
Sunday, May 12, 2024

This Week in Reading - 5/12

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A New Lease on Death - I really enjoy another series by this author so I couldn't resist this one - especially since it involves ghosts!  (Publisher)

Shock and Paw by Cate Conte - I've read a book in this series and enjoyed it so I decided to pick this one up as well.  If I enjoy this one as much as the previous one it's going on my series list to finish. (Publisher)


ReadingWhat Cannot Be Said by C.S. Harris and Run! by Patricia Wentworth

Listening:  No One Needs to Know by Kevin O'Brien

We were in Williamsburg, Virginia last week and had such a good time!  We spent a day at Yorktown, 2 days at Colonial Williamsburg, a day at Jamestown and a day at the Colonial Williamsburg art musuems (we let Will stay at the hotel that day - he would not have enjoyed it!).  It was a fun vacation and Will learned a good bit so it works as a field trip too - the beauty of homeschooling!  I've already got a list of places I want to go that we werent' able to get to for our next trip to the area.  

While we had such a good time it's been so good to be home and getting back into our regular routines.  We had some crazy storms this week but thankfully no real damage.  I have a break from obedience classes next week and am so looking forward to being a bit lazy and getting some extra reading done.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. The Virginia trtip sounds fun. Haven;t been up that way in years. It's nice to travel and see things but it's always nice to get home to your own bed too.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog - foxes are indeed cute but can be problematic!

  2. How's What Cannot Be Said? As good as her other books?

  3. We love Williamsburg and have taken a few mini-trips there. Glad you had fun. Oh I so want to catch up on the CS Harris series.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. Your trip to the Williamsburg are sounds amazing! We were there briefly 5 or so years ago and would love to visit again when have more time.

  5. I have A New Lease on Death to review, too. I love this author's other series. I'm glad you had a great vacation. Williamsburg is a great trip. Have a great week!

  6. Your vacation sounded wonderful. Love Williamsburg!
    Mary @Bookfan

  7. Happy to hear you had a great trip! My family broke tradition one year and we went to Williamsburg and Jamestown when I was about nine. I loved it. We usually went to the Jersey shore or Cape Ann in Massachusetts. ☀
