Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Romances on My TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a Love Freebie so I'm looking at Ten Romances That Are On My TBR.

1.  Morbidly Yours by Ivy Fairbanks - This one looks quirky and fun and is set in Ireland so how could I resist?

2.  Lost and Lassoed by Lyla Sage - I'm not a big fan of the cover but I've heard great things about this series and author.

3.  The Siren of Sussex by Mimi Matthews - I've read one book in this series and really want to read the rest.

4.  Every Single Secret by Christina Dodd - I've read two books in this series and am looking forward to reading this romantic suspense.

5.  Just For the Summer by Abby Jimenez - This author is on my Must Read list for the year and this one sounds really fun.

6.  A Wedding in Lake Como by Jennifer Probst - An Italian setting with a friend reunion and a bit of romance sounds absolutely perfect.

7.  Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann - I do love some haunted houses in my book and this looks like a fun one!

8.  Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura - This looks so cute and I've seen some good reviews for it.

9.  Bookshop Cinderella by Laura Lee Guhrke - Historical romance and a bookstore sounds like fantastic escapist reading.

10. The Heiress Gets a Duke by Harper St. George - I've heard great things about this author and this is the first in a series.

What romances or books with romantic elements do you have on your TBR?


  1. I really like Abby Jimenez! And I thought Bookshop Cinderella had some cute moments in it, especially the dancing lessons. :D

  2. I haven't read these but like the idea of a Wedding in Lake Como.

  3. Definitely Abby Jimenez. I thought about Bookshop Cinderella but am unsure will wait in case you read/listen to it first! I am liking Mimi Matthews because here characters do not spend all the time in bed!

  4. I really want to read Raiders of the Lost Heart. Jennifer Probst's book appeals to me too. I hope you get a chance to read all of these, Katherine!

  5. These all look good. I enjoy Harper St. George.
