Tricia is confused too!

  13. I've been wanting to read this series since it first came out, and purchased the first book, which is sitting patiently on a shelf. I find the series' covers and titles quite appealng.

    1. It's a fun series! It's definitely worth reading!

  14. I might grab one of Barrett's Booktown books next week for a Cozy Mystery Week read.

    1. This would be a good read for that. The mystery is always well done!

  15. What a great cover image. I would read it on that alone! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. It's a fun read and the covers always get me too!

  16. Mysteries tend to bore me a bit, most are predictable and I tend to solve mysteries a quarter into the novel ha ha! But there have been a few that have surprised me, I enjoy watching those unravel like you :)

    1. I tend to guess early as well but most of the time I don't mind as long as I'm enjoying the rest of the book!

  17. I think for me it's plot too, especially in a mystery. Although occasionally it's just the characters and seeing them develop. I just read a cozy mystery of sorts and while it was a bit unrealistic, the characters (and the setting) kept me interested...

    1. The cozy genre can definitely be unrealistic but is frequently fun!

  18. I agree, great characters can make up for a weaker plot.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  19. I agree strong characters or a good plot can save a book if the other is lacking. I love the unfolding and piecing together clues or the race to see how the HEA comes to be

  20. Haha I like that beginning! Gives me a funny image of luggage being like a puppy! Sounds like I would keep reading! :) Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog! :)

    1. I've drug around enough luggage that I can definitely relate to that comparison.
