Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday Fives - Five More Books For My Spring TBR

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I just discovered on my local library's website that they create a list of books that are being added to their collection each month. They only are going a month ahead but I'm adding all kinds of books to my TBR so here are 5 more I'm hoping to read this spring - or at least this year.

1.  Murder by Cheesecake: A Golden Girls Cozy Mystery by Rachel Elkstrom Courage - I'm kind of shocked this one wasn't already on my radar.  It could be terrible or it could be amazing but I do know I have to give it a try.

2.  I See You've Called in Dead by John Kenney - This looks quirky and weird but it sounds like a story about a man finding his love of life again and like something I would really enjoy.

3.  Swept Away by Beth O'Leary - I've heard good things about this author and I love a forced proximity trope.

4.  First-Time Caller by B.K. Borison - I've heard good things about this one and it sounds really fun.

5.  The Stolen Queen by Fiona Davis  - This one was actually already on my TBR but the actual publishing of it kind of snuck past me. I've enjoyed other books by this author and it involves fashion and Egyptology which are two of my favorite subjects.

What are some last minute adds to your TBR?


  1. I love quirky!! I'll be interested to see how you like the Called in Dead one!

  2. Murder by Cheesecake? That title alone makes me want to read it. It sounds like a fun cozy mystery. I'm with you, it could be amazing. Definitely adding these to my long TBR.

  3. I've also heard good things about Beth O'Leary but haven't read her work. I have read and enjoyed some books by Borison.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. These all sound good. I have Murder by Cheesecake coming up. I'm looking forward to it.
