Monday, November 4, 2024

Authors I've Been Meaning to Read - Lady Clementine by Marie Benedict

At the beginning of the year I made a list of authors that I've been saying I need to read and commit to reading at least one book by each of the authors in 2024.  Here's my thoughts on one of those books/authors.

Goodreads:  Lady Clementine by Marie Benedict

Blurb:  In 1909, Clementine Churchill steps off a train with her new husband, Winston. An angry woman emerges from the crowd to attack, shoving him in the direction of an oncoming train. Just before he stumbles, Clementine grabs him by his suit jacket. This will not be the last time Clementine Churchill saves her husband.
Lady Clementine is the ferocious story of the brilliant and ambitious woman beside Winston Churchill, the story of a partner who did not flinch through the sweeping darkness of war, and who would not surrender either to expectations or to enemies.

My Thoughts: This was an interesting read and one that really caught my interest.  Both Winston and Clementine are complicated and not always likable characters, but they were well drawn and made understandable.  For the first few chapters I wasn't sure I was enjoying it.  Benedict's writing style is a bit at a distance and while this read almost like Clementine's journal, I never felt super connected to her.  That said I was fairly quickly pulled in and wanted to know how the story would unfold even though I know the history.  It did make me want to read more about Winston and Clementine's life and those of their children.  I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.  My Rating:  Really Liked It (4 Stars)


  1. Ooh...this does sound like a good one.

  2. That's a good rating for a book that took you a while to get pulled in, but it did do that. An interesting couple to read about. Always fascinating to take a look at couples like these two.
